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Prepared by:
Analeen S. Nolasco
Training (CBT)

• CBT is a training
delivery approach that
focuses on the
development of the
learner as a result of the
Competency-Based Training . . .

1. emphasizes most on what the learner can

actually do;

2. focuses on outcomes rather than the learning

process within specified time;

3. is concerned with the attainment and

application of knowledge, skills and attitude
to a specific level of competency.
The ability to do
something well or
A possession and application
of Skills, Knowledge and Right
Attitudes to perform work
activities to the standard
expected in the workplace
Why the Competency-Based Approach?

Education and training must

keep pace with technology and
customer requirements
Principles of CBT
Principle One
The training is based on curriculum
developed from the competency standards

Learning is based on the

competency – based
Principle Two

Learning is competency-based
or modular in structure

Unit of Competency

Module Module Module

1 2 3
Principle Three
Training delivery is
and self-paced

Learning is done by the

learner at own pace
Principle Four

Training delivery is individualized

and self-paced

Learning is based on the

actual industry practice
Principle Five
Training materials are directly
related to the competency
standards and the curriculum

CS to CBC to LMs
[CS-Competency Standards/
CBC-Competency-Based Curriculum/
LMs-Learning Materials]
Principle Six
Assessment of learners is based in the
collection of evidences of work
performance based on industry or
organizational required standards

Each student is
Students are judged
assessed against
againts each other
the evidences
(norm referenced
based on required

Students are not judged against each other

Principle Seven

Training is based both on and

off the job components

Better learning with industry and

school partnership
Principle Eight

The system allows Recognition of

Prior Learning (RPL)

Workers and Students can have prior

skills recognized
Principle Nine

The system allows for learners to enter and

exit programs at different times and levels
and to receive an award for competencies
attained at any point.

There is flexibility for entry

and exit from programs
Principle Ten

Approved training programs are

nationally accredited

Training programs are registered

within UTPRAS
Roles of a Trainer
 Serve as a team member to determined what is to be learned.
 Stimulates trainees motivation.
 Manages learning: a consultation rather than a provider of information;
a facilitator of the learning
 Diagnose and solve learning problems
 Evaluates student achievement
 Assist learners to obtain individualized rewards
 Assist each trainee in designing a personalized plan of study
 Installs confidence in the learner by providing experience where
learner may succeed
 Serves as a model for desirable work habits, attitudes and tasks
performance in the occupational field
 Spend more time interacting with student on 1:1 or small group basis
 Help those who really need help
 Accepts responsibility along with the student for the tasks learned or
not learned.
Roles of a Trainee
 Trainee learn at their own rate within program guidelines. They
may speed up, slow down, stop or even repeat the task
 Trainees may request to receive credits Trainees may select
what they want to learn and when they want to learn it, within
 or that they already know this done either through pre-testing or
though a review of a task list completed at another site.
 Trainee may choose how they want to learn-individualized, on a
one-to one basis, in a small group, in large group or with audio-
 Trainee are responsible for that they learn and when they learn it.
 Trainee decide when they are ready to perform each task or
demonstrate mastery of learning to a job-like level of proficiency
before receiving credit for the task.
 Trainee help develop personalized prescription for learning
worked out cooperatively and based upon what the student
already knows his preference for learning, learning style and
other needs.
 Trainees compete against pres job standards and not against
other student and are graded on achievement of standard or
criteria of each task
 Trainees know “up front”, before instruction begins what they
are expected to know and do to complete the program.
 Trainees evaluate their own progress to see how well they are
 Trainee move freely in the workshop, laboratory and or training
 Trainees know they will be rated mainly on performance, while
papers and pencil tests will be used mainly to check their
knowledge of the task.
 Trainees learn according to their interest, needs and abilities-not
 According to teacher timelines and expediency.
CBT Process Flow

Review learning
Trainee enters
package YES

• Administer RPL View multimedia Performed
• Orientation Competency?

materials Trainer Trainer
Role of trainer/trainee
observes Rates NO
performance performance

Use manuals Have completed YES

all the
NO competencies?

Trainee selects Observe Trainee

competency demonstration Rates own
practices task
and receive performance
Have enough
instructions Competency/ies
Practice skills in NO been
• Administer Learning Contract workshop
• Organize learning strategy
• Provide materials Trainee exits
• Receive program
Introduce CBLM materials
• Introduce the Use of assistance and
Achievement Progress advise Trainee exits Undergo Nat’l
Report program Assessment
learning Material
CBLM defined…
Instructional Media that facilitates
individualized training.
Package used by the
trainer/instructor and
trainee/student in competency
Further defined by its part.
Parts of CBLM
1.Front page
2.List of competency
3.Module content
4.Learning outcome summary
5.Learning experience
6.Information sheet
7.Self check
8.Self check/answer key
9.Operation/Task/Job Sheet
10.Performance Criteria checklist
11.Reference/further reading
Characteristics of CBT
( 9 Components )
This are the structure/arrangement provide for learning
1. Practical Work Area- the trainee acquired the skills &
knowledge of the competencies.
2. Learning Resource Area- this area provide the
trainee with the knowledge requirements in the
various modules responding to the competencies.
3. Institutional Assessment area- This is were
recognition of prior learning is done by the trainees.
4. Contextual learning laboratory- this facility that the
underpinning knowledge, science, , mathematics &
communication mathematics & communication.
6. Trainers resource area- this area houses the
learning materials, the training regulation &
curriculum examples.
7. Distance learning area- this are component-
based work shop component that enable
learning provision outside the training institution.
8. Computer laboratory- The used of information
technology. The trainee provided to learned and
gain appropriate IT competencies that may
include word and excel.
9. Support service area
Basic Competencies
Participate in Workplace
Work in Team Environment
Practice career professionalism
Practice occupational health and
safety procedures
Common Competencies

Carry out measurements and

Set – up and operate machine/s
Perform basic maintenance
Apply quality standards
Core Competencies in
 Draft and cut pattern of casual apparel

 Prepare and cut materials of casual


 Sew casual apparel

 Apply finishing touches of casual apparel

Has the incredible power to
increase productivity, job
satisfaction and even each
person’s individual
cost is more important than
quality, but quality is the
best way to reduce cost,
and the best business plan
Draft and cut
pattern of
casual apparel
What is pattern?
 A pattern is a template to sew a garment in
particular shape and size. Usually made out of

 made up of several pieces like a jigsaw puzzle

 Comes with clues in the shape of markings to

let you know which part goes where.
• The number of pieces in the
What is
pattern in determined by the
pattern? garment being made.
• There should be markings on the
pattern indicating how many
pieces need to be cut. It also
indicate if they should be cut on
the fold or as two separate parts.
Which section should be sewn
together. Marking of zipper,
buttonholes, and most of the
construction information
• There should also instruction on
which part need to be reinforced
with stay stitching and confirm
seam allowance
What is Pattern Drafting?
 It is the craft of making a paper plan or
template for a garment. It is the first step in the
design process.

 It is created from the body measurements.

Either for industry or commercial standards or
for individual measurements for self – drafted

 The blueprint of which the final garment is

Two types of pattern
1. Commercial Patterns – available in the
market. They are mass-produced
 Advantages
 Pattern are tested to ensure accuracy
 Comes in multi – sized options
 Compliment current fashion trends
 Available online
 Disadvantage
 Sizes can be limited
 Only for average body
 Can be expensive
 Comes with complicated instruction.
2. Self – drafted Patterns – the you drafted yourself.
 Advantages
 You can design a garment to your own taste
 It will ensure better fit
 Not restricted to the current fashion trends.
 You can choose your own embellishments
 Cheaper than buying a pattern
 Disadvantages
 Buying correct tools could increase the cost
 No marking or written instructions
 Takes time to design
 Need to learn how to draft a pattern
 You have to test the pattern yourself.
 Measuring Tools
 Measuring tape/Tape measure – this is the most
important tools for dressmakers. You need to
keep this flexible tape handy for measuring
around contoured curves of the body. Also great
for measuring fabrics and drafting patterns
 French Curve – usually made of metal wood or
plastic. These rulers are use for blending and
connecting points when drafting a patterns. It is
used for contoured areas like collars and
armholes and necklines.
 Hip Curve – a tool for making adjustments at the
hip line. It is also good for making adjustments
whenever there is a slight curve such as sides
 L – Square – used to create scaled patterns, with
perfect right angle corner. It is ore accurate than
ruler and convenient for measuring skirts lengths
or straight lines of material before starting to
pattern layout
 Meter Stick – it is usually made of plastic, wood
or metal. It is used to measure fabrics and draw
a straight lines onto the paper or fabric
 Marking Tools
 Tailors Chalk – used for temporary markings to
indicate where it needs to be cut of left out,
shortened or lengthened, or where the pleats need
to be made.
 Markers /Pencil/ Pen – it is best to use to make
an outline on drafting a pattern.
 Pattern Paper – this paper is designed for pattern
adjustments and drafting a pattern. It is of a
similar weight to Kraft paper, but a little more
transparent. It is often with dots or markings to
assists with pattern making.
 Cutting Tools
 Scissors – use for making multiple cuts on fabrics
or textiles. They are used to cut patterns, sewing
allowances or to perfect the garments
Steps in Drafting
a Pattern
• Take the proper
Get the measurements measurements
• Make a layout styles annd

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