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The Crow and the Pitcher

On a hot summer day, a thirsty crow

looked for water to drink.
“It‟s hot! I am thirsty!” said the crow. “I
need to find water.”
The crow flew from one place to another
looking for water to drink. He finally found a
pitcher near a well. But there was only little
water in the pitcher.
He tried to drink from the pitcher but no
matter how much he tried, he could not
reach the water.
“My beak is too big. The pitche’s neck is
very narrow. How will I get the water?” he
Then an idea came to the crow. He
picked up some small stones. He dropped
them into the pitcher one by one.
“One, two, three…” Plop, plip, plop. Little by
little, the water rose in the pitcher.
“Four, five, six…” Plop, plip, plop.
The water rose some more. Soon the
crow could reach the water.
“Now, I can drink!” said the crow. “Ah!
It‟s cold and good!

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