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Blog 4: Project Closure and Reflection for Teemat

Online Food Market

21069868 Consultant

2. Solution/Model Testing 3. Solution/Model

4. Data visualisation and
1. Introduction Plan, Evaluation & Adjustments and
communication of insight.  
Outputs Amendments

5. Interpretation and
6. Conclusion,
application in comparison 8. Significant Lessons
recommendations and the 7. Client feedback
to Data Analysis Learnt
client’s next steps

9. Personal Reflection
Challenges for
• A low level of market visibility
Teemat Online • Poor customer retention and loyalty
Food Market

Introduction • To increase brand visibility and awareness through:

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Project Objectives • Customer Engagement increase.
• The development of an active campaign on social

• Use of social media marketing and e-commerce

Proposed solution to achieve digital transformation (Abed et al.,
Testing the Solution
How testing will be done

Comparison of Key
Performance Metrics
(KPIs) before and after
solution implementation
(Dutta et al., 2020).

Brand awareness and Attraction and retention

Sales revenue changes. Return on investment
recognition. of customers.
Test Plan

Test steps Test elements

Ecommerce Social media

strategy strategy
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
•Targeted • Customer
advertising engagement
• Data collection • Data collection •Search engine
• Data collection during after • Comparative optimization
before solution implementatio implementatio data analysis (SEO)
n n •Content
Test Criteria
Usability Security Performance
Criterion Criterion Criterion
• Intuitive design • Data • Website
of the sites encryption, loading times
• Ease of • Secure • Responsiveness
navigation payment • Compatibility
• Experience of processing across devices
the user • Protection
Implementation of analytics
and tracking tools to monitor:
 Conversion rates.
 Engagement on social media.
 User behaviour.
Monitoring  Website traffic

and Output Regularly analysing and

reviewing test results
• To identify improvement areas.
• For user experience optimization.
• To promptly address any issues.
Solution Adjustments, amendments and recommendation
Need for adjustments.

There will be a need for To assist Teemat Online Food Market capitalize on the emerging trends, consumer
minimal adjustments. behaviours and technologies.
Relevant for the evolution of platforms for online marketing and Customer preferences
(Lim et al., 2023).
The adjustment will aid Teemat Online Food Market to maintain market competitiveness.

The adjustments will be recommended to the client

Reasons for recommending To enable the client to enhance the experience of its customers.
adjustments to clients
To maintain a competitive edge.

To optimize the benefits of the solution for the client.

Data Visualisation from Survey

Demographics of participants
Gender: 29 male, 21 female, 2 prefer not to say
Age: 19 aged 40 and above, 18 aged 25-29, 7 aged 30-34, 7 aged 35-39, 1 aged 18-24

Gender Age
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Male 29

Female 21

7 7

Prefer not to say 2

18-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40 and above
Data Visualisation
Digital marketing enhances awareness Importance of online presence
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
22 20
Strongly Disagree 7 20
Disagree 1 10
1 2
5 3
Neutral 2 t t a l t t
tan tan tr tan tan
p or eu po
Agree 25
l im im im im
al ht
ly er
y ely
at lig V em
Strongly Agree 14 ot S xtr

Mostly used social media avenues

Facebook Instagram Tiktok Twitter Linkedln Whatsapp Others

Interpretation and Application in comparison to hypothesis

Presence on social media avenues

• Instagram
Actionable steps for optimisation for • WhatsApp
Teemat can be deduced from the data • Twitter
Creating a more interactive
including: Implementing a robust digital marketing strategy
(Novitasari, 2022).

Hypothesis: an effective digital marketing

This hypothesis hold trues from the wide agreement with
strategy will increase its market visibility participants on importance of digital marketing.
and customer’s retention.
Executive summary of each stage

Stage 1: Blog 1
• Provided the project background
• Discussed the problems faced by the organisation
• Outlined the objectives that were to be attained by the project
• Developed a risk management plan

Conclusion, Stage 2: Blog 2

Recommendations • Internal and external environmental analysis of the company
• Analysed case studies that informed formulation of solution
and Next Steps • Literature review on digital marketing.

Recommended to Stage 3: Blog 3

Client • Offering a detailed discussion of the solutions
• Discussed assessment criteria or the solution
• Recommended the agile approach of implementing the solution
• Designed a research strategy for the project.

Stage 4: Blog 4
• Closure of the project
• Presents possible tests on the solution ,
• Recommends relevant adjustments.
This project offers the strategic advantage of

Incorporation e-commerce and social media

• Customer engagement.
• Sales
• Visibility
• Customer reach
• Organisation competitiveness.
The well-reasoned project strategy is in
alignment with the present market trends.
Creation of diverse and
Content Diversification engaging social media

Regular refined to improve

Website Refinement user experience.

and next steps A collaborative approach
towards improving customer
Customer Feedback experience (Suharto et al.,

For flexibility and

Adapting to Trends: maintaining relevance.
Client Feedback

The project offers potential of a The user-friendly website Engaging social media content
noticeable increase in online design is well thought out will attract new followers and
orders and inquiries because of because it will facilitate generated positive interactions
the e-commerce website and convenience of online ordering. with our audience.
social media presence

It is essential that the e- It would be beneficial to

commerce strategy ensures that explore additional social media
navigation is smooth for all platforms that the target
customers. audience frequents.
Key Lessons and Personal Reflection
What were the What could be
What Worked?
project lessons? improved?

The complexity of the Proper time management and There would be need for a
comprehensive online strategy. task execution more active engagement with
Good client communication the client for a more
The importance of adapting to and collaboration. customized solution.
the digital landscape There was support from the The solution should have
evolution. supervisor in form of comprised of emerging digital
How to formulate guidance. trends and solutions such as:
transformational solutions for • Influencer collaboration
Colleagues were available to • AI powered automation
organisation performance. offer the required project • Social commerce.
Thank You!
References Abed, S. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Williams, M. D. (2015). Social media as a bridge to e-
commerce adoption in SMEs: A systematic literature review. The Marketing
Review, 15(1), 39-57.

Dutta, G., Kumar, R., Sindhwani, R., & Singh, R. K. (2020). Digital transformation
priorities of India’s discrete manufacturing SMEs–a conceptual study in
perspective of Industry 4.0. Competitiveness Review: An International Business
Journal, 30(3), 289-314.

Lim, W. M., Kumar, S., Pandey, N., Verma, D., & Kumar, D. (2023). Evolution and
trends in consumer behaviour: Insights from Journal of Consumer
Behaviour. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 22(1), 217-232.

Novitasari, D. (2022). SMEs e-commerce buying intention: how the effect of

perceived value, service quality, online customer review, digital marketing and
influencer marketing. Journal of Information Systems and Management
(JISMA), 1(5), 61-69.

Suharto, S., Junaedi, I., Muhdar, H., Firmansyah, A., & Sarana, S. (2022).
Consumer loyalty of Indonesia e-commerce SMEs: the role of social media
marketing and customer satisfaction. International Journal of Data and Network
Science, 6(2), 383-390.

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