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09/08/2023 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management


 In entrepreneurship success depends on having a positive point of


 A positive outlook/view emerges from positive thinking.

 One's success is determined by one's limitations.

 In entrepreneurship career or occupation there are many

challenges and risks.

 if one is negative mind success will be hard to achieve.

Description of positive thinking

 If you expect to win you will win on the other hand if you expect to
lose you will lose.
 It is a matter of your attitude. What is an attitude? It is a mental(mind)
make-up, common frame of mind.
 Attitudes are part of the abilities. The ability to work together
socially requires positive attitudes.
 All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge are based on our internal
opinion, both conscious and subconscious. You are in control,
whether you know it or not. We can be positive or negative,
excited or dull/uninteresting, active or passive/inactive.
• Positive Thinking is an emotional and mental attitude that focuses
on the good and expects results that will benefits you.
• Positive thinking actually means approaching as well as welcoming
life’s challenges with a positive outlook.
• It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things;
instead, It involves making the most of the potentially bad situation,
trying to see the best in other people, and viewing your self and
your abilities in appositive light.

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Negative Vs Positive Thing
Positive thing Negative thing
• They are winners • They are not winners
• Always has a program • always has an excuse/reason
• Makes a mistake and says” I • Makes a mistake and says” I was
was wrong” not my fault/mistake”
• See the pain/hurt
 See the gain/achieve
• see problem
 see possibilities
• Believe for them to win some one
 Believe in win/wins
has to lose
 Plan and prepare to win • plan but nor preparation
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Negative Vs Positive Thing
Positive thing Negative thing
• It is an opportunity to learn • I’ve never done it before
something new.
• It is too complicated.
• I’ll tackle it from a
different angle • I don't have the resource .
• Necessity is the mother of • I was not able to well it into
invention/Innovation. my schedule, but I can re-
 I’m too lazy to get this examine some priorities.
done • There is no way it will
 I can try to make it work. work.
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Appropriate examples

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