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Leed Neighbourhood Development


Presented by :​

Mohamed elsayed
Hazem mohamed

What is Leed Neighbourhood Development

ND benefits
ND aims
ND scope of work
ND Credit Categories
ND includes
CHECK LIST & Points 
 Definition
projects or redevelopment projects containing residential uses, nonresidential uses,
or a mix.
LEED for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND), where "LEED" stands for
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a United States-based rating
system that integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism, and green building
into a national system for neighborhood design.

 Benefits
• Promoting the location and design of neighborhoods that reduce vehicle miles
travelled (VMT)
• Creating developments where jobs and services are accessible by foot or public
• Promoting an array of green building and green infrastructure practices,
particularly for more efficient energy and water use
• Protecting and conserving habitat, wetlands, water bodies, and prime agricultural
lands through the maintenance of natural areas and "smart location" choices
 Aims
• To reverse contribution to global climate change
• To enhance individual human health and well-being
• To protect and restore water resources
• To protect, enhance, and restore biodiversity and
ecosystem services
• To promote sustainable and regenerative material
resources cycles
• To build a greener economy
• To enhance social equity, environmental justice,
community health, and quality of life

 Scope of work 

• LEED ND: Plan. Projects in conceptual planning or master

planning phases, or under construction.
• LEED ND: Built Project. Completed development projects.
 Credit Categories
• Smart Location and Linkage:
• Neighborhood Pattern and Desig
• Green Infrastructure and Buildings
• Innovation and design process
• Regional priorty credits

 Includes

• LEED ND: Plan.

• LEED ND: Built Project.
9th and Berks Street TOD

1900 N. 9th Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 19122
Rating system: LEED ND: Built
Projectv3 - LEED 2009
Last certified on: October 12, 2017
Certification level: Platinum

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