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Quarter 4

Module 2: Week 3

Meat Cooking Method

1. Roasting, broiling or sautéing
are examples of what cooking
2. Braising, steaming or poaching
are examples of what cooking
3. It refers to any cooking
Pre-Test technique where the heat is
Direction: Identify the transferred to the food item
following statement and without using any moisture.
write your answer on 4. It is a dry heat method that use
hot and dry air to cook food. It
your paper. makes the surface of the food
brown which in turns develops
complex flavors and aromas.
5. It is a form dry-heat cooking
that uses a very hot pan and a
small amount of fat to cook the
food very quickly.
1. Roasting, broiling or sautéing are
examples of what cooking method?
2. Braising, steaming or poaching are
examples of what cooking method?
3. It refers to any cooking technique
where the heat is transferred to the
food item without using any moisture.
4. It is a dry heat method that use hot
Let’s Check and dry air to cook food. It makes the
surface of the food brown which in
turns develops complex flavors and
5. It is a form dry-heat cooking that
uses a very hot pan and a small
amount of fat to cook the food very

1. Roasting and
Methods of Baking
cooking meat 2. Grilling and
3. Sautéing and Pan-
4. Deep- Frying
Dry-heat Methods
1. Roasting and
Baking - Roasting
and baking are
Methods of forms of dry-heat
cooking that use
cooking meat hot, dry air to cook
Dry-heat Methods
2. Grilling and
Broiling -
Grilling and broiling
are dry-heat cooking
methods that rely on
Methods of heat being conducted
cooking meat through the air from
an open flame.
Dry-heat Methods
3. Sautéing and Pan-
Sautéing is a form of dry-
heat cooking that uses a
very hot pan and a small
amount of fat to cook the
Methods of food very quickly. Like
cooking meat other dry-heat cooking
sautéing browns the food’s
surface as it cooks and
develops complex flavors
and aromas.
Dry-heat Methods
4. Deep- Frying
Since deep-frying
involves submerging food
in hot, liquid fat, it might
take some time to get
Methods of used to the idea that it’s
actually a form of dry-
cooking meat heat cooking.
Moist heat Cooking

Methods of Steaming
cooking meat Braising and Stewing
Moist heat Cooking

1. Simmering- With
simmering, the
cooking liquid is a bit
hotter than poaching
Methods of from 180°F to 205°F.
cooking meat
Moist heat Cooking
2. Boiling -The hottest of
these three stages is
boiling. Where the water
reaches its highest
possible temperature of
Methods of 212°F.
cooking meat
Moist heat Cooking
3. Steaming -Steaming is
a moist-heat cooking
technique that employs
hot steam to conduct the
Methods of heat to the food item.

cooking meat
Moist heat Cooking
4. Braising and Stewing
Braising is a form of
moist-heat cooking in
which the item to be
cooked is partially
Methods of covered with liquid and
cooking meat then simmered slowly at a
low temperature.
Methods of
cooking meat

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