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Maths and Arts

By: Franda, Irene, Simran and Felicia
What is the product and what
is the purpose of the project?

The product of our project is a projector. We did

this project because it contains marks. And if
we don’t do it we will get zero.
The Volume and Surface Area
of the projector.

The volume of the projector= .

. Cuboid:
. -breadth = 23cm
Volume of the cuboid + Volume of the cylinder. -Height = 6cm
Volume of Cuboid :B x H x L .
-Length = 24.5cm
23 x 6 x 24.5 = 3,381 Cm³ . -Radius = 2.5cm
. -Height = 4.5 cm
Volume of cylinder : πr²h .
= π(2.5) ² x 4.5 = 6.25π x 4.5 = 28.125 x 3.14=
Total : 3,381 + 88.3 = 3469.3Cm³ = 3469Cm³
The Surface Area of the
Cuboid: 2(23 x 6 + 23 x 24.5 + 6 x 24.5)
= 2(138 + 563.5 + 147) =2(848.5) = 1697Cm²
Cylinder: 2πr² + 2πrh =2π(2.5) ² + 2π(2.5 x 4.5)
= 2π(6.25) + 2π(11.25)
= 12.5π + 22.5π = 35π = 109.9Cm²
Total SA: 1697 + 109.9 = 1,806.9Cm²
Total 3 circles: 3(πr²) = 3( 19.625) = 58.875Cm²
Total SA - 3 circles
=1,806.9 - 58.875 = 1748.025 = 1748.039Cm²
Statistical Data

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- Add more decorations.
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