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Bringing up a Moral Child

Jared P. Macalipay, LPT; MAEd. Guidance & Counseling

Adventist Education believe…
True education means more than the pursual of a
certain course of study. It means more than a
preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with
the whole being, and with the whole period of
existence possible to man. It is the harmonious
development of the physical, the mental, and the
spiritual powers.
Education p. 13
SDA educates our children not for higher wages,
but real joy in service…

“It prepares the student for the joy

of service in this world and for the
higher joy of wider service in the
world to come.” Education p. 13
“If we don’t teach our
children to follow Christ, the
world will teach them not to.”

Bringing up a Moral Child

Prov. 22: 6

“Train up a child in the way he

should go: and when he is old,
he will not depart from it. ”

Bringing up a Moral Child

How & What does it means to TRAIN up a child?

Four Levels of Bringing up a Moral Child

To Nurture
To Compassion to serve
To Disciple God
Faithfulness to God
To Discipline
Obedient to God
Surrender to

Bringing up a Moral Child

Bringing up a Moral Child: To Dedicate

“Jesus said, Let the little children

come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to
such as these.”
Matt. 19: 14
Bringing up a Moral Child
How & What does it means to TRAIN up a child?

Four Levels of Bringing up a Moral Child

To Nurture
To Compassion to serve
To Disciple God
Faithfulness to God
To Discipline
Obedient to God
Surrender to

Bringing up a Moral Child

Bringing up a Moral Child: To Discipline

“Do not withhold discipline from a child;

if you punish them with the rod, they will
not die. Punish them with the rod and
save them from death.”
Prov. 23:13,14
Bringing up a Moral Child
How & What does it means to TRAIN up a child?

Four Levels of Bringing up a Moral Child

To Nurture
To Compassion to serve
To Disciple God
Faithfulness to God
To Discipline
Obedient to God
Surrender to

Bringing up a Moral Child

Bringing up a Moral Child: To Disciple

“All your children will be disciples

of the Lord – I will make peace
abound for your children.”
Isaiah 54: 13

Bringing up a Moral Child

How & What does it means to TRAIN up a child?

Four Levels of Bringing up a Moral Child

To Nurture
To Compassion to serve
To Disciple God
Faithfulness to God
To Discipline
Obedient to God
Surrender to

Bringing up a Moral Child

Bringing up a Moral Child: To Nurture

“As a father shows compassion to

his children, so the Lord shows
compassion to those who fear him.”
Psalm 103:13

Bringing up a Moral Child

How & What does it means to TRAIN up a child?

Four Levels of Bringing up a Moral Child

To Nurture
To Compassion to serve
To Disciple God
Faithfulness to God
To Discipline
Obedient to God
Surrender to

Bringing up a Moral Child

Parent’s greatest JOY!
“I have no greater joy than this,
to hear that my children are
living according to the truth.”
3 John 1:4

Bringing up a Moral Child

To bring up a Moral Child, is to offer our
children to the Lord.

“Parents, give your children to the Lord, and

ever keep it before their minds that they
belong to Him, that they are lambs of Christ’s
flock, watched over by the true Shepherd.”
Counsel to Parents, Teachers, and Students p.143

Bringing up a Moral Child

To the Teachers
The Christian worker may be Christ's agent in drawing
these children to the Saviour. By wisdom and tact he
may bind them to his heart, he may give them courage
and hope, and through the grace of Christ may see
them transformed in character, so that of them it may
be said, “Of such is the kingdom of God.” 
Desire of Ages p. 517.6

Bringing up a Moral Child

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