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Personality Development

B.SC.IT 2nd semester
Subject: Personality Development
Sub teacher: Mr Sudarsan Gopal Parajuli

• This project was done as a part of an assignment for my 2 nd semester's subject 'Personality
Development' Its title is "Impact of Personality traits on social media usage" .
• According to the question, it was required to make a well-planned set of questions for the
interview with required observation and research. While preparing a report, it was required to
first make a short description of different topics explaining personality development and its
• This project emphasises the interconnection between targeted personalities with their different
views towards social media concerning how they use them.

• Personality: - Personality is the unique constellation of how we approach the world, interpret
events, and act consistently across situations. Each person has an idiosyncratic pattern of
enduring, long-term characteristics and a manner in which he or she interacts with other
individuals and the world around them.

• Types of personality: - 1) Extrovert 2) Introvert 3) Sensor 4) Feeler

• Factors affecting personalities: - Environment, Physical, Hereditary, Social
• Openness to experience: - it is among the best personality domains for interpersonal and social
success. It often manifests itself in individuals who are colourful and creative in their thinking.

• Conscientiousness: - It is the overall style of personality that measures self-discipline,

dutifulness, and efficiency.
• Extroverision and Introversion: - Extroverts are people who like to be active in social
situations. Introverts are those who sit at a desk, alone in a room, daydreaming.
• Agreeablesness: - It is a personality trait that helps people adjust to changes with a smile.
• Neuroticism: - The characteristic of neuroticism is a disposition to -ve emotions, like anxiety,
anger, envy, guilt, etc.

1) Learn about the personalities of people and use them to better understand yourself.
2) Learn more about social media habits of various personality types, like introverts, hard workers
and extroverts, as well as how they reply to messages on Facebook and Twitter.
3) Discover how personality features affect how you use social media. Specifically, find out about
the role that openness or openness to experience and agreeableness play in your social media

Primary Methodology: - Primary research is a specific type of research that can be conducted to
answer questions for 1st time. You know you are ready to do primary research when you have identified all
the gaps in available secondary research, and have made a list of insights that you need to confirm or

Secondary Methodology: - Secondary research is an important part of the research process. It allows
you to uncover new information that may not be obvious from the primary source alone. Secondary sources
include academic databases, books, journals, newspaper articles and more. In most occurrences, this type of
research can be applied to any discipline, but the information gathered will not be exact. Secondary research
is used when a primary source is not available or cannot be used to answer your question because it
conflicts with an alternative school of thought or a primitive method of thinking.
• Social media usage is an important aspect of the development of adolescents and young adults.
This report research the impact of the "Big Five" personality traits on social media usage.
• This study examined the relationship between Internet personality and its usage, specifically,
how extraversion, as well as neuroticism, affected people's Internet personalities.
• The prevailing view within psychology is that openness to experience, agreeableness and
conscientiousness are the most important personality traits when it comes to social networking. \
• The study finds that people who heavily use social media are more open to new experiences,
exhibit greater motivation for learning new things and demonstrate greater cognitive flexibility.
• Being a part of the world's largest network can be a great influence on our lives. It’s the best
way to keep in touch with friends and family, learn something new, share knowledge and ideas,
or simply have fun.
•From the research, we found out about various factors of social media that affect our Personality.
They are: -
a. Culture of Popularity
b. Increase in the level of Depression and Anxiety
c. Promotion of seeking behavior
d. Unreal standards for appearance

• On the interview day, I felt how much fun it was to interview people with different personality
• I felt I had gained a lot more insight into human characteristics and individuality by
interviewing, by talking to different people in different situations.
• As a future IT expert, this interview gave me hands-on experience in interviewing as well as
improved my ability to communicate with others through conversation.

• I gained a wide array of knowledge about personality and its different traits by doing this
• I used primary methodology for this project by interviewing different individuals and
• And I used a Secondary Methodology for gaining insight into the project topic.
• Finally, this project helped me to understand how personality differs from person to person and
how they interact with others completely depends on their personality.

• Role of social media on personality (2022-October-13) Tutorials point:
• The origins of personality (2015-October-26) M libraries:
• What is Personality? (n.d) Back Matter:
• Personality traits (n.d) Management Study Guide:

1. How often do you use social media in a day?

2. Which is your most used social media? And why?
3. Make a list of social media that you are in.
4. For what purposes do you mostly use social media?
5. Do you feel the difference between face-to-face conversations and conversations through
social media?
6. What type of people are you comfortable communicating with?
7. How do you feel about being the first one to start any type of conversation on social media?

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