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Past Perfect виражає дію, яка завершилася до
певного моменту або іншої дії в минулому.

They had finished the work by 6 o'clock yesterday.


Helen had got asleep before her mother came home.

Past Perfect утворюється за допомогою

допоміжного дієслова had та III форми
основного дієслова.

had + V3
Past Perfect
+ ? -

S had V3 Had s V3 ? S had not V3

(+) He had finished the work before 7 o’clock yesterday.
Yes, he had.
(?) Had he finished the work before 7 o’clock yesterday?

No, he hadn’t.

(-) He hadn’t finished the work before 7 o’clock yesterday.

Past Perfect
Показники часу

by 6 o’clock yesterday – вчора до 6 години

by 9 a.m. yesterday – вчора до 9 години
before he came – до того, як він прийшов
by that time – до того часу
after - після того, як
by the end of the year – до кінця року
Exercise 1
Make the sentences interrogative and
1) The pupils had translated the text before
the bell rang.
2) Kate had done her lessons by eight o’clock.
3) Peter had studied English before he
entered the institute.
4) The girls had cleaned the room by the time
their mother came back.
5) We had reached the village before the sun
Exercise 2
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect
1) Ella (to type) six letters by lunchtime.
2) After we (to buy) the tickets, we went to the
3) When our delegation arrived at the university, the
conference (already to begin).
4) There were no oranges left because Jane and
Max (to eat) them all.
5) Mary (to give) me a warm blanket before I went to
6) The lawyer (to prepare) all the documents by 4
o’clock yesterday.
Exercise 3
Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past
Perfect or the Past Simple.
1) Yesterday we (to discuss) the film which we (to
see) some days before.
2) When my sister (to go) to the theatre, I (to begin)
to write the letter.
3) The children (to fall asleep) by ten o’clock.
4) He (to tell) us many interesting things he (to see)
in Lutsk.
5) Peter (to show) us the bicycle his father (to buy)
for him.
6) Mother (to cook) supper by the time they (to come)
Exercise 4
Write questions to the underlined words.
1) We had reached the town by 6 o’clock
yesterday evening.
2) Molly had stayed in that hotel two times
3) The secretary had typed five letters by
4) Phil had come to the bank by the opening
time yesterday.
5) They had learned to ski by the end of their
Exercise 5
Change from direct into indirect speech.
M o d e l: Paul said, “I met her at the department
store”. – Paul said that he had met her at the
department store.
1) The woman said, “I studied German at school”.
2) The teacher said, “I saw them in Kyiv”.
3) The girl said, “I have already spoken to them”.
4) The pupils said, “We have done the exercises”.
5) The man said, “I lived in Kharkiv at that time”.
6) He said, “I did not recognize your handwriting”.
7) His aunt said, “I was at home at that time”.
8) The girl said, “I spent my holidays in the country”.

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