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Cute and fluffy

Rabbit facts
• A baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is
called a doe and a male is called a buck.
• Rabbits are social creatures. They live
together in warrens made of tunnels that
they dig under the ground.
• Rabbits perform a leap, known as a
‘binky‘, when they’re happy!
Rabbit food
• Rabbits only eat the green bit of a carrot!
• A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing!
Instead, they’re worn down as the rabbit
chews on grasses.
• Rabbits are herbivores. This means that
they do not eat meat.
• Their diet includes grasses, clovers and
vegetables like broccoli and sprouts.
• They also eat fruits, seeds, roots, buds,
and tree bark!
Rabbit as pets

Rabbits are very clean a pet rabbit can be taught Bunnies love company and
animals and are easy to to come to his/her name. become lonely and sad
house break and train when they don't have
companions of their own
Bunny pictures
Rabbit world records
The oldest rabbit ever was • Thelongest rabbit is
a wild rabbit named Darius, a Flemish
Flopsy, who was caught on giant rabbit owned by
the 6 August 1964, and Annette Edwards (UK),
died 18 years and 10.75 who was found to be 4 ft 3
months later at the home in (129 cm) long.
of L.B. Walker.

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