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•Learning Objectives: At the end of
the lesson, the learners shall be able
1. determine the ways a writer can
elucidate on a concept; and
2. define concept paper

• A concept paper aims to clarify a

concept which can be about any topic from
any fields. It can also be a short summary
that tells the reader what the project is, why
it is important, and how it will be carried out.
• Definition identifies a term and sets it apart from all
other terms that may be related to it. Often, definitions
begin by mentioning the general class to which a term
belongs. Then they provide specifics to distinguish the
term from other members of
that class.
1. Formal – follows a patter or equation; term+genus+differentia (differentiating characteristics)
Example: Technology is the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or
applied sciences.

2. By synonym – using a word or phrase that shares a meaning with the term being defined.
Example: Technology – Knowledge, Computers

3. By origin or semantic history

Example: Technology comes from the Greek work tekhnologia.

4. By illustration
Example: Technology involves the use of machineries in every aspect of work.

5. By function
Example: Technology uses hi-tech machines to get the work done.
6. By analysis – breaking down wholes into parts, aspects to levels and a process into steps)
Example: Technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge for
practical purposes, especially in industry.

7. By likeness of similarity
Example: Technology is likened to modern living where robots exist.

8. By analogy or metaphor
Example: Technology is like a robot that make life easier.

9. By contrast – use of opposites

Example: Unlike the manual work, technology makes work efficient.

10. By negation – stating what the term is not

Example: Technology is not harmful if used properly.
• Explication is the process by which concepts are defined
for scientific purposes. "To explicate" something is, in the
most general sense of the term, to spell out its
implications. Thus, it is the process of spelling out the
implications of something and derived from this, in turn, is
the sense of "explication" that refers to the product of this
process: some account of what the implications of something
are. Explication, in other words, is a kind of explanation.

• Clarification is an analysis of an
abstract concept through investigation
of examples and the identification of
critical and less critical attributes.
• Direction: Define and explain each concept applying the Formal defination
and Extended definition by origin or semantic theory . Identify the Genus and
Differentia of formal definition.
A. Humanities
B. Tech-Voc
C. Science
D. Accountancy
E. Engineering

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