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Ea rl y conceptions of nation defi ned i t as a
group or race of people who share d hi sto ry,
tra di ti ons, and culture, sometimes rel i gi on, a nd
usual l y l anguage. The term nati on-bui l di ng i s
oft en used si mul taneously with st at e -bui l di ng,
dem oc ra t iz at i on, modernization, pol i t ic al
devel opm ent , post-conflict reconst ruc t io n, a nd
peac ebui l di ng.

Science and technology have an overwhelming impact on rapid development.

Implementation of science and technology in every nation in every aspect of life is
t h e g r e a t e s t e v i d e n c e o f m o d e r n i z a t i o n . C o n v e n i e n c e , s i m p l i c i t y, a n d e a s e i n
everyday living have been offered by the introduction of modern gadgets. In the
absence of modern equipment in all sectors or any other field, the advancement and
benefits that are being experienced today would not have been possible. (Pujari,
It is a well-established fact that science and technology impact all aspects of
our lives as well as the planet we live on. The changes induced by science and
technology have for the most part benefited mankind, however there are many cases
where science and technology-based innovations have been used to the detriment of
mankind, pursued for either wealth or power or both. It is the responsibility of all
concerned to ensure that science and technology are used widely to benefit mankind
(Ratnasiri, 2006).
Science and technology hold the key to the progress and
d e v e l o p m e n t o f a n y n a t i o n . Te c h n o l o g y p l a y s a f u n d a m e n t a l
role in wealth creation, improvement in the quality of life, and
r e a l e c o n o m i c g r o w t h a n d t r a n s f o r m a t i o n i n a n y s o c i e t y. I n
today's world, countries that have invested in science and
technology have become leaders in innovation and have
achieved significant progress in various fields.

Science and technology has been one of the main driving forces
behind the economic growth of nations. Most developed countries have
generated new technologies with the potential to result in dynamic
e c o n o m i c p e r f o r m a n c e . T h i s , h o w e v e r, h a s n o t b e e n t h e c a s e w i t h m o s t
of the developing countries, and their developmental plans have not
given emphasis and importance to science and technology and, in
p a r t i c u l a r, t o r e s e a r c h i n t h e s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y a s p e c t s .
Countries like Indi a, S outh Korea, and
Taiwan in t he r egion have achieved much
through science and technology and st and
out as having dem onstrated the absolute
importance of science and technology for
economic growth and development. I ndia' s
com mitment to sci ence and technology has
played a pivotal role in its economic

T h e c ou n t r y h as a w e l l - e s t a b l i s h e d s p ac e
pr o g r a m t h r ou g h t he I n d i an S p a ce
R es e a r c h O rg an i z at i on ( I S R O ) , w h i c h h as
a ch i ev e d r em ar k a b l e m i l e s t o ne s i n s p a ce
e xp l o r a t i o n , s a t e l l i t e l au n ch e s , a n d r em ot e
s en s i n g ap pl i ca t i o n s . A d d i t i o n al l y, I n d i a ' s
I T a nd s of t w a r e s e r v i ce s s e ct o r i s g l o b al l y
r e no w ne d , co n t r i b u t i n g s i g n i f i c an t l y t o t h e
c ou n t r y ' s G D P an d em p l o y m e nt ge n er at i o n .
Sout h Korea's remarkabl e transformat io n from a war-to rn
nat i on to an econ omi c powerh ouse i s l argel y att ri but ed t o i t s
focus on science and technol ogy. The co untry has become a l eader
in t echnol ogy-i nten si ve i ndust ries, such as el ectroni cs,
semicond uctor manufacturi ng, and i nformat ion techno logy.
Govern ment support fo r research and devel opment and a strong
emphasis on ed ucat i on i n STEM fi elds h ave been k ey dri vers of
South Korea's prog ress. Taiwan has excel l ed i n hi gh-t ech
i ndust ri es, parti cul arl y i n el ect ron ics and semi conduct or
manufact uri ng. The coun try has i nvest ed sig nifi cantl y i n research
and devel opment , l eadi ng t o t echnol ogi ca l i nnov ati ons and
compet it i ve adv antages in gl obal market s. Taiwan 's
semicond uctor i ndust ry, i n parti cul ar, h as been cru cial in
sup plyi ng chips to vari ous i ndustri es worl dwi de. These i l lust rate
how in vest i ng in sci ence and t echnol ogy can propel d ev el opi ng
coun tri es t owards economi c growt h and gl obal co mpet i ti veness.
Th ey de monst rat e th e i mport ance of a strong foc us on research,
i nnovat i on, and educat io n to drive sust ainab le devel opment and
prosperi ty. The i mp act of t echnol ogy on soci et y i s, wi t hout doubt ,
goi ng t o b e even more marked i n t he fut ure.
Science and technology plays a decisive role in the economic growth of nations is a foregone conclusion.
It is the pertinent to also consider and rethink about the role of scientist and technologists in stimulating the
e c o n o m i c w e l l - b e i n g o f t h e c o u n t r y. I t i s w e l l a c c e p t e d t h a t s c i e n t i s t s a n d t e c h n o l o g i s t s m u s t n e c e s s a r i l y
generate new knowledge by engaging in meaningful and appropriate research and developmental activities. A
question needs to be posed to the researchers as to whether their role should be limited to only the narrow
confines of creation of new knowledge. If scientists and technologists are to contribute significantly to social
a n d e c o n o m i c c h a n g e s r e s u l t i n g i n t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e c o u n t r y, t h e i r r o l e s h o u l d e x p a n d b e y o n d g e n e r a t i o n
of new knowledge and assume the role of advising the decision makers and finally making the decisions on the
s c i e n c e a n d t e c h n o l o g y p r o s p e c t s , c h o i c e s a n d p r i o r i t i e s f o r t h e c o u n t r y.

The state of science and technology determines the socio-economic progress of a country. It is a well-known fact that national
progress is highly correlated to the capacity of a country to produce local industrial goods for domestic needs and that industrialization is
very much dependent on the application of science and technology. Science and technology have a vital role in fostering social and
economic progress in numerous developing countries. The importance of science and technology in addressing national and international
issues necessitates the promotion of various science and technology programs throughout the country. Science and technology have played
a crucial role in the development of the developing world in the 21st century, improving the quality of life for many people and opening up
new opportunities for economic growth.


• In t he 21st ce ntury, science and te chnology have a ss umed
inc re asingly signific ant roles in the developing world,
tra ns forming societies, ec onomies, and the qualit y of li fe
for millions of people . The importa nce of s ci ence and
te chnology in addressing the na tional and i nternati ona l
is s ues nece ssitates the promotion of various sc ience and
te chnology program throughout the developi ng c ount ri es .
• According to Lee Roy Chetty (2012),
science and technology are key drivers to
development, because scientific and
technological revolutions underpin
economic advances, improvements in,
education and infrastructure. The
technological revolutions of the 21st
century are emerging from new sectors such
as on micro-processors, SCIENCE
telecommunications, bio-technology and TECHNOLOGY

nano-technology transforming business

practices across the economy, and the lives
of those who have access to their effects.
Through breakthroughs in Innovation serves as the The educational system shall emphasize
science at all levels and re-orient the
health services and education, primary catalyst of technological
entire society towards scientific thinking
these technologies have the power growth and drives higher living in order to develop new te chnologies and
to imp rove the liv es of poor people standards. Accordingly, developing adapt existing one s to improve societal
in developing countries. countries eventu ally realize the well-being and security. Creat ing new
Eradicating malaria and cures for importance of benchmarking and technologies and adapting existing ones
requi re c oncerted efforts to revitalize
other diseases which are endemic learning best practices from
education, train skille d individuals, and
in developing co untries are now developed nations to produce foster colla borative partnerships between
possible, allowing people with localized science and technology government, industry, and academia to
debilitating conditions to live programs. develop integrated industries.
healthy and productiv e lives.
Science and technology have a vital role in
fostering social and economic progress in
numerous developing countries. The importance
of science and technology in addressing national
and international issues necessitates the
promotion of various science and technology
programs throughout the country. Science and
technology have played a crucial role in the
development of the developing world in the 21st
century, improving the quality of life for many
people and opening up new opportunities for
economic growth.
Choose One:
Rocket Ship or Alien Ship?
How to Play:
-Make 2 teams
-One team is the ‘Rocket’ and one team is the ‘Alien
- The teams take turns in choosing a letter and then
answering the question.
- After answering the question, click on the
Rocket / Alien Ship and it will move.
- The first team to arrive at Mars is the winner.


1 2 3

4 5 6
7 8
What’s that?

ASA Congruence Postulate

What’s that?

SSS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SSS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SSS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SSS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SAS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SSS Congruence Postulate

What’s this?

SAS Congruence Postulate


Flourishing is a state wherepeople experience
positiveemotions, positive
psychologicalfunctioning, and positive social
functioning. Flourishing is the highest good of
human attempt to achieve his/her goal. It is a
success as a human being when he/she achieved
it for the betterment of his/her life. The best life
is one of excellent human activity.
“Eudaimonia”, literally “good spirited” is a
term connected by renowned Greek Philosopher
Aristotle to describe the peak of human’s
happiness that can be attained.
• Aristotle’s human flourishing arises as a product
of different factors such as phronesis, friendship,
wealth and power. The Ancient Greek society
believed that for the people to achieve the true
meaning of happiness these qualities should be
acquired, which in effect allow them to join in the
greater notion of what we call the Good.

• One’s own life is the only life that a person must

live. It follows that, for Aristotle, the “good” is
what is objectively good for a person. Aristotle’s
eudaimonia is formally egoistic in that a person’s
normative reason for choosing actions stems from
the idea that he/she must pursue his/her own good
or flourishing.
Each p ers on h as a natur al o b ligation
to ach iev e, b eco me, an d mak e
so methin g of h imself /h erself by
pu rs u ing his /her tru e en d s an d g oals in
life. Each p erso n sh o uld b e co n cer ned
with th e “best that is with in h im/h er”
an d with the mo s t accomp lis h ed an d
self -su fficien t s u ccess an d ex cellen ce.
Human s o f to day are ex p ected to beco me a
“ man o f th e wo rld ” . Th e perso n to day is
s up p o sed to bu ild h imself/herself in a
g lo b al n eig hb o rh o od , wo rk in g sid e b y s ide
amo n g in stituti on s an d d ifferen t
g o v ern men ts to be ab le to reach a commo n
g o al. C omp etitio n as a means o f su rv iv al
h as beco me o u td ated ; Co o peratio n an d
coo rd in atio n amo n g in d ivi du als are th e
n ew tren d .
There is a difference between eastern and western ideas
regarding society and human flouri shing. The Western Society
predomi nantly emphasizes on individual flourishing as their
pri mary focus, while those from the East are more community-
centric. Individual flourishing as an end then is primarily
more of a concern for Western civilization. Eastern
civilization puts the communit y above the individual
fl ourishing. C ommunity is given the highest regard and that
the individual should sacrifice himself for the sake of society.
1. Prieto, N., Vega, V., Felipe, E., Meneses, J. (2019). Science, Technology and Society.
Lorimar Publishing Inc.


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