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1.Choose an Exciting Topic: Select a topic that is interesting and relevant to your students'
interests and age group. It could be anything from their favorite hobbies, dream vacations, or
even superheroes.
2.Warm-up Activity: Start the lesson with a warm-up activity to get students excited and
engaged. You can use ice-breaker games, short videos, or funny anecdotes related to the topic.
3.Brainstorming Session: Have a brainstorming session with the students to gather ideas about
the chosen topic. Encourage them to share their thoughts and opinions in a relaxed and friendly
4.Model Speech: Deliver a model speech on the chosen topic to demonstrate how to structure
and present ideas effectively. Use humor, storytelling, or visuals to make it engaging.
5.Speech Structure: Teach students the basic structure of a speech, including introduction, body,
and conclusion. Explain the importance of a strong opening, clear main points, and a memorable
6.Group Activity: Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a different sub-
topic related to the main theme. Ask them to prepare short speeches on their assigned sub-topics.
1.Speech Preparation: Give the groups time to prepare their speeches. Encourage creativity and
originality while emphasizing the importance of organizing their ideas.
2.Practice Session: Allow each group to present their speeches in front of the class. Provide
constructive feedback and positive reinforcement to boost their confidence.
3.Impromptu Speeches: For an extra fun challenge, conduct impromptu speech rounds where
students have to speak on a surprise topic for a limited time. This activity helps improve
spontaneity and quick thinking.
4.Peer Evaluation: After each presentation, encourage the audience to give feedback and praise
to the speakers. Constructive feedback helps students improve their public speaking skills.
5.Vote for the Best Speech: End the lesson with a fun voting session, where students choose the
best speech based on creativity, delivery, and presentation skills. Award the winners with small
prizes or certificates.
6.Reflect and Celebrate: At the end of the lesson, have a short reflection session where students
share their experiences and what they have learned. Celebrate their achievements and growth in
public speaking.
Remember, the key to a successful fun English speech lesson is to create a positive and
supportive learning environment where students feel encouraged to express themselves and build
their confidence in public speaking.
News articles

For the TIE (Test of Interactive English) English exam, news articles may be used for
various purposes, such as reading comprehension, writing, or listening tasks. Here are
some general tips on how to approach news articles for the TIE English exam:
1.Read Actively: When you encounter a news article, read it actively, paying attention
to the main points, supporting details, and the overall message of the text.
2.Practice Skimming and Scanning: Develop skimming and scanning skills to
quickly identify the main idea and locate specific information within the article.
3.Understand Vocabulary: Be familiar with common news-related vocabulary and
expressions, as they are likely to appear in the articles.
4.Identify the Type of News: Determine whether the news article is reporting an
event, providing analysis, or presenting an opinion piece. This will help you understand
the purpose and tone of the article.
1.Note the Source: Pay attention to the source of the news article, as it may influence the
credibility and bias of the information presented.
2.Take Notes: While reading the news article, jot down key points and important details
that you can refer to later for comprehension or writing tasks.
3.Answer Comprehension Questions: If the exam includes comprehension questions,
read them carefully and refer back to the news article to find the relevant information for
your answers.
4.Summarize the News: If required, practice summarizing the news article in your own
words. Focus on the main points and try to convey the key information concisely.
5.Practice Writing Responses: For writing tasks related to news articles, practice
structuring your responses clearly and coherently. Use appropriate vocabulary and
6.Listen to News Reports: If the exam includes listening tasks related to news, practice
listening to news reports or podcasts to improve your listening comprehension skills.
Remember that preparation and practice are key to performing well in the TIE English
exam. Stay updated with current events and news to become more familiar with various
topics that might appear in the exam. Additionally, practice with past papers and seek
feedback from teachers or tutors to improve your skills. Good luck!

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