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What is File System?
•Method of storing and organizing computer files.

•Structure used to manage group of information.

Types of File System

Disk File System

Network File System

Flash File System

1. Disk File System
• Designed for the storage of files on a data storage devices.

• Example:
EXT - Linux
FAT - Windows
NTFS - Windows
Extended file System
• Ext
Introduced in1992
Limitation: Only 2GB in size.

• Ext2
Introduced in1993
Size: 2TB to 32TB
Limitation: ext2 doesn’t have journaling feature.
• Provides new level of safety.

• Creates a temporary file.

• If the system crash before data written into storage device then
journaling file system just reads data through journal file.
Extended file System continue...
• Ext3
Introduced in 2001
Benefit: Allows journaling
Size: 2TB to 32TB

• Ext4
Introduced in 2008
Size: 1EB(exabyte)
Maximum no of files is 4 billion
2. Network File System

• Developed by sun micro system in 1984.

• NFS is a client/server system that allows users to access

files and directories across a network
3. Flash File System

• Designed for storing files on flash memory devices.

• USB flash drives, mp3 players and digital cameras.

File System Hierarchy in Linux

• Linux file system is a tree like structure.

• Tree like structure is also referred to as directory tree.

• Directories are collection of files and subdirectories.

• Linux Starts file system with root directory(/).

Directory Structure
/bin •Binary directory, stores commands used in Linux.

/boot •Containing files for booting the system.

/dev •Device information directory.

/etc •System configuration files are stored here.

/home •Document directory of all normal users.

/lib •Contains shared library files and sometimes kernel related files.
/mnt •Used to mount temporary file system.

/proc •Process information directory.

/tmp •Holds temporary files.

/var •Stores variable data files.

/opt •Optional directory for installing additional software.

/usr •Contains files and utilities that are shared between users.

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