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• You should write from 120 to 150 words regardless they told you to
write at least 100, which means 10-15 lines. You shouldn't divide your
writing into more than 3 paragraphs.
• You shouldn't write short forms and incomplete sentences.
• You should have at least one introduction sentence
and one conclusion sentence.
• You should paraphrase the topic question.
• You should use conjunctions.
1.Plan a trip.
You should include:
• How you get there? (Transportation)
Type 1: • Where you are going to stay? (Accommodation)
• Who you are going with?

Write a • What are you going to do during the trip?

plan 2.Plan an event.

You should include:
• What kind of event is that?
• What is the location of the event?
• What is the budget of the event?
• Who are your client?
• How would you manage the event?
3.Plan a store operation/ product lunching
Type 1: You should include:
• What kind of shop is that? (Pop up/ Online?)
Write a • What is the product/ service?
• Who are your client/ target customer?

plan • How are you going to operate/ promote it?

We are building a plan to open a pop-up fashion store. We call it by Atis. Our products include: clothing, footwear,
and accessories for youth are among the goods that Atis makes and markets. Atis store is now extending new sizes to
their collection. In order to better serve its clients, the brand has included size-specific features like oversize for tall
people and small size for short people. Customers now have additional options for purchasing as a result.

Our shop is located at 99A on 385 street in Thu Duc city because it is close to UFM university and it is a densely
populated area. we open at 9am to 9pm on weekdays. In terms of store design,_the lovely store with an area of ​30
square meters, the main color is pastel brown, chandelier system with good and luxurious light. In front of the store,
the best-selling items will be displayed, and there will be a waiting area, with large mirrors on both sides of the wall,
creating a more spacious feeling. The empty space will be decorated with fresh flowers. Atis's store is fully built with
payment counters, 2 changing rooms, and restrooms. Behind is the warehouse and the staff room.

For marketing strategy, Atis primarily concentrates on promoting the brand through Facebook fan pages, Instagram,
and Dino shop will be livestream on Tiktok. This makes it easier for this store to reach potential customers.
Furthermore, we has launched an online store on Shopee with countrywide shipping in order to make it easier to
serve clients. Since the store is open for 12 hours, we will split into 2 shifts: morning shift and evening shift. Each
shift will last 6 hours, including 2 employees, 1 male and 1 female. Besides, the store also needs an accountant to
finalize the profit at the end of the month.
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy (2)

•Task response (1)

•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource (0.75), grammatical range and accuracy (0.75)
=> Your mark is 3.5
Type 2: Write a restaurant/ hotel/ movie/ product... review.
You should include:

Write a
• Background information
• Bad points
• Good points
review • Recommendation
I have a lot of Southern friends, and they often suggest traditional dishes from their homeland. In which the
most mentioned name is Banh Xeo. Because of that, I traveled around the city to be able to try this dish, and
I couldn't be happier with this experience. At first, when I knew we were going to try this at a small
restaurant on Ho Thi Ky Street, I had expected it to be quite old and tiny, but, in fact, the restaurant was
decorated very neatly, bright and modern. Another mistake of mine was that I had expected that Banh Xeo
would be cold and hard, and the vegetables would not be fresh anymore, but when the dish was brought up,
I saw that Banh Xeo was still hot, like fresh out of the oven, and the vegetables were fresh and crispy. The
staff here are quite young, perhaps students, but the service attitude is very professional and enthusiastic,
making me feel comfortable here. I had a very good meal, despite experiencing a new dish. It was a new
experience for me to know about Banh Xeo as well as this restaurant. However, the restaurant still has some
factors that make me unsatisfied. Because this is in an area that also has a lot of other shops and restaurants,
keeping a vehicle here is still quite difficult and unsafe. Moreover, the restaurant was still hot. Even though I
sat near the window, it still made me sweat because the restaurant lacked fans and air conditioning.
Although this was my first visit to this restaurant and my first time trying Banh Xeo, I give it four stars for
this memorable experience. I strongly recommend this restaurant to everyone!
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource (0.5), grammatical range and accuracy (1)
=> Your mark is 3.5
1.Write an email responding to specific scenario
Type 3:
2.Write an email rearranging the schedule
Write an 3.Write an email asking information

email 4.Write an email telling a story/ situation

Dear James!
I am very glad to receive your letter telling me about the problems the company is facing.

The first issue is that arriving latest and leaving early of Marsha Smalls. I saw the information that you have
given me. In my opinion, you should hold a warning meeting with her about her unserious working attitude to
set good examples to everyone. If she repeats the offense, she will be fired directly. You can make all decisions
on my behalf on this matter.

I completely agree with your comments about the lighting issue in the garage. First, contact the technical
department to consider the damage of the entire lighting and electrical system. Then report the damaged amount
to the accounting department to buy a replacement .

If there are still unsatisfactory issues, please wait for me to come back after my business trip.

Best regards
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource (0.5), grammatical range and accuracy (0.5)
=> Your mark is 3
Types of topics:
Type 4: • Travel
• Business
Discussing • Advertisement
• Work life balance

points of • Job
Types of questions:

views • Pros and cons

• Agree and disagree
• Discuss both views
• Cause and effect
• Problem and solution
Some people say that teenagers should work part-time and earn
money. This way they will learn basic lessons about work and become
more disciplined. Others argue that teenagers shouldn't sacrifice their
rest and after-school activities to work.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays, some say that teenagers should work part-time and earn money to learn more basic
lessons about work and become more disciplined, but others argue that they shouldn’t sacrifice
their rest and after-school activities to work. We agree on both standpoints but they should spend
their time on both properly.

Firstly, if we choose to work part-time, it will be time-consuming since we have

to work for about 4 to 6 hours a day and most part-time jobs so we may have to come home late,
we will have less time to sleep. If this case lasts for a long time, we will suffer from many health
problems. Moreover, availing of a part-time job during one educational life could make them
disciplined person, but this work-life balance may also affect their stress level of them. Students
will don’t have time for other activities with their friends and families the worst thing that could
happen is that this will affect their grades at school and college while their studying is the most
vital thing.
Even though, there are some advantages such as working-parttime helps students
improve their communication skills management skills, and gain work experience.
Especially, it gives students a chance to connect with other people in the professional world.
They can make many new friends, and build many relationships in the community. A job
provides them with a big income to enjoy college life. Nowadays college students could work as
an intern so they can gain more experience working in a business.

In conclusion, what we do will always have two faces advantages and

disadvantages. The most important thing is how we spend and adjust our time properly and how
suitable for our life. Since we’re still young we have to live a meaningful life so that when we’re
getting old we won’t regret it.
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (0.5)
•Lexical resource (0.75), grammatical range and accuracy (0.5)
=> Your mark is 2.5
Argumentative writing structure
1 paragraph structure

1st and 2nd sentences Introduce topic and paraphrase the questions.
3rd sentence Thesis sentence
4th sentence 1st main idea
5th sentence Explanation and evidence (sub point)
6th sentence Explanation and evidence (sub point)
7th sentence 2nd main idea
8th sentence Explanation and evidence (sub point)
9th sentence Explanation and evidence (sub point)
10th sentence Paraphrase the thesis and the main ideas
11th sentence Conclude and added thoughts
Some people think that it is a good idea for teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Meanwhile, others
believe that young people should not combine their studying with a job. In my opinion, being a working student
both have disadvantages and advantages. First of all, young people working part-time will accumulate a lot of
experience and practice self-discipline. In a healthy working environment, it will create good relationships that
can help them in the future. The more they work, the more life skills they will have. And the best thing is that
teenagers can earn money so they will comfortably spend_their life. On the other hand, taking a part-time job
requires students to sacrifice their rest and after school activities. If the intensity of studying and working is too
high, it will make many students unable to manage their time and they will not pay attention to their health:
Teenagers often work until tired or race against time to meet deadlines. Moreover, earning the first money not
only makes students feel excited but also affirm their value. Hence, they could easily miss their whole life
because of running for the money and forgetting the long-term aim of studying. There is no denying that I agreed
with both the views. While working part-time provides the youngsters with confidence and self-esteem, it also
steals the rest time and the opportunities to do any other activities. Teenagers should adjust their timetable
accordingly that it does not affect their leisure time and there should be a balance between it and the work. In
conclusion, it can be said that both of the views are reasonable and the best approach is finding a balance
between the working life
and study time of the teenagers.
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource (0.75), grammatical range and accuracy (0.75)
=> Your mark is 3
Shopping has become a favorite pastime among young people. Why
do you think it is like that? Do you think they must be encouraged to
do other things rather than shopping?
Nowadays, shopping has become a favorite pastime among young people. There are even a lot of
people who are addited to shopping. Why it is like that? For me, there are many reasons for this,
here are 4 reasons I think are important. First, people buy clothes, shoes, accessories… because
they always want to be beautiful, especially girls, they always want to change to be new everyday,
so they often buy new things for themselves. Second, many people have the habit of shopping
when they are bored or free. Buying new things will give them a sense of satisfaction. Especially
when shopping with friends, they will feel more relaxed and happier. Besides that, many people
are addicted to shopping because they like to dress up and express themselves, they always want
to show off new items or outfits and want people to pay attetion to them. In addition, many young
people have well-off family, so they can shop as much as they want, don’t care about saving.
Shopping too much is a bad habit, so I think they must be encouraged to do other things rather
than shopping. There are many other pastimes besides shopping in our free time that we can do
such as watching movies, listening to music, going for a walk, eating with family or friends…
Those are all activities that bring you joy and relaxation, it is much better than shopping too
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (0.25)
•Lexical resource (0.5), grammatical range and accuracy (0.25)
=> Your mark is 2
A lot of people spend a major part of their adult life at work, so job
satisfaction is very important for individual happiness.

What are the main factors that contribute to job satisfaction?

What are the possible solutions for people who are unsatisfied with
their jobs?
Most adults begin working in their early twenties and continue till their late sixties so work encompasses a
crucial part of their adult life. Therefore, here we will present views on how job satisfaction is important for
happiness. Firstly, salary bonuses play an important role in influencing job satisfaction because money is an
important tool for meeting one’s needs. Moreover, employees often view bonuses as a reflection of
management’s interest in them. In general, employees want a pay system that is simple, fair, and in line with
their expectations. Beside the salary, the company culture is one of the most reasons that affects staffs'
satisfaction a lot. First of all, communication between people in the company makes the work faster and more
efficient. Furthermore, it connects with all of members in the company, thereby creating trust and intimacy.
Next, the promotion gives them the reason to work and motivate them work a lot for their objective. They don't
just want to be a staff forever so the company needs to have a reasonable promotion policy, which make them
surely dedicated to the company. Thirdly, office location is one of the factors contributing to job satisfaction. An
office located in convenient locations such as with lots of light, airy space, outdoor landscape, green trees, etc.
will create comfort for employees. Besides, the equipment factor is considered as a fundamental factor that needs
to be fully met to create job satisfaction. Necessary equipment such as elevators, basements for parking, office
equipment, sanitary systems, private meeting rooms... are increasingly upgraded and modernized, which will
contribute to improving work efficiency and productivity. And if anybody finds that their jobs don’t suit them
and become unsatisfying, possibly it is because of the salary, facilities and communication.
Here are some ultimate solutions for them such as researching their jobs carefully, especially the
salaries. To make sure that they’re not underpaid. Moreover, checking for the facilities to see if
they could support them well with their jobs so that people could feel less stress dealing with
them. About communication, if the problem is a coworker's bad behavior, have a conversation to
your manager. For workplace communication, the company_make sure that they have a positive
work environment in which each employee feels comfortable enough to express their ideas, ask
questions, make suggestions, and raise concerns. In conclusion, we opine that high job
satisfaction contributes significantly to an individual's wellbeing.
•Task response (1)
•Coherence and cohesion (1)
•Lexical resource (1), grammatical range and accuracy (0.75)
=> Your mark is 3.75

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