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Valve Sizing &

Ranjeet Kumar
M.Tech – Chemical
Steps in Sizing

 Science with many rules of thumb

 Define the System.
 Maximum Pressure Drop for the Valve.
 Calculate the valve Characteristics (Cv).
 Preliminary valve selection.
 Check the Cv and stroke percentage at minimum flow.
 Check the gain across applicable flow rates.

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Define the System – Key Variables

 Total pressure drop,

 Design flow,
 Operating flow,
 Minimum flow,
 Pipe diameter,
 Specific gravity

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Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop

 The usual rule of thumb is that a valve should be designed

to use 10-15% of the total pressure drop or 10 psi,
whichever is greater.
 Investigate the Pump & its maximum available head.
 Trade off-
 larger pressure drops increase the pumping cost (operating) &
 smaller pressure drops increase the valve cost because a
larger valve is required (capital cost).

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Valve Characteristics – Cv

 Note – Check thumb rules before referring valve chart or

characteristic curve.

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Preliminary Valve Selection

 Thumb Rules –
 Never use a valve that is less than half the pipe size.
 Avoid using the lower 10% and upper 20% of the valve stroke.
The valve is much easier to control in the 10-80% stroke
 Select the type of valve & use its corresponding valve
 Valve chart is supplied by manufacturer.
 Check Cv for minimum flow with selected size of valve &
check for minimum flow should not fall below 10% of valve

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Valve Chart / Characteristics Curve

Table 1 – Chart for Equal Percentage Globe Valve

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Gain across applicable flow rates

Flow Stroke Change in Change in

(GPM) (%) Flow(GPM) stroke (%)

25 35 110 – 25 73 – 35 =
= 85 38
110 73
150 85 150-110 85 – 73 =
 Gain #1 = 85/38 = 2.2 = 40 12
Gain #2 = 40/12 = 3.3
 Acceptance criteria :–
 Gain should never be less than 0.5.
 Gain#2 – Gain#1 < 50% of (max of Gain#1 or Gain#2)
 Here 0.5 (3.3) = 1.65
and 3.3 - 2.2 = 1.10.  Since 1.10 is less than 1.65 so it can be a
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Choke Flow FL

 At max restriction – flow rate is max & pressure is

 Vapor bubbles flashes if liquid pressure falls below Vapor
Pressure of liquid.
 Bubbles has (a) no effect on flow, (b) increases pressure
drop across valve, (c) cavitations
 Decreased efficiency
 Noise
 Vibration
 Material loss – sand blasted surface
 FL checking is recommended when difference in Max & Min
flow exceed 90% of Max flow.

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Basic Valve Types – mechanical

 Ball valves;
 Diaphragm valves;
 Gate valves;
 Globe valves;
 Butterfly valves;
 Plug valves;
 Check valve;
 Safety/relief valve

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Basic Valve Types – control / openness
 Equal Percentage:  equal increments of valve travel produce
an equal percentage in flow change.
 Large changes in pressure drop are expected
 Minimum pressure drop due to valve
 In temperature & pressure control loop

 Linear:  valve travel is directly proportional to the valve stoke

 In liquid level or flow loops
 Pressure drop across valve is almost constant.

 Quick opening:  large increase in flow with a small change in

valve stroke
 For frequent on-off services
 Instantly large flow is needed.
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Gate Valve

 Best Suited Control:  Quick Opening

 Recommended Uses:
 Fully open/closed, non-throttling
 Infrequent operation
 Minimal fluid trapping in line

 Advantages:   
 High capacity
 Tight shut off, Low cost, Little resistance to flow  
 Disadvantages:
 Poor control
 Cavitate at low pressure drops
 Cannot be used for throttling

 Applications:  Oil, Gas, Air, Slurries, Heavy liquids, Steam, Non-

condensing gases, and Corrosive liquids

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Globe valve
 Best Suited Control:  Linear and Equal percentage
 Recommended use-
 Throtteling services/flow regulation
 Frequent operation

 Advantages:
 Efficient throttling
 Accurate flow control valves
 Available in multiple ports 
 Disadvantages:
 High pressure drop
 More expensive than other  

 Applications:  Liquids, vapors, gases, corrosive substances,


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Ball valve

 Best suited control – Quick opening linear.

 Recommended uses –
 Fully open/closed limited throttling
 Higher temperature fluids
 Advantages –
 Low cost
 High capacity
 Low leakage & maintenance
 Tight sealing with low torque
 Disadvantages –
 Poor throttling characteristics
 Prone to cavitation
 Applications – Most Liquids, high temperatures, slurries

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Butterfly valve

 Best Suited Control:  Linear, Equal percentage

 Recommended Uses:
 Fully open/closed or throttling services
 Frequent operation
 Minimal fluid trapping in line
 Advantages:
 Low cost and maint.
 High capacity
 Good flow control
 Low pressure drop
 Disadvantages –
 High torque required to control
 Prone to cavitation at lower flows
 Applications:  Liquids, gases, slurries, liquids with suspended

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