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• Here we consider Instantaneous active and reactive power theory and the well
known theory of Symmetrical Components, for the case of 3-phase 4-wire
systems, where zero sequence components and harmonics may be present in both
voltages and currents.
• In industries applications 3-phase 4-wire systems are very common.
• Here fourth wire that allows the presence of zero-sequence current.
• general equations relating instantaneous power and symmetrical components theory will be

p=The real power,
q= imaginary power [given in the α-β-0 frame of references]
p0 = zero-sequence power

v0 , vα ,vβ and i0, iα, iβ are the α-β-0 transformation of

va, vb, vc, and ia, ib, ic, respectively.
where V+n, V-n , V0n are the rms values of positive, negative and zero sequence
voltage components for the n-th harmonic; wn is n-th harmonic angular
frequency and Φv+n , Φv-n ,Φv0n are the phase angles of positive, negative and zero
sequence of voltage components for the n-th harmonic.
Average and oscillating component of Active power
By using (2) to (4) and the
corresponding expressions for the
currents,it is possible to obtain the
instantaneous real, imaginary and zero
sequence powers, which will be
separated in its average ( - p, - q, -
po) and alternating (p ~ , q ~ , p0 ~ )
Average and oscillating component of Reactive power
Average and oscillating component of zero sequence power
The Instantaneous 3-Phase Power

The instantaneous power in 3-phase 4-wire system is given by

From (12) it is possible to conclude that the

instantaneous 3-phase power is always equal to the sum of
the real and zero sequence power. This power represents the
instantaneous total energy flowing per time unit, from source
to load or vice-versa
The Imaginary Power
• The imaginary power q, as defined in (l), does not contribute to the total
instantaneous flow of energy, as can be seen in (12).
• Moreover, the imaginary power is related to a block of energy that is being
exchanged between the phases of the system and does not contribute to the energy
transfer between source and load.
• One interesting fact to be pointed out is that the conventional reactive power
Q3Φ=3VIsinΦ is only part of the imaginary power q, as can be seen in (7) and (8),
when n=l and only the positive sequence (+) terms are considered. The imaginary
power q quantifies the instantaneous amount of energy that is being interchanged
between the phases of the system without contributing to the flow of energy
between load and source.
The Zero Sequence Power
Since zero sequence components of the voltages and currents do not contribute
to the imaginary power q, the instantaneous zero sequence component does not
have reactive power. When only fundamental zero-sequence component is
present, at steady state, the power po (9),( 10) is given by:
Figure.1 shows an example of a shunt 3-phase 4-wire active filter. It is composed by a
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) with PWM current control and an active filter controller
that realizes an "instantaneous" control algorithm. The inputs of this controller are the
instantaneous phase voltages and the line currents of the load. The outputs are the VSI
instantaneous 3-phase current references (i * ca, i * cb, , i * cc).
a small shunt passive filter may be used to cut off these harmonics, as shown in Fig. 1.
Thus, in an ideal case, it is possible to write
Selection of the Powers to be Compensated
• The powers of the load that can be compensated, in terms of α-β-0 axis,
• From (9) and (10), it is possible to observe that po never produces a constant power
p - 0 without an associated alternating power Po ~ . Therefore, if an active filter is
used to compensate for p0, it will have to compensatefully the power p0 = p0  ̄ + p0

, because it is impossible to produce P - 0 separated from P0 ~ .The zero
sequence power P0  ̄ exists only in unbalanced systems and like the real power p -
represents a one-way (not oscillating) energy flow to the load. Also, the active filter
needs a power source to supply the energy related to P  ̄ 0 whenever it compensates
for P0.
• overcome this need of power source for the active filter, proposed a new control
technique, in such a way as to still use a capacitor instead of a DC source in the
active filter. The basic idea consists in keeping the average active filter 3-phase
instantaneous power equal to zero.
Thank you

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