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Nazi Germany – Hitler - persecution of foreign jews –

Germany expansion
Italy Fascat – Bennito Mussolini - personally antisemitic
Stab in the back the internal unrest
forced soldiers to sign armistice - Ally of Hitler
Sovit Union – Jospeh Stalin – man of steel- dictator –
communist - ally of Hitler for a start 
Japan – Emperor Hirohito – invades China and Malaysia
Social Darwinism  – ally of Nazi Germany 
'Blood libel and black death' Christians spread Fear to scare away Protests - they used high
stories that jews were the cause of the black school students as an example of what the
death by poisoning their wells. Also the jews consequence would be if they tried. Gain, Jewish
killed Christian children and used their blood inpossessions were used as prizes for cooperation
religious ceremonies. Banishment of jews so more people were willing to do what was
throughout medieval Europe by King Edward I asked. Deference to authority  Youth were easily
in 1306. People with influential power like coerced so by making Antisemitism popular
priests and governments blamed the deaths of more went along with it. Pressure to conform –
propaganda used to convince people that jews
Christians on jews.
truly deserved it

Ghettos were created to house and segregate Hitler contributed to the escalation of the
Deaths of influential powers (Nov 7) caused
jews. It made it easier to target jews and it was a
temporary solution. The conditions were dire;
Holocaust through his foreign policy. While contributing
extreme backlash to the jews –Kristallnacht. diseases lack of food rags as clothes ptsd and
Storm troopers used false allegations to destroy unsanitary homes no appliances or facilities. The
to the escalation it also defied the Treaty of Versailles​.
Jewish homes. Burned synagogues, youth ghettos were not optional it was a forced
centres, demolished and vandalised  deportation into 1.3 square miles.
homes/businesses. Even though the Jews were Einsatzgruppen were a mobile death squad of
not responsible for the damage the Nazi's 3000 used for mass murder of Jewish academics,
demanded the pay 1 billion reichmarks for activists, clergy and political leaders  in the
restitution. Laws for the protection of German Soviet Union. By the end they had killed 1939
blood and honour were introduced on 65,000 Jews
September 15th 1935. 
Emmeline Pankhurst

 National Woman Suffrage Association is founded with Elizabeth Cady Stanton as president. American Woman Suffrage
Association is founded with Henry Ward Beecher as president. Wyoming Territory grants suffrage to women.
Congress passed the soon-to-be-ratified 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave all men the right to vote.

The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) is formed, uniting 17 societies. Later led by
Millicent Fawcett, the NUWSS favoured peaceful campaign methods such as petitions.

July: The outbreak of WW1 brings a suspension to the WSPU's and NUWSS's campaigns. Women are urged to
support the war effort and they do as during this period nearly 5 million remain or enter into employment

Millicent Fawcett 
February: The Representation of the People Bill is passed, allowing women over the age of 30 and men over the age of 21
to vote. Women have to be married to or a member of the Local Government Register.
November: The Parliamentary Qualification of Women Act is passed, enabling women to stand as MPs.

The Representation of the People Act is passed granting suffrage to all men and women over the age of 21.  This signifies
the first time all women could vote in Parliamentary elections without the condition of property being needed.
28th June 1919

The evacuation chain Amputees Acid in post box Petitions parades, Germany had to make substantial territorial
concessions. They were forbidden to unite with
;Front line bearers  Trench foot Arson, Vandalism  pageants, street
Austria. Their territory was reduced by 13% and all
Field ambulance  Disfiguration  Broken windows speaking, lobbying oversea territories and colonies were taken
Casualty clearing PTSD Destroyed orchids demonstrations
Germany were not allowed to have naval or air
station  Paralysis  Bombing, Tackling, marches forces materials. They had to cut down their army to
Ambulance train  Trench fever  threats Prime minister 100,000 men – 7 infantry and 3 Calvary division.
Base hospital  Body lice  Conscription was forbidden
Burns nurses, midwives,
Medical help – nurses cleaners  clerical staff. Germany had to pay $31.4 billion in
Plastic surgery  Deafness 
Evacuation Banking, textile and reparations. All three reparations
Thomas Splint  Brain dead light industries women
Shop keepers amounted to 132 billion gold marks
Artificial limbs  Blindness  with opportunities in
Facial reconstruction Factory work - clerical, secretarial and Germany had to accept the blame for starting the
munitionettes assembly work war – ‘war guilt clause. This was the consequence
Blood Transfusion  of the aggression of Germany and her allies
In 1918, the government introduced a law
called the Representation of the People Act.
All men over the age of 21 and all women USA – Woodrow Wilson – No resentment – Fair peace
GB – David Lloyd George – No extreme punishment – No
over 30 who owned a home, or were communism
married to a homeowner, were allowed to FA – George Clemenceau – Large amounts of payment to
vote in elections. restore France and Belgium
Holocaust: Kristallnacht Holocaust: Britain’s actions 
The death of a German legislation member spiked a series of The British Union of Fascists (BUF) policies were pro-Nazi and
violence performed against jews. antisemitic. However, by 1936, the party’s popularity was declining.
Synagogue and Jewish youth centre were put on fire There was little official protest to the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews
Destroyed Jewish businesses. Private homes demolished. Fires at from Britain, until 1939, the British government followed a policy of
single Jewish homes. Gestapo arresting parents and keeping male appeasement towards Nazi Germany’s aggressive foreign policy in
heads. Children having to flee from community homes. Gangs an attempt, to avoid another world war. This policy did little to help
vandalizing homes, throwing things out of windows. Completely the Jews and encouraged Hitler to make more demands. Later on
thrashed homes. Storm Troopers [Sturmabteilung, or SA, also December 17th 1942  British and US governments issued a joint
known as the Brownshirts] smashed windows and threw stones declaration on behalf of the Allies against Germany.
against store shutters for false allegations.  A new regulation was Kindertransport – transport for under 17yrs Jewish children to
issued that the Jews in Germany had to pay one billion reichmarks Britain as refugees. Private individuals sponsoring Jews
for restitution. Soldiers liberated concentration camps
Holocaust: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising  Holocaust: How did Jews resist the treatment?
In April-May 1943, Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto revolted after A high school German anti-Nazi group called the 'White Rose'
hearing rumours that the Germans would deport the remaining formed in Munich in 1942. They protested the treatment of Jews
ghetto inhabitants to the Treblinka killing centre. As German SS and exploiting Germany's genocidal regime. Jews resisted in the
police units entered the ghetto, members of the Jewish Fighting forests, in the ghettos, and even in the death camps. They fought
Organization and other Jewish groups attacked German tanks with alone and alongside resistance groups in France, Yugoslavia and
Molotov cocktails, hand grenades, and a handful of small arms. Russia. Abba Kovner, recognized the full intent of Nazi policy
Around 700 to 750 young Jewish fighters who had no military toward the Jews, called for resistance in December 1941 and
training or battle experience, and for all practical purposes were organized an armed force that fought the Germans in September
armed with not much more than a few pistols. The hand-to-hand 1943. In March of that year, a resistance group led by Willem
combat lasted for several days. Thanks to a rescue mission by men Arondeus, a homosexual artist and author, bombed a population
on the Polish side, several dozen fighters were saved by escaping registry in Amsterdam to destroy the records of Jews and others
from the ghetto through the sewer system. sought by the Nazis. 

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