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Prepared by: JOSELYN G. ABCEDE


1. To identify the definitions,

functions and nature of
Educational Administration.
• The word
“Administration” as
the Latin root
‘minister’ suggest,
means services, i.e.,
worked dedicated to
the good of others.
Introduction: • The main objective of
therefore, is to secure
for an individual or
society, or the
nation, such
environment which
may lead to their
fullest growth and
Introduction: • Today more than five
thousand men and
women are entrusted
with the
responsibility of
education in the
Introduction: • Majority of them are
of professional
background, a few
have been natured in
the school of
What Is
Educational administration The term
“Administration” doesn’t refer to any single
process or act. It is like a broad umbrella
encompassing a number of processes such as:
planning, organizing, directing, coordinating,
controlling and evaluating the performance.
Educational administration is a field that
specifically pertains to the management and
leadership of educational institutions at all
• It involves performing such tasks as
implementing policies and procedures,
overseeing budgeting for staff salaries, and
making sure that best practices get
implemented in the classroom.
• It is also a function of the educational
sector related to running a school or
school system.
Educational administration deals with two main
aspects of schools; 
 The hiring of teachers and other staff 
 And the management and executive duties
involved in running a school system.
Top 8 Functions of
Educational Administration
1. Development of Human Personality.
2. Provide and Ensure Proper Utilisation of
Human and Material Resources.
3. To Make the Learner Active in the
Educational Programme.
4. Provide Adequate Physical Facilities.
Top 8 Functions of
Educational Administration
5. To Adhere the Legal Provision of the
Programme Strictly:
6. Decision Making In Respect of Finance.
7. To Keep and Maintain Co-Operation with
the Society.
8. To Deal With the Problem of Curriculum
Nature of Educational Administration:
1. Educational administration doesn’t refer to any
single process rather different processes or aspects
constitute administration.

2. Educational administration is a non-profit making


3. Educational administration is primarily a social

enterprise as it is more concerned with human
resources than with material resources.
Nature of Educational Administration:
4. Educational administration is more an art than a

5. Educational administration is similar to general

administration in many ways.

6. Educational administration is a complex affair.


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