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Group 2

ICT as a medium for Advocacy
Ritu R. Sharma (1997) from the Academy for Educational
Development. in her book "An Introduction to Advocacy
Training Guide" describes advocacy as a tool for "putting a
problem on the agenda, providing a solution to that problem and
building support for acting on both the problem and the
This definition expresses an important idea: In a
digital and networked age, advocacy is not just
about influencing public policy, but also and first
of all about influencing public opinion. Advocacy
is a process of supporting and enabling people to
express their views and concerns, access
information and services, defend and promote
their rights and responsibilities. is dubbed as the "world's platform for change"
where anyone from the online community can create a
petition and ask others to sign it. During the past times,
petitions were only done through signing a paper, usually done
by a group asking for signatures via travel. gives
access to more people by allowing the online community to
affix their digital signatures on a petition.'s mission is to help people from around
the world create the change they want to see. For
years, hosted several petitions that help
solve the following problems; economic problems,
criminal injustice, abuse of human rights, lack of
education, environmental concerns, animal abuse,
human health concerns, and world hunger.
Signing an Online Petition
1. Vis
2. works this way. If this is your first time to use chick Sign up or log in with Facebook.
Otherwise, just input your log
in details
3. You can then start your own petition, but for now, click on
any petition
you want under popular petitions.
Figure 1. Popular petitions from
4. Read the petition description to see if this petition matters to you. If it
is, sign the petition by filling up the information on the right side of the

5. Share the petition on Facebook to promote it.

Alternatively, you can check out petitions of your
friends on Facebook, then click on those petitions to
read about it and sign it.
Catalogo Sheena Kim
Haliarsis Christel Mae
Fajardo Jake
Ma.Isabel Ibones
Maria Heziel Laboga
Gregorio Carl Dave dubbed as the "world's platform for change" where anyone from
the online community can create a petition and ask others to sign it?

2.Is help people from around the world create the change they want
to see?
3. What is the first Signing an online petition?
4-5: Ritu R. Sharma ______ from the _________.

6.what is the name of book of Ritu R. Sharma?

7-10: Give atleast 4 hosted several petitions
that help solve the following problems.
1. Change. Org
2. Change. Org's mission
3. Vis change. Org.
4-5: 1997 Academy for educational development
6. "An Introduction to Advocacy Training Guide"
7-10: economic problems, criminal injustice, abuse
of human rights, lack of education, environmental
concerns, animal abuse, human health concerns,
and world hunger.

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