Session 10 Promotion

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Designing and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communication
Learning Outcomes
• Explain the role of marketing communications

• Discuss the process of marketing communications

• Elaborate the major steps in developing effective

• Evaluate the elements in communications mix and
how should it be set
• Explain the process of integrated marketing
What is Marketing Communication?
Marketing communications are the means
by which firms attempt to inform, persuade,
and remind consumers, directly or indirectly,
about the products and brands they sell.
The Communication Process

Encoding Message Decoding

Sender Receiver


Feedback Response
Designing the Communication
(Steps in Developing Effective Communication Program)
Identify target audience

Determine objectives

Design communications

Decide on media mix

Establish budget

Measure results/ manage IMC

Step 1 : Identify Target Audience
• A marketing communicator must start with a clear
target audience in mind
Potential buyers or Current users
– What will be said
– How it will be said
– When it will be said
– Where it will be said
– Who will say it
Step 2 : Determine Communication
The marketing communicator need to know;
– Where the target audience now stands
– Which stage they need to be moved
Buyer Readiness Stages

Awareness Knowledge Liking

Preference Conviction Purchase

• Increase product awareness
• Increase product knowledge
• Stimulate interest
• Differentiate the product
• Establish product image/Create desire
• Encourage product trial/ stimulate demand
• Develop repeat purchase behavior
• Increase sales volume
• Establish market share/Fight competition
• Modify/reinforce consumer attitudes
Step 3 : Designing the Message
• Message strategy
• Creative strategy
• Message source
• Global adaptation
Creative Strategy
• Informational and transformational appeals
• Positive and negative appeals
– Fear, Guilt, Shame, Humor, Love, Pride, Joy
Message Source
Celebrity Characteristics
– Expertise
– Trustworthiness
– Likeability
Issues Facing Global Adaptations
• Is the product restricted in some countries?
• Are there restrictions on advertising the
product to a specific target market?
• Can comparative ads be used?
• Can the same advertising be used in all
country markets?
Step 4: Selecting Channels/ Choosing
• There are two broad types of communication channels ;
- Personal Communication Channels
Channels through which two or more people communicate
directly with each other, including face-to-face, on the phone, or
internet chat.
- Non – personal Communication Channels
Media that carry messages without personal contact or
feedback, including print media, broadcast media,
display media (Posters/billboards), radio
advertisements, television advertisements.
Marketing Communications Mix

• Advertising
• Personal Selling
• Sales Promotion
• Direct Marketing
• Public Relation & Publicity
• Events Marketing &
• Word of Mouth
Marketing Communications Mix:
Any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an
identified sponsor.

– Print and broadcast ads

– Billboards
– Posters
– POP displays
– Motion pictures
– Radio advertising
– Television advertising
Marketing Communications Mix:
advantages of advertising:-
– Effective at reaching a wide audience- Tv
– Low cost per exposure
– Flexibility in designing & placing the ad (can design
the advertisement according to their marketing
– Allows high message repetition
– Good for building awareness
– Amplified effect (convey your message with sight,
sound and motion)
Marketing Communications Mix:
disadvantages of advertising

– Costly - impersonal - one-way

– You may be paying to send your message
to a lot of people who will probably never
be in the market to buy from you. 
– may require multiple exposure for the ad
to rise above the clutter  -people cant
correctly grab the msg
– Not good at getting customers to make a
final purchasing decision
Marketing Communications Mix:
Personal Selling

Personal presentation by a firm’s sales force

for the purpose of making sales and building
customer relationships.
– Sales presentations
– Sales Meetings
– Fairs & Trade Shows
Marketing Communications Mix:
advantages of Personal Selling
– Build buyers’ preference - conviction – action (trying to
build up the preference for particular product &
convince to customers).
– Can observe mutual needs and quickly adjust (Highly
– Assists in developing relationships
– Buyer more likely to listen and respond
Disadvantages of personal selling
• The most expensive promotion tool –we have to pay
commissions to the sales force
• Time consuming
• Not suitable if there are thousands of buyers –then its
difficult to do personal selling
Marketing Communications Mix:
Sales Promotion

Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase

or sale of a product or service
Final Customers or Distribution Channel Members
– Contests, games, sweepstakes
– Buy one get one free
– Premiums- giving gift
– Sampling-giving samples
– Discount Coupons- nestomolt
– Rebates – returning money back
– Incentive Programs
Marketing Communications Mix:
advantages of Sales Promotion
– Attract consumer attention-from by one
get one free
– Can stimulate quick increases in sales by
targeting promotional incentives on
particular products
Disadvantages of sales promotion

– Short - lived - weak at building brand

– Too much promotion may damage the
brand image
Marketing Communications Mix:
Direct Marketing

Direct communications with carefully targeted

individuals to obtain an immediate response.
– Direct Mails (Emails)
– Catalogues
– Flyers in newspapers
– Telemarketing
– TV shopping
– Blogs
– Voice Mail Messages
– Short Message Services (SMS)
Marketing Communications Mix:
advantages of Direct Marketing
• Ability to precisely target customers – Your advertising
message is targeted to those most likely to buy your product
or service
• Personalization - can address the customer personally and
be tailored to their needs (the best offer; the best timing)
thus, helping increase positive response- ex, emails
• Immediate (Telemarketing/ TV Shopping)
• Interactive (Telemarketing/ TV Shopping)
• Opportunities for developing relationships with potential
Marketing Communications Mix:
disadvantages of Direct Marketing

– Large quantities of paper are thrown away,

without even opening the mail (Direct
– Most people oppose the uninvited calls
(Tele Marketing)-we don’t answer the
– Most of the emails are put into trash and
(Direct Mailers)
Marketing Communications Mix:
Public Relation

The variety of activities and communications an organization

undertakes to monitor, evaluate, and influence the attitudes,
opinions and behaviors of groups or individuals who constitute
their publics.

– Media
– Government
– Citizen Action
– Local
– General
– Financial
– Internal
Marketing Communications Mix:
Public Relation/Publicity
• Press release
• Press conference
• Speeches
• Seminars
• Annual reports
• Charitable donations
• Publications e.g. Company magazine
• Community Relation Programs
• Lobbying
• Cause marketing
Marketing Communications Mix:
Public Relation/Publicity
• Often seen as more "credible" - since the message seems to be coming
from a third party (Believable)
• Cheap way of reaching many customers - if it is applied in the right way
Advantages of public relations -
– Reach prospects who avoid other approaches
– Enhance corporate image-formal platform to
communicate the msg
Disadvantages of public relations
– Risk of losing control - cannot always control
what other people write or say about your
Marketing Communications Mix:
Events Marketing

Sponsor or organize various events;

• Sports
• Entertainment
• Festivals
• Arts
• Causes
• Factory tours
• Company museums
• Street activities
Advantages & Disadvantages of Event
Marketing & Sponsorship
• Target marketing capability
• Face to face access
• Public image enhancement

• Cost of organizing big events

• Effectiveness hard to measure-its difficult
to measure weather the people got the
msg pr not.
Word-of-Mouth Marketing
• Person-to-person
• Chat rooms
• TV shows
e.g. Banks
Decide on Media Mix
Each promotional tool has unique characteristics and
costs. Marketers must understand these characteristics
in shaping their promotion mix.
– The nature of each promotion tool
– The nature of the product
– The nature of the target customers (Media
– Push Vs Pull Strategy
– PLC Stage
– Buyer Readiness Stage
The Nature of the Product
Consumer Goods Industrial Goods
Advertising Personal selling

Sales promotion Sales promotion

Personal selling Advertising

Push versus Pull Strategy
Producer Reseller
marketing activities marketing activities
Retailers and
Producer Consumers

Push strategy
Demand Demand
Retailers and
Producer Consumers

Producer marketing activities

Pull strategy
Product Life Cycle Stage

• Introduction Stage: Advertising & Sales Promotion

• Growth Stage : Advertising & PR

• Maturity Stage : Sales Promotion

• Declining Stage : Low or no promotion
Effectiveness of different promotional elements
varies during the stages of consumer’s purchase
decision ;

Slide 18-33
Integrated Marketing Communication

The concept under which a company carefully integrates and

coordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear,
consistent, and compelling message about the organization and
its products.
– Connecting people
– Be Unforgettable
– Great way to fly- we can achieve good
brand & consumers.

The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications

– Conflicting messages from

different sources or promotional
approaches can confuse company
or brand images

– Each element has unique

strengths and weakness

Step 05 :Setting the Promotional Budget

Affordable Method

Percentage-of-Sales Method

Competitive Parity Method

Objective-and-Task Method
Step 6 : Measure Result

• Question target audience members

(Communication effect)
– Remember message?
– How many times?
– Specific points?
– How they feel?
– Attitudes changed?

• Measure behavior (sales effect)

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