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 is the practice of taking action usually as part of

an organized group or community  to create

positive change.
Social action is a method of social work that aims
to bring about structural changes in the social
system or prevent negative changes.
Types of social action
traditional social action
 affective social action
rational social action with values 
 instrumental social action.
Rational orientation to a system of discrete individual 
         (rational purposeful action)

This action may be rationally expedient if it is based

on logical or scientific grounds. This action entails a
complicated plurality of means and ends. The ends
of action (for example goals, values) are either taken
as means to the fulfilment of other ends, or are
treated as if they are set in concrete. In this way
action becomes purely instrumental.
The rational orientation to an absolute value
           (value rational action)

  Action is rational in relation to a specific value. This action

occurs when individuals use rational – that is effective means
to achieve goals or ends that are defined in terms of subjective
meaning. According to Weber, when individuals are value
rational, they make commitments to certain subjective goals
and adopt means that are effective in attaining these ends.
 2 basic types of rational action 
first is the means- end rationality
    The action that is determined by expectations as to
the behavior of objects in the environment and other
human beings. These expectations are used as
‘conditions’ or means for the attainment of the actors
own rationally pursued and calculated ends.
The second is value rationality

   action that is determined by a conscious

belief in the value for its own sake of some
ethical, aesthetic, religious or other forms of
behavior, independently of its prospects for
The effectual orientation
         (affective action)

It is done according to the feelings of an effect

upon the actor.
 is an action that occurs as a result of a person's
state of feeling, sometimes regardless of the
consequences that follow it.
Traditionally oriented action.
     (traditional action)

The established pattern of behavior in terms of

customs, rituals, conventions , and beliefs are
Traditional action occurs when the ends and the
means of action are fixed by custom and tradition.

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