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Python For ML
Module Name - Introduction
to Python
Class - Day 7
Topic - Recursion,
texttext stylesstyles
Inheritance and Data Hiding
● Revision
● Recursion
● Class Inheritance
● Data Hiding

In the last session, you learnt about: 

• Should be updated by the instructor


● Recursion is a common mathematical and programming concept.

● Recursion is a technique where functions or methods makes a call to itself.
● This has the benefit of meaning that you can loop through data to reach a

● Puzzle games uses recursion.
● The most important data structure ‘Tree’ doesn’t exist without recursion we
can solve that in iterative way also but that will be a very tough task.
● The NP problem can’t be solved without recursion.
● Sorting algorithms like (Quick sort, Merge sort, etc.) uses recursion.

Pros and Cons:

● Recursive functions are in-memory functions and take up more memory
than iterative counterparts.
● However, their runtime performance is faster in general.
Class Inheritence

● Inheritance is a key concept in Object-Oriented Programming.

● It enables us to create a new class from an existing class.
● The new class is a specialized version of the existing class and it inherits all
the non-private variables and methods of the existing class.
● Well you may know everything in python is an object. Also all classes by
default is inherited from built-in Object class implicitly

Class ParentClass:
Class ChildClass (ParentClass):
Class Inheritence

When to use Inheritance

● We use inheritance when we have “is a” relationship between objects.
Like, an employee is a Person, a car is a vehicle, a dog is an animal.

Benefits of Inheritance:
● Code reusability- we do not have to write the same code, again and again,
we can just inherit the properties we need in a child class.
● It represents a real-world relationship between parent class and child class.
● It is transitive in nature. 
Class Inheritance

Example of Inheritance in Python:

class Parent():
def first(self):
print('first function')
class Child(Parent): first function
def second(self): second function
print('second function')
ob = Child()
Class Inheritance

Types Of Inheritance
● Single Inheritance
● Multiple Inheritance
● Multilevel Inheritance
● Hierarchical Inheritance
● Hybrid Inheritance
Class Inheritance
Type of Inheritance Example Syntax

Single Invariance class Parent:

def func1(self):
print("this is function one")
class Child(Parent):
def func2(self):
print(" this is function 2 ")
ob = Child()
Multiple Inheritance class Parent:
def func1(self):
print("this is function 1")
class Parent2:
def func2(self):
print("this is function 2")
class Child(Parent , Parent2):
def func3(self):
print("this is function 3")ob = Child()
Class Inheritance
Type of Inheritance Example Syntax

Multilevel Invariance class Parent:

def func1(self):
print("this is function 1")
class Child(Parent):
def func2(self):
print("this is function 2")
class Child2(Child):
def func3("this is function 3")
ob = Child2()
Hierarchical Inheritance class Parent:
def func1(self):
print("this is function 1")
class Child(Parent):
def func2(self):
print("this is function 2")
class Child2(Parent):
def func3(self):
print("this is function 3")
ob = Child()
ob1 = Child2()
Class Inheritance
Type of Inheritance Example Syntax

Hybrid Invariance class Parent:

def func1(self):
print("this is function one")
class Child(Parent):
def func2(self):
print("this is function 2")
class Child1(Parent):
def func3(self):
print(" this is function 3"):
class Child3(Parent , Child1):
def func4(self):
print(" this is function 4")
ob = Child3()
Class Inheritance

Super() Function:
● Super function allows us to call a method from the parent class.
class Parent:
def func1(self):
print("this is function 1")
class Child(Parent):
def func2(self):
print("this is function 2")
ob = Child()
Data Hiding

● Data hiding is a part of object-oriented programming, which is generally

used to hide the data information from the user.
● We can perform data hiding in Python using the __ double underscore
before prefix.

class CounterClass:  
   __privateCount = 0  
   def count(self):  
      self.__privateCount += 1  
Key Takeaways

● What is Recursion
● Applications of Recursion and its pros and cons
● What is Class Inheritance
● Types of Class Inheritance
● Data Hiding

Thank You!

Happy learning!

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