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Leadership Qualities

Presented by:
Muhammad Ismail Masood

 Leadership is the main role of a leader.

 A person who guides or directs a group of
 Good leaders have good leadership, and
there are certain qualities or characteristics
of people who make good leaders.

 Art of motivating a group of people

to act towards achieving a common goal

 The essentials of being able

to inspire others and being prepared to do so

 Take swift and decisive action, outperform the competition,

and inspire others to perform well.


Leaders become great, not because of

their power, but because of their
ability to empower others.
John Maxwell
Leadership Qualities

Planning Ability Courage Emotional Stability Determination Responsibility

Integrity Practical Ability Social Relation Infusing Ability Initiative

Physical General
Self Confidence Expressions
Endurance Awareness
Planning Ability

 Planning ability lies in must category of

Leadership Qualities

 A Leader must show

some common sense and system

 A Leader must be capable

to plan the event he is leading

Generally capable of meeting risk situations

 Physical courage is bravery in the face of physical

pain, hardship, death or threat of death

 Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the

face of popular opposition, shame, scandal,
discouragement, or personal loss
Emotional Stability

 Refers to a person's ability

to remain stable and balanced

 Flexible adaptation
to the changing demands of stressful experiences

 Emotions do not have

to be the master of your life

 Determination
is another of the important leadership traits.

 Determination
is the desire to get the job done and includes
characteristics such as
initiative, persistence, dominance, and drive.

 Determination is a positive emotional feeling

that involves persevering towards a difficult
goal in spite of obstacles.

 Determination occurs prior to goal

attainment and serves to motivate behavior
that will help achieve one's goal.

 One of the most important leadership qualities is

the acceptance of personal responsibility.

 Great leaders see themselves

as victors over circumstances
rather than victims of circumstances.

 They don't criticize or blame others

when something goes wrong.
 The quality of being honest and having strong moral

 Integrity is the integration of

outward actions and inner values.

 A person of the integrity is the same

on the outside and on the inside.

 A leader must have the trust of followers

and therefore must display integrity.
Practical Ability

 Leadership is an essential life skill

at home, at work, and in every stage of your
 Experience
 Challenging Job Assignments
 Good Monitoring
 Training
Social Relation
A Social, Relational Approach Is Built on Characteristics

Like These
• Intuitive, gut-thinking
• Care for how decisions affect people
• A collaborative, team-focused approach
• Orientation toward relationships
and a desire to get things done through people
• An ability to connect ideas and work to people
Influence Ability
The Ability to Influence as a Key to Leadership
 In order to be a powerful leader, we need to inspire
people to take action through the power of influence.

We have identified the best leaders as having 4 key

influencing skills:

1- Political savvy
2- Self-promotion
3- Building and maintaining trust
4- Leveraging networks
 The best leaders are proactive.

 They don’t wait for someone else

to tell them what to do.

 They take the initiative to find and solve problems

and to meet and create challenges.

 The same is true in learning.

Physical Endurance

 Being a leader isn’t difficult but

it isn’t exactly easy either.

 It takes a strong commitment

as well as a steady and intentional application
of the fundamental leadership traits
and principles to succeed and leading others.
Self Awareness
 A good community leader should be knowledge of
his or her strengthens and weaknesses.

 This will enable the leader to exploit better his

abilities while seeking help from others for his or
her weak areas.

 Leading others with the knowledge of self ease’s a

leaders job since it allows him for the sharing of
responsibilities with others.
Self Confidence

Self-confidence has two aspects:

 General self-confidence, which is a stable

personality trait that develops in early

 Specific self-confidence, which is a changing

mental and emotional state associated with
the specific task or situation at-hand.

 Leadership
is a means of self expression.

 Leaders find ways to express

who they are, what they believe, which
inspires them take action towards their vision.
If your actions inspire others to
dream more, learn more, do
more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams

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