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Adirbekova Dinel 11D


• If electricity makes life easier for us, you can thank

Michael Faraday. He made two big discoveries that
changed our lives. English physicist and chemist
Michael Faraday was one of the greatest scientists of
the 19th century. His many experiments contributed
greatly to the understanding of electromagnetism.
Michael Faraday received a basic education at
Sunday school. When he was an apprentice
bookbinder, he was offered a ticket to attend chemical
lectures by Humphry Davy. The lectures inspired
Faraday to become a scientist. He eventually became
Davy’s laboratory assistant, enabling him to learn
chemistry from one of the greatest practitioners of the

• His major contribution, however, was in the field of

electricity and magnetism. He was the first to produce an
electric current from a magnetic field, invented the first
electric motor and dynamo, demonstrated the relation
between electricity and chemical bonding and discovered
the effect of magnetism on light. In 1820 Michael Faraday
produced the first known compounds of carbon and
chlorine. In 1825 he isolated and described benzene.
What’s more, in 1821 he invented the first electric motor,
and in the early 1830s he discovered a way to convert
mechanical energy into electricity on a large scale,
creating the first electric generator.

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