Justice in The Workplace

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Justice in the Workplace

Creating a just workplace is essential for the success of any organization. In this
presentation, we'll explore the concepts of informational and interpersonal justice
and their impact on the workplace.
Informational Justice

Information Sharing Transparency Justification

Sharing fair information equally Employees need to have access to When decisions are made that
with all parties involved in a information that affects their impact employees, it's important
decision. work, such as company policies, to explain the reasoning behind
performance evaluations, and pay them.
Interpersonal Justice
Respect Courtesy

Employees should be treated with respect and Common courtesy, such as saying "please" and
dignity by their colleagues and superiors, "thank you," can go a long way in creating a
regardless of who they are or what they do. positive workplace environment.

Compassion Just treatment

Showing concern for employees' well-being and Employees should be treated fairly, without
recognizing their personal circumstances can help favoritism or bias, when it comes to things like
create a supportive and caring workplace. promotions, assignments, and discipline.
Informational vs Interpersonal Justice
Informational Justice Interpersonal Justice

Concerned with fairness in decision making Concerned with fairness in interpersonal treatment

Focuses on transparency and explanation Focuses on respect, courtesy, compassion, and just

Impacts employees' perception of fairness of Impacts employees' perception of fairness of

policies interactions

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