Off Boarding Process

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By Kleeto

To Digitize the off boarding process completely

Exit Interview form to be digital

Dues clearance from all functions to be digital

Relieving letter to be generated digitally

Pls Note –
All the following screenshots have been taken from a dummy demo

These screenshots are just a representation of what is being shown in Demo

The actual platform is completely customizable and has the flexibility to create
data fields and workflow actions as per the needs and requirements of the user

For Example:
Any number of candidates can be added,
any number of user functions can use the system at one point of time,
any and every document to be uploaded by any user can be made mandatory
or not,
any kind and any number of MIS reports can be computed within the
system…… and much more.
Resigning Candidate Profile CREATION
The candidate resigns through mail

The resignation process can be initiated as soon as the resignation is accepted or

after a certain number of days --- as per the client requirement

HR SPOC/ team lead initiates the resignation process and creates an exiting
candidate profile on the system

All the Spocs/ Managers/team leads gets the trigger

Give clearances as per requirement

Form goes to the Full and Final team

As soon as full and final is cleared, a mail is generated to the concerned function
to generate the relieving letter.
Resignation Initiation

When the resignation is received, the Admin/spoc/team lead initiates

the resignation process
:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user requirement.
Clearances by specific functions which are applicable to the

All the function SPOCS responsible for clearance will only see the details
pertaining to their functions only and nothing else.

:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user requirement
Updating and viewing Clearance
Process - HR

Once the SPOC gets the

details, he can update the
information as per his

Once the SPOC gets the details, he can

update the information as per his

:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or

deleted as per user requirement
Updating and viewing Clearance

By clicking on view
details, the candidate
Can also check the status of his
clearance process.

Once the SPOC gets the details,

he can update the information as
per his

:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user requirement
Once the SPOC clicks on Update Information
, he sees all the components that are to be
worked upon

Once the proceed button is clicked

All the details regarding the
particular component can be seen in

:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user requirement
Details of component submission or Recovery

The SPOC can fill in the relevant details if

the particular component is applicable,
submitted or not Or if there is any recovery
that needs to be done and from
which date it has to be initiated. In case some
supporting docs are required, those can be
Uploaded too along with remarks.

:- this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user
Function 1

Similarly all relevant function SPOCS

can fill in details as per the requirement

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user
Empolyee friendly

The Employee can check the status of his

off boarding process in the MIS. In case it is done,
his name will Appear in the completed list, else in
Full and final pending or Revoked or On Hold.
He can proceed accordingly

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user
After all the clearances, the form finally reaches the
payroll team for the payouts. The payroll SPOC can
Then update info, generate letters or Edit information from the portal.

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or

deleted as per user requirement
Update Information

All the information can be updated

by clicking on the proceed buttons

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or

deleted as per user requirement
Edit Information
Any information can also be edited by the payroll SPOC if required

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted as per user requirement
If all the components are submitted and all
the SPOCs have given the due clearance, the
Payroll team can also generated the letters online.
These letter can be customized and computed as per the
requirement. There can be any number of letter

this is a representative screen shot. Fields can be added or deleted

as per user requirement
 Once the Full and final is complete as per the payroll
team’s requirements, the team can generate letters online
 These letter can be signed digitally by the senior
management members.
 This way, the entire Off boarding process can be
completed digitally.

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