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Degrees of freedom

A free point on a plane

Coordinates are (x,y).

x,y can change independently.
Thus the point can move in any
arbitrary path.
Degrees of freedom are two

( x2 ,y2 )

A line on a plane
( x1 ,y1 )

Coordinates of the end points of the line determine the line.

Each of these points has two degrees of freedom. Hence total
degrees of freedom is four.
However since the length of the line segment is unchanged
(x1-x2)2+ (y1 - y2)2=l2
This constraint equation reduces one degree of freedom
Hence number of degrees of freedom is 4-1=3. Another way of
looking at it is a line is defined by apointt on I and its slope,
I.e. you need x,y,q to define a line
Degrees of freedom
( x2 ,y2 )
( x1 ,y1 )

A rod hinged ( pin jointed ) at one end

As before coordinates of the end points of the line or rod

determine the line.
Each of these points has two degrees of freedom. Hence total
degrees of freedom is four.
However since the length of the line segment is unchanged
(x1-x2)2+ (y1 - y2)2=l2
This constraint equation reduces one degree of freedom
Hence number of degrees of freedom is 3 as long as the rod is
not hinged.

What does hinging do?

Simple - x1 ,y1 become constant.
In other words two more constraint
x1 = constant, y1 = constant.
So degrees of freedom become 3-2=1
Thus of the x,y, q only q remains free to
Degrees of freedom

( x1 ,y1 ) ( x2 ,y2 )

A rod fixed ( cantilevered ) at one end

As before coordinates of the end points of the line or rod

determine the line.
Each of these points has two degrees of freedom. Hence total
degrees of freedom is four.
However since the length of the line segment is unchanged
(x1-x2)2+ (y1 - y2)2=l2
This constraint equation reduces one degree of freedom
Hence number of degrees of freedom is 3 as long as the rod is
not fixed.

What does fixing do do?

x1 ,y1 become constant.
x1 = constant, y1 = constant.
Additionally so does q
So degrees of freedom become 3-3=0
Rod cannot move!
Degrees of freedom
( x2 ,y2 )
( x3 ,y3 )
( x1 ,y1 )
Two rods hinged at one point

( x2 ,y2 )
( x4 ,y4 )
( x3 ,y3 )

( x1 ,y1 )

Two free lines have 3X2=6 degrees of

A pin joint implies 2 constraint equations.
x2 =x4 , y2 =y4 ,
Hence degrees of freedom = 6-2 =4
Degrees of freedom

( x2 ,y2 )
( x3 ,y3 )
( x1 ,y1 )

Three rods hinged to form a triangle

Three free lines have 3X3=9 degrees

of freedom.
3 pin joints imply 3X2=6 constraint

Hence degrees of freedom = 9-6 =3

Degrees of freedom
( x2 ,y2 )
( x3 ,y3 )
( x1 ,y1 )

( x4 ,y4 )

More triangles

( x2 ,y2 ) ( x5 ,y5 )
( x3 ,y3 )
( x1 ,y1 )

( x10 ,y10 )
( x6 ,y6 )
( x4 ,y4 )
( x9 ,y9 ) ( x8 ,y8 )
( x7 ,y7 )

Five free lines have 3X5=15 degrees of freedom.

The four pin joints imply 4X2=8 constraint equations.
Hence degrees of freedom = 15-8 =7???
The pin joints actually create
x2 =x5 , y2 =y5 ,  2 x4 =x9 , y4 =y9 ,  2
x1 =x6=x7 , y1 =y6 =y7 ,  4 x3 =x10=x8 , y3 =y10 =y8 ,  4
12 constraint equations
Hence degrees of freedom = 15-12 =3

The mistake – One hidden joint each

Degrees of freedom
( x2 ,y2 )
( x3 ,y3 )
( x1 ,y1 )

( x4 ,y4 ) 2 hidden
2 hidden joints

( x5 ,y5 )
( x6 ,y6 )
2 hidden
A lot more triangles

Nine free lines have 3X9=27

degrees of freedom.
The six pin joints +six hidden pin
joints imply 12X2=24 constraint
Hence degrees of freedom = 27-24
Mobility : Planar Mechanisms

Gruebler/Kutzbach criterion

In simple form (no higher pairs)

M= 3n-2j-3
Mobility for pin joints with multiple links

n links connected by one pin joint implies there are actually

(n-1) joints. Imagine considering two links and joining them
by a pin. Adding a 3rd link will require a 2nd pin joint, adding a
4th to this combination will mean a 3rd joint and so forth.
Mobility : Spatial

Kutzbach Criterion for spatial linkages

Mobility criterion for spatial linkages

with lower pair only

Minimum mobility criterion

Examples of Idle degrees of freedom

The long slender link(s) between a pair of spherical

joints can rotate about its own axis without causing
any change in the shape of the mechanism
Revolute joints in any loop in a
mechanism can be replaced by
prismatic joints with no change in
DOF of the mechanism, provided
that at least two revolute joints
remain in the loop.
If all revolute joints in a fourbar linkage
are replaced by prismatic joints, the
result will be a two-DOF assembly.
Also, if three revolutes in a fourbar
loop are replaced with prismatic joints,
the one remaining revolute joint will
not be able to turn, effectively locking
the two pinned links together as one.
This effectively reduces the assembly
to a threebar linkage which should
have zero DOF. But, a delta triplet with
three prismatic joints has one DOF-a
Gruebler's paradox.
Solved problems 1
Solved problem 2
Solved problem 3

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