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Resilience program

Module 6. Dealing with

• Before we begin, please spread out
into 3 Groups

• Ice Breaker:
Share the worst thing that happened in
• Please note that personal information may
be shared in these sessions.
• It is important that we respect each other’s
confidentiality and do not share sensitive
information outside of the sessions.
Exercise 1

• Go to your groupings. (Draw lots)

• Each group will be given a crisis to resolve
• You will be given 5 minutes formulate a
process in resolving the crisis
• Afterwards each group will share their
crisis and how they deal with it.
• Timer starts now.
• Do not go to Next Exercise unless
Exercise 1

• Was the Crisis difficult to resolve?

• Are you sure that your actions will benefit most of the parties?
• We will get back to resolving after the presentation?

• Decisive Action
• Making Decision can be frustrating
• There are Blockers preventing Making
• Preparation, More information, Taking
accountability and Asking for Help can
overcome these Blockers

• Keeping things in perspective

• There is always an internal dialogue
going in our Minds
• This dialogue can lead to negativity
going up the latter of Interference
• We have to use Challenge Questions to
stop the climb up the ladder

• Take care of your self

• Taking care of yourself will improve all
aspect of life
• Rest, Sports, Travel, eating well are part
of taking care of one self
• Must set objectives on how to improve

• Maintain a Positive Outlook

• Mindfulness and positive reframing
• Surround yourself with positivity
• Set realistic goals and celebrate progress
Module 6: Dealing with Crisis

• High level Goals 1:

• be prepared and accept that all
of us will experience crises or
difficult circumstances of varying
degrees throughout our lives has
an impact on ourselves, others
and on safety.
Module 6: Dealing with Crisis

• High level Goals 2:

• You can’t change the crises
but you can have an
influence on how you react
to it and the choices you
Module 6: Dealing with Crisis

• High level Goals 3:

• Recognizing your own
reactions and asking from
support from others will help
you make better choices and
safer decisions.
When we are making decisions we react using
two of the thought processes seen below:

• “The emotional Brain” thinking from

the heart – the fast acting, older part of
the brain which acts quickly to prepare
us to “Fight or Flight” to protect us
from immediate danger
• “The thinking brain” thinking from logic
– the more logical part of our brain
where our knowledge, skills and
Brain and the
Freeze, Flight,
Fight, Fright,
Flag and Faint
Freeze Response
Dealing with Crisis
During crisis you have a choice:

• You can see a problem as

impossible to solve and get
stuck in feelings and
thoughts about negative
consequences . (Emotional
• Break the problem down,
see the opportunities it
presents and start working
on improving the situations
(Thinking Brain)
Exercise 1

• Go to your groupings. (Draw lots)

• Each group will be given a crisis to resolve
• You will be given 5 minutes formulate a process in resolving the crisis
• Afterwards each group will share their crisis and how they deal with it.
• Timer starts now.
• Do not go to Next Exercise unless intructed
Exercise 1

• Group 1
• You are the Crewing Manager a Manning agency. Your
documentations officer, Carla comes up to you and lets you know
that John Lloyd (the best performing crewing manager) has been
sexually harassing her at work and calling her phone during off
hours. You confront John of the situation and he says it was just a
• Two weeks later, Carla comes up to you and says John is still
harassing her and making sexual innuendos.
• What are your next actions?
Exercise 1

• Group 2
• You are the Crewing Manager a Manning agency. Your receive a
complain from an Applicant Chief Engineer who said that the crewing
assistant Korina told him he was “not qualified” for the position because
of his age.
• He is very offended the threatens to sue in court for violation of anti age
discrimination law and not recognizing his valid COC (proving his
qualification). He wants the name of the crewing assistant in order to file
a case. If you don’t cooperate he threatens to include you in the case.
• What are your next actions?
Exercise 1

• Group 3
• You are the Training Director of a Manning agency. One of the
Cadets commit suicide and on his suicide note to his parents he
noted; He has been sexually abused by one of the instructors and
was threatened to keep this a secret or else he will not have a chance
to go onboard.
• The instructor in question is the brother of MARINA Administrator
and his family is connected in Local Politics.
• What are your next actions?
Exercise 1

• Was the Crisis difficult to resolve?

• Are you sure that your actions will
benefit most of the parties?
• We will get back to resolving after the
Exercise 1
• Go to your groupings.
• You will return to the crisis being solved.
• Afterwards each group will share their crisis and how they deal with it.
• This time, answer the following questions before making decisions
• What is your initial reaction to the crisis- how does it make you feel?
• How large does the problem feel/look/sound at the time?
• What choices do you need to make?
• Who can you draw on to help you?
• What could be an effective approach?
• How large or impossible does it look now?
How large or impossible does it look now?
The Best Resilience
Training is Going
Through Crisis

• The more Crisis you experience,

the more Resilient you become.
• You’ll have better:
• Decision making
• Better perspective
• Acceptance of change
In Summary

• We all go through crises in our lives and it can feel overwhelming.

• We have a choice in how we react and the choices we make.
“Emotional of Intellectual Brain”
• It is important to recognize and be aware on how we react so we
can draw support from others or make intellectual decisions.
Thank you!
Please answer the Feedback Form and leave
it on the table near the door when you go

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