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Drawing Conclusion About

Population Mean Based on Test

Statistic Value and Critical Region

Presented by: Group 5


t- Critical Value
z-test t-test

Negative of the computed z and t is disregarded when

comparing it to the critical value of z and t if the hypothesis
is two-tailed test.
Example 1:
Compute for its value given the following information. Use a = 0.05.
Interpret the result.

The computed z-value is 1.875 which

is greater than the critical value of 1.
645. Therefore, we reject the null
hypothesis and support the alternative
Example 2:
Compute for its value given the following information. Use a = 0.01.
Interpret the result.

The computed t-value is greater than

the t-critical value at a=0.01. Since
we have a left-tailed test, our
conclusion is that we fail to reject the
null hypothesis.

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