English Proverb and Riddle

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characteristic proverb

Kinds of Proverbs

Example of
proverb structure

Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer

advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called
by proverbs.

Example :
Time is money = waktu adalah uang. (Waktu sangat
berharga atau penting, maka manusia harus menggunakan
waktu sebaik mungkin). Proverb and riddle

1. Aphorism (pepatah). This proverb offers advice.

Don’t go too far in small. (persoalan kecil jangan dibesar-besarkan)
2. Parable (Perumpamaan). That has a moral lesson and has parable
carry coals to Newcastle (Bagai membuang garam ke laut)
3. Slogan (pemeo). This proverb give spirit or motivation
Early bird gets worm ( Tuhan akan memberikan rezeki kepada makhluk-Nya yang lebih dahulu
Diligence is the mistress of success (rajin pangkal sukses)
4. Idiom
It as a pharse that has group of words with a different meaning from the meaning of all the individual word.
Pull your sock up (improve your behavior)
You can arrange your bedroom at will (sesuka hati)
Don’t mention it (You’re welcome)
 Proverbs can be as short as two words. In addition,
the full forms of popular longer proverbs are often
replaced by elliptical allusions.
 Proverbs use prosodic devices that enhance their
memorability, especially rhyme, alliteration,
parallelism, as ellipsis.
 Proverbs often use simple rhetorical devices,
metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and personification.
Proverbs often from clusters that share a common
– Opposite parallel
– Similiar parallel
– Single statement
– Statement with an explanation
– Comparison
– Descriptive list
– Use of clause or instruction
• all good things come to those who wait
• (If you are patient, there will be reward)
(Jika kamu bersabar, akan ada hadiah untukmu)
• Soon learnt, soon forgotten
• (Something that is easy to learn is easy to forget)
(Sesuatu yang mudah dipelajari akan mudah dilupakan)
• Education is an ornament of prosperity and refuge in adversity
• (Education is a treasure in a happy time and a place to protect in a bad time)
(pendidikan adalah harta saat bahagia dan tempat berlindung saat keadaan buruk)
• don’t cross your bridges before you come to them.
• (Don’t worry about problems before they arrive)
(Jangan khawatir terhadap masalah sebelum mereka datang)
• Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
• (Have a backup plan! Don’t risk all of your money or time in one plan)
(Buatlah rencana cadangan, jangan memfokuskan pada sebuah rencana saja)
Even a worm will turn
(Everybody will revolt if driven too far)
(Setiap orang akan melawan bila dipaksa terlalu jauh)
• Flower blooms more than once
• (If you miss occasion, you can avail yourself of it in another time)
(Jika kamu gagal, kamu harus mencoba di lain waktu)
• Healthy man has a hundred wishes, a sick man has only one
• (If we are healthy we have many wishes but if we sick we only wish in order to recovery)
(Jika kita sehat, kita memiliki banyak impian, namun jika kita sakit, kita hanya
berharap untuk sembuh)
• Think first,than action
• (we must think first before doing something)
(berfikir matang lah dulu sebelum bertindak)
• Action speak louder than words
• (more don’t talk less)
(banyak bekerja sedikit bicara)
1. Do not cast your pearls before swine.
A) A mistake can be a great teacher.
B) Do not give a precious thing to someone who cannot value it.
C) It is preferable to be cautious than be rash and get into trouble.
D) When things seem at their worst, they may just begin to improve.

2. The child is father of the man.

A) The finest things are hard to get.
B) One should not assume success prior to actually achieving it.
C) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
D) The character of a child shows the kind of man he will grow up to be.

3. Better late than never.

A) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
B) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
C) It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all.
D) One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments.

4. Birds of a feather flock together.

A) People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.
B) The finest things are hard to get.
C) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
D) One should not make a big fuss about a trivial matter.

5. Don't change horses in mid-stream.

A) Nothing can go on forever as all things change.
B) It is preferable to be cautious than be rash and get into trouble.
C) Plans must not be altered at the wrong time.
D) One's actions whether good or bad determine one's rewards or punishments.
6. Call a spade a spade.
A) One should not worry before something happens for it may never happen.
B) Do not give a precious thing to someone who cannot value it.
C) Be blunt and say plainly what you mean.
D) Our affection increases when we are parted from our loved ones.

7. All that glitters is not gold.

A) A satisfactory conclusion makes up for earlier disappointments.
B) Be blunt and say plainly what you mean.
C) Everything that is attractive on the outside may not be really valuable inside.
D) Family ties are stronger than other relationships.

8. All roads lead to Rome.

A) There are often early indications of future happenings.
B) People can arrive at the same conclusion by different means.
C) People with similar interests and tastes tend to group.
D) Once a decision has been made, it cannot be reversed.

9. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

A) It is preferable to do a job even if it is delayed than not do it at all.
B) Provide help first to one's family members and then to others.
C) Plans must not be altered at the wrong time.
D) One should not make a big fuss about a trivial matter.

10. A bad workman always blames his tools.

A) A person with deficiencies finds excuses for his lack of skill.
B) Steady progress is better in the long run than inconsistent speed.
C) One should not assume success prior to actually achieving it.
D) There are often early indications of future happening

Definition : a statement or question or phrase having a

double or veiled meaning, put forth as
a puzzle to be solved.
Function : as entertainment, logical thinking practice
Example: Who makes it, has no need of it. Who buys
it, has no use for it. Who uses it can
neither see nor feel it. What is it? A coffin.
1. What can travel around the world while staying in a
2. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: …….. 
3. What gets broken without being held?
Answer : …….
4. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
1. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
Answer: Stamp
2. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: mushroom
3. What gets broken without being held?
Answer : promise
4. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
Answer : Towel
1. I am white and cold. I fall from the sky. I will melt when I get warm. What am I?
a. Ice cube
b. Hailstones
c. Rain
d. Snow
e. wall

2. What kinds of the room that don’t have windows and a door?
a. dining room
b. bathroom
c. bedroom
d. mushroom
e. store room

3. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. I am used in the dark. Who am I?
a. A pencil
b. A candle
c. An eraser
d. A stick
e. A chalk

4. Which weighs more, a pound of feather, a pound of paper, or a pound of brick?

a. A pound of feather
b. A pound of paper
c. A pound of brick
e. weighs of the wind
d. None of them weighs more
5. I am made and bought by someone who doesn’t use me. But the one who uses me doesn’t know that
they are using me. Who am i?
a. a wheelchair
b. a bed
c. a coffin
d. a doll
e. a table

6. people break me before using me. What am i?

a. a nail
b. an egg
c. a carrot
d. an apple
e. an Orange

7. I begin with “T” and end with “T”. I have a “T” inside me. What am i?
a. a tennis bat
b. a trumpet
c. a target
d. a tea pot
e. a cup

8. I go around the world but stay in a corner. What am i?

a. a stamp
b. a pilot
c. a package
d. a flight attendant.
e. a postman
9. I always go up but never go down. Who am i?
a. a lift
b. your age
c. an elevator
d. an airplane
e. a kite

10. What question can you never answer “yes” to?

a. do you lie to me?
b. do you hate me?
c. do you asleep?
d. are you sick?
e. Do you go to school?

11. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
a. a cookie
b. a secret
c. a story
d. a history
e. an experience

12. I have a face and two hands but have no arms and legs. Who am i?
a. a clock
b. a t-shirt
c. a chair
d. a table
e. a bench

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