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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Lecture 09

Design of Wall and Column


By: Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali

Civil Engineering Department
UET Peshawar

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Introduction

 Types of Foundation

 Wall Footing
 General
 ACI Recommendations
 Design Procedure
 Examples

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Isolated/Column Footing
 General
 ACI Recommendations
 Design Procedure
 Examples

 References

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


At the end of this lecture, students will be able to

 Classify and identify foundation types
 Analyze and design wall footing
 Analyze and design isolated column footing

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 The substructure, or foundation, is the part of a structure that is usually

placed below the surface of the ground and that transmits the load to
the underlying soil or rock.
 Foundation is regarded as the most important component of
engineered systems.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 5

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Foundations can be divided into two broad categories depending on the

depth of foundation;

1. Shallow Foundations

 Load transfer occurs at shallower depths.

 Isolated, Wall, Combined, Mat footings.

2. Deep Foundations

 Load transfer occurs at deeper depths.

 Piles, drilled piers, drilled caissons.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 6

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

1. Isolated Column Footing

 Isolated column footing carrying a single column is usually called
spread footing.

Spread Footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 7

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

1. Isolated Column Footing

 Sometimes spread footings are tapered, or are stepped to save

Spread Footing Spread Footing

(Tapered) (Stepped)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 8

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

2. Wall Footing (Strip Footing)

 Wall footings or strip footings display essentially one-dimensional
action, cantilevering out on each side of the wall.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 9

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

3. Combined Footing
 A combined footing is a type of footing supporting two or more than two
columns. There are two common configurations of combined footings:

1. Two Column Footing

 Such a footing is often used when one column is close to a property line.

Property Line

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 10

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

3. Combined Footing
2. Column Strip or Multiple Column Footing
 A combined footing may also be used if the space between
adjoining isolated footings is small.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 11

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations

4. Mat Footing
 A mat or raft foundation transfers the loads from all the columns in a
building to the underlying soil.
 Mat foundations are used when excessive loads are supported on a
limited area or when very weak soils are encountered.
 Mat footings are essentially inverted slabs and hence they have as much
configurations as typical slab systems have.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 12

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations
5. Mat Footing

Mat Footing with Beams Mat Footing without Beams

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 13

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Shallow Foundations
5. Mat Footing

Mat Footing with Drop Panels Mat Footing with Column Capitals

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 14

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Deep Foundations
6. Pile Foundation
 This type of foundation is essential when the supporting ground consists
of structurally unsound layers of materials to large depths.
 The piles maybe either end bearing, skin friction, or both.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 15

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of Foundations

 Choice of Foundation
 The choice of foundation type is selected in consultation with
geotechnical engineer.
 Factors to be considered are:
 Soil strength
 Soil type
 Variability of soil type over the area and with increasing depth
 Susceptibility of the soil and the building to deflections.
 Construction methods

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 16

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Types of footing to be discussed in the next slides:

1. Wall Footing
2. Isolated Column Footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

1. Wall Footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Behavior:
 A wall footing behaves just like a cantilever, where the cantilever
extends out from the wall and is loaded in an upward direction by
the soil pressure.

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Behavior:
 Stepped Wall footing:
 Steps are provided to reduce ‘k’ (Moment arm), resulting in reduction of
flexure reinforcement.

k kr

qu qu

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 20

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

 Reinforcement:
 Main reinforcement for flexure is placed at the bottom of the footing
perpendicular to the wall along the short direction, as shown.
 Temperature reinforcement is placed at the bottom of the footing
parallel to the wall along the long direction.
Main Reinforcement

Plan of wall footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 21
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI 318-19 Chapter 13

 In ACI section 13.3, provisions for shallow foundations are given.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 22

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations
 Required Footing Bearing Area
 Footing bearing area is calculated based on unfactored forces or service
loads (ACI as follows:
 Bearing Area, Areq = Service Load/ qe

 Where effective bearing capacity, qe = qa – W

(W = Weight of fill + weight of concrete footing) FFL

 Bearing pressure, qu:

 qu = Factored load / Areq
 Minimum thickness, h: (ACI
 Minimum thickness shall be selected such that Wfill= γfill (z – h)
effective depth of bottom reinforcement is at least 6 in. Wcon= γconc h

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 23

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI code Design Recommendations for Flexure

 The wall footing is designed like a beam or one way slab, by
considering a typical 12-in. wide strip along the wall length.

Unit Strip

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 24

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations
 ACI code Design Recommendations for Flexure
 The maximum factored moment is calculated at critical section

• For a footing supporting concrete Concrete wall

wall, critical section is located at
the face of the wall. (ACI
Critical section

Where b = 1 foot


Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 25

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations
 ACI code Design Recommendations for Flexure
 The maximum factored moment is calculated at critical section.

t t
2 2
• For a footing supporting masonry wall, Masonry wall
critical section is located between the edge
and the middle of the wall. (ACI
Critical section

Where b = 1 foot


Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 26

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI Code Design Recommendations for Flexure

 Minimum reinforcement Requirement, Asmin (ACI

 Asmin = 0.0018 bh
Where; b = 12 inches
 Maximum spacing requirement h = thickness of footing

 Maximum spacing = 3h or 18″

 Clear cover
 Minimum 3″ clear cover must be provided to protect the bars
from corrosion.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 27

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI code Design Recommendations for Shear

 Only one-way shear or beam shear is significant in wall footing.
Hence critical shear is determined at critical section which is at a
distance “d” from the face of support.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 28

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI code Design Recommendations for Shear

 Calculation of Critical shear at distance ‘d’

Vu = qub(k – d)
Where b is unit width equal to 1 foot



Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 29

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

ACI Recommendations

 ACI code Design Recommendations for Shear

 Shear Capacity (ΦVc)

ΦVc = Φ2 b d

Where b is unit width equal to one foot

ΦVc should be equal to or greater than Vu , If ΦVc < Vu, the

depth of footing is increased instead of providing any shear

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 30

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Design Example: Wall Footing
 A 12-in thick concrete wall carries a service dead load of 10 kips/ft
and a service live load of 12.5 kips/ft. The loads are acting at the
base of the wall. The allowable bearing capacity, qa, is 5000 psf at
the level of the base of the footing, which is 5 ft below the finish
floor level. Design a wall footing using fc′ = 3500 psi and fy = 60,000
psi. The density of soil is 120 lb/ft3.


base of wall

base of footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 31

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Design Procedure
 The design involves the following steps:
 Step # 01: Estimate the thickness of footing, h

Assume thickness h of the footing which must satisfy the shear

requirements. (Min. thickness of wall footing = 9 in.). Also find ‘d’.
 Step # 02: Calculate weight of fill + weight of concrete footing, W

W = Wconc + Wfill

 Step # 03: Calculate effective bearing capacity, qe


qe = qa – W (qa = Allowable bearing capacity of soil)

 Step # 04: Calculate bearing area, Areq

Areq = service load / qe

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 32

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Design Procedure
 The design involves the following steps:
 Step # 05: Calculate design pressure on base of footing due to
factored loads, qu

qu = Factored load / Bearing area

 Step # 06: Calculate the critical shear, Vu

Vu = qu b (k – d)

 Step # 07: Check the shear capacity, ΦVc

ΦVc = Φ2 b d

ΦVc shall be equal to or greater than V u , if ΦVc < Vu , increase thickness of

footing; b = 12 inch

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 33

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Design Procedure
 The design involves the following steps:

 Step # 08: Calculate maximum moment, Mu

(Masonry wall) where; t = wall thickness

(Concrete wall)

 Step # 09: Calculate steel area, As

As = Mu / Φfy (d - a/2), a = 0.2h

a = Asfy/0.85fc′b

By trial and success method, find As

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 34

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Design Procedure
 The design involves the following steps:
 Step # 10: Minimum reinforcement check

 Asmin = 0.0018 bh

 Step # 11: Main Bars Spacing and maximum spacing check

 Main Bars: Spacing = (Ab /As )x12

 Maximum spacing = 3h or 18″

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 35

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Design Procedure
 The design involves the following steps:
 Step # 12: Distribution Bars Placement
 Distribution Bars will be provided along the
long direction. Number of distribution
bars will be calculated as follows:

No. of bars = Adist / Ab

 Adist = 0.0018 Bh

 where; B = width of footing (inches), h = footing thickness (inches) and

Ab = Area of bar to be used (in 2)

 Step # 13: Drafting

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 36

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Design Example: Wall Footing
 A 12-in thick concrete wall carries a service dead load of 10 kips/ft
and a service live load of 12.5 kips/ft. The loads are acting at the
base of the wall. The allowable bearing capacity, qa, is 5000 psf at
the level of the base of the footing, which is 5 ft below the finish
floor level. Design a wall footing using fc′ = 3500 psi and fy = 60,000
psi. The density of soil is 120 lb/ft3.


base of wall

base of footing

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 37

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 01: Estimate the thickness of footing, h
 Assuming a trial thickness, h = 12 in. (1 foot)
 Assuming #6 bar for flexure
 Effective depth, d = 12 – 3 in. cover – ½ (bar diameter) ≈ 8.62 in.

 Step # 02: Calculate weight of fill and weight of concrete, W

 W = Wconc + Wfill = 1 x 0.15 + (5-1) x 0.12 = 0.63 ksf

 Step # 03: Calculate effective bearing capacity, qe FFL

 qe = qa – W

qe = 5 – 0.63 = 4.37 ksf

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 38

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 04: Calculate bearing area, Areq
 Areq = service load / qe

Service load = 10 + 12.5 = 22.5 kips/ft

Areq = 22.5/4.37 = 5.15 ft2
b= 1 ft
Area=B x b
5.15=B x 1…………B= 5.15 ft
For b= 1 foot, we will select 5 ft, 2 in. wide footing.

 Step # 05: Calculate design pressure on base of footing due

to factored loads, qu
qu = Factored load / Bearing area

Factored loads = 1.2(10) + 1.6(12.5) = 32 kips

qu = 32/5.17 = 6.19 ksf

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 39

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
5-2 = 62 
 Step # 06: Calculate the critical
12  25 
shear, Vu
 Only one-way shear is significant in Section
wall footing, hence determining 8.62
critical shear at distance d from the d 16.38
face of support.
 Vu = qu b(k – d) 1 ft
 Vu = 6.19 x 1 {(25 – 8.62)/12}

= 8.45 kips/ft

Footing Wall

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 40

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 07: Check the shear capacity, ΦVc

 Check the thickness for shear

 Shear capacity, fVc = f 2 b d

= {0.75 ×2x (3500) × 12 × 8.62}/1000

fVc = 9.18 kips/ft

 Since fVc > Vu, the footing depth is OK. Otherwise, chose a new
thickness and repeat the previous steps.
 Using 12 in thick and 5 ft,2 in wide footing.

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 41

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
Section for
 Step # 08: Calculate maximum moment, Mu Flexure

 = 6.19x1x((25/12)2 /2

= 13.43 ft-kips/ft = 161.16 in-kips/ft

 Step # 09: Calculate steel area, As 25

 Now, using trial and success method for

determining As,

As = Mu / Φfy (d - a/2), a = 0.2h 1 ft

 As = 0.359 in2 per foot.

Footing Wall

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 42

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 10: Minimum reinforcement check
 Minimum reinforcement

 As,min = 0.0018bh = 0.0018 × 12 × 12 = 0.26 in2/ft

 As (0.359 in2) > Asmin (0.26 in2) O.K

 Step # 11: Main Bars Spacing and maximum spacing check

 Main Bars: Spacing = (Ab / As)x12

 Using #5 bars, spacing = 0.31 x 12 / 0.359 = 10.36 ≈ provide 9 in. c/c

 Max spacing = 3h or 18 = 3(12) = 36 or 18 (OK)

Prof. Dr. Qaisar Ali CE-320: Reinforced Concrete Design-I 43

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 12: Distribution Bars Placement
 Distribution Bars:

 Adist = 0.0018Bh = 0.0018 × 62 × 12 = 1.34 in2 ,

 No. of bars = Adist / Ab = 1.34 / 0.31 = 4.32 ≈ 5 bars

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.1
 Step # 13: Drafting


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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan

Example 9.2
 Class Activity: Wall Footing
 A 12-in thick concrete wall carries a service dead load of 10 kips/ft
and a service live load of 12.5 kips/ft. the allowable soil pressure,
qa, is 5000 psf at the level of the base of the footing, which is 5 ft
below the final ground surface. Design a wall footing using f’c =
3000 psi and fy = 60,000 psi. The density of soil is 120 lb/ft3.

base of wall

base of footing

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Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan


 Design of Concrete Structures 14th / 15th edition by Nilson, Darwin

and Dolan.

 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19)

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