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Simple Dl AMC: Archive metadata

checker Proposal presentation


Presentation by: Steven Mpundu(2020022851), Miriam Banda(), Tabo kunolu (2020045613),
Theresa Siamasumo(2020069466)

●The Archive Metadata Checker project aims to develop a software tool that will automate the process of
checking metadata for digital archives. Metadata plays a crucial role in organizing and retrieving
archived data, and ensuring its accuracy and completeness is essential for efficient archival management.
This project proposal outlines the objectives, scope, deliverables, and timeline for the development of the
Archive Metadata Checker. The purpose of this project proposal is to outline the development of a
Metadata Checker tool for undergraduate students.
●The Metadata Checker will serve as a valuable resource for students working on research papers or
projects that require proper citation and adherence to metadata standards. This tool aims to simplify the
process of checking and validating metadata, ensuring accuracy and adherence to prescribed guidelines.

Problem statement

● 2. Objectives

● The main objectives of the Archive Metadata Checker project are as follows:

● a) Develop a software tool that can automatically check the metadata of digital archives.

● b) Identify and report any inconsistencies, errors, or missing information in the metadata.

● c) Provide recommendations and suggestions for improving the quality and completeness of the

● d) Enhance the efficiency and accuracy of archival management processes.


● The scope of the Archive Metadata Checker project includes the


● a) Designing and developing a user-friendly interface for the software


● b) Implementing algorithms to analyze and validate metadata against

predefined standards and guidelines.
3.Scope con’t…

●c) Generating detailed reports highlighting any inconsistencies, errors, or missing

information in the metadata.

●d) Integrating the software tool with existing archival management systems or databases.

●e) Providing recommendations and suggestions for improving the quality and
completeness of the metadata.

●f) Conducting thorough testing and debugging to ensure the reliability and accuracy of
the software tool.

4. Methodology

● The development of the Metadata Checker will follow the Agile methodology, involving iterative and
incremental development cycles. The project will comprise the following stages:
5. Timeline

● The estimated timeline for the Archive Metadata Checker project is as follows:
● Requirement Specifications • Scheduling • Risk Analysis • Cost Estimation • Project Feasibility • Delivery Platform Selection •
Development Tools Selection • Component Architectures • System Modelling • Database Design • Interface Design
6. Deliverables

● The deliverables of the Archive Metadata Checker project will include:

● a) Software tool with a user-friendly interface for checking metadata.

● b) Detailed reports highlighting any inconsistencies, errors, or missing information in the metadata.
6.Deliverables con’t…

● c) Recommendations and suggestions for improving the quality and

completeness of the metadata.

● d) Documentation including user manuals, installation guides, and technical


● e) Training materials and sessions for users to effectively utilize the software

Phase 1: Project Initiation and Planning

● - Duration: 3 weeks

● - Activities: Project kick-off, requirement gathering, resource allocation, and

project planning.
Phase 2: Design and Development
● - Duration: 8 weeks

● - Activities:

● User interface design,

● Algorithm development,

● Integration with archival management systems

● Software development.
Phase 3: Testing and Debugging

● - Duration: 4 weeks

● - Activities:

● Thorough testing of the software tool,

● Bug fixing

● Performance optimization.
Phase 4: Documentation and Training
●- Duration: 2 weeks
●- Activities:
● Preparation of user manuals,
● Installation guides,
●Technical specifications,
●Conducting training sessions.
Phase 5: Project Closure

● - Duration: 1 week

● - Activities:

● Final review project handover, and closure activities.

7. Budget

● The Metadata Checker project will not require extensive financial resources as it will be developed by
undergraduate students as part of their capstone project. Therefore, the primary expenses will be for hosting
the web application on a secure server and any necessary licensing fees related to software libraries or
frameworks utilized in the development process.
● In conclusion, the Archive Metadata Checker project aims to develop a software tool that automates the
process of checking metadata for digital archives. By ensuring the accuracy and completeness of metadata,
this tool will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of archival management processes. The proposed
timeline and deliverables outline the project's scope and objectives. The references mentioned will serve as
the basis for developing the software tool.
6. References

● The development of the Archive Metadata Checker will be based on the following references:

● 1. International Council on Archives (ICA) - ISAD(G): General International Standard Archival Description

● 2. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) - Dublin Core Metadata Element Set

● 3. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of
Permanent Electronic Records

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