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Good afternoon , My respected teachers and my all dear classmates.

First of all I want to give thanks to my sir and all
authority because he has given me chance to present myself.
My name is Situ Singh.
I am the student of bachelor of computer application from section-
topic of presentation:-
 The topic of my presentation is languages of computer.
 Computer languages are systems of communication with the
computer . Such languages are used to create computer code or
program code.
Introduction to computer languages


 To understand what is computer language.

 To understand low level , middle level and high level


 To differentiate between low level , middle level and

high level language.
Computer languages

A computer language is a artificial languages

designed to work for different application in
different environments.
Programming languages can be used to create
programs that control the behaviour of a computer
and serve my purpose.
A computer language is a group of instructions that
are used to create computer programs.
Types of computer languages

Human languages are known as natural languages.

Unfortunately, computer can not understand natural
languages, as a result we must communicate with
computers using computer languages.
These languages are :-
:- Low level languages
:- Middle level languages
:- High level languages
Low level language

Low level languages are languages that sit close to

the computer’s instruction set.

 An instruction set is the set of instructions that the

processor understands.

It is also called as machine language.

Middle level language

Middle-level language is a computer language in

which the instructions are created using symbols
such as letters, digits and special characters.

C is called middle-level language because it actually

binds the gap between a machine level language and
high level language.

It is also called as assembly language.

High level language

High level language is a programming language, such

as C, FORTRAN , or Pascal, that allows a programmer
to develop programmes that are independent of the
type of machine they are running on.

These languages are classified as high level because

they are more comparable languages than machine

High level language are user-friendly.

Program code convert

:-There are four models of execution of program by

process is high-level languages-

- Interpreter
- Compiler
- Assembler
- Translator

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