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Look at the given picture and share your views on it.

(5 mins)

Good Question Stems

• Why does…?
• What if..?
• How would you…?
• Could you explain…?
• What might…?
Learning Objectives: (1 min)
 Examine the conflict between Man versus Nature.
 Contrast the theme of the poem with reality.
Are Sharks Endangered? (7 mins)
An endangered species is an animal or plant that is in danger of disappearing completely from our planet. Extinction has always been a part of
Most people are afraid of Sharks, but Sharks are important ocean predators. Without Sharks, the seals and fishes they eat would become
overpopulated. Many species of sharks are hunted for their fins, which are used to make a popular soup in some cultures. This practice is called
shark finning, and it is one of the main reasons why sharks are in danger. Pollution in our oceans is another main reason that can harm the sharks'
habitat and food sources, making it difficult for them to survive.

Ocean pollution comes from many sources, including trash and chemicals that are dumped into the water. Plastic is a big problem in our oceans,
and it can be especially harmful to sharks. Sharks can mistake plastic for food, which can make them sick or even cause them to die. In addition to
plastic pollution, there are also chemicals in the water that can harm sharks. Chemicals like pesticides and oil can poison the water and make it
difficult for sharks to breathe and find food.
To help protect sharks from ocean pollution, it's important for us to be mindful of our actions. We can reduce our use of plastic by using reusable
bags and water bottles, and by properly disposing of our trash. We can also support organizations that work to clean up our oceans and protect
marine life. Let's do our part to ensure a healthy future for these amazing creatures and the oceans they call home.

(Think – Pair – Share) (7 mins)

How does the theme of the poem

contradict to the passage that you just read?

Concepts: Connections:
What are the big How does it connect to
ideas? what we already

Challenges: Changes:
What ideas would you What changes in
like to challenge? attitude, thinking or
action are suggested?

Apply these 4C’s in your thinking routine.

Answer the questions below. Use your devices for any further reference. (10 mins)
Challengers: Explorers: Achievers:
Team Pink Team Orange Team Purple

“The pollution of our oceans is now reaching Look at the below-provided link and answer Create a poster on the theme of marine
alarming levels through the release of toxic the question given below- pollution.
chemicals and plastic waste. These materials
stay centuries-long in the sea and create a
harmful Eco cycle – from the mouth of fish to ean-Pollution?locale=nl_NL
the stomach of humans”- Mohammed
Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and the Explore the infographics about marine
Environment pollution. Which one highlights the most
alarming impact of human activities on marine
Write your reflections in the PADLET focusing ecosystems? Why?
above statement-
1. What are some of the toxic chemicals and
plastic waste that are polluting UAE’s oceans,
and how are they getting there?

2. What are some of the health risks associated

with consuming fish and other seafood that
have been contaminated by toxic chemicals and
plastic waste?

3. How can we ensure that future generations

have access to healthy and thriving oceans, and
what actions can we take now to achieve this

What stuck with you the most about today?


One thing that you learnt today


Write one solution to the problem discussed today.

Indicate whether each statement is true or false.
 Marine pollution refers to the contamination of the oceans and other
bodies of water.
 Plastic pollution is not a significant problem for marine ecosystems.
 Oil spills can have harmful effects on marine animals and plants.
 Marine pollution is caused solely by human activities.
 Proper waste disposal and recycling can help reduce marine
 Extended Learning: (2 mins)
Research on UAE’s global initiative for marine pollution. Collate your research in the form of a graphic

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