Study On Tourism Planning - Course Introduction (Week 1)

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Study on Tourism Planning

Course Introduction (week 1)

Semester 2021-I

Instructor:Zoirova Shokhsanam


• Zoirova Shokhsanam, Ph.D. student At international Silk road

• Masters : At Sejong University in South Korea
• Bachelor: At Termiz state University
• Teacher at Termiz State University

• Consultation hours: by appointment or Mondays 15:00-17:00pm
• Specialization areas: restaurant business, restaurant customer satisfaction
and loyalty, tourism certification, tourism planning, tourism policy

“Housekeeping” rules
• How to address me (Professor or teacher)
• Cellphones in silent mode, not in vibration
• Responding to emails: within 24h, usually within 1-2h
• Drinking and eating in the class
• Answering questions (before or after the class)
• Questions during the class
• Electronics (laptop)
• Voice recording is allowed
• Late homework acceptance is not allowed
Course aim

This course is designed to familiarized students with

the basic principles of tourism planning as well as
more advanced concepts that address planning at
national, regional and destination-level.

Course scope

• Basics of tourism planning

• Advanced concepts of tourism planning

• Theoretical aspects of planning (thesis preparation)

• Practical workshops for future planners

• Work with many case studies

Week Course Contents
1. Introduction to tourism planning I
1 1.1. Understanding Tourism Development
1.2. Prerequisites for Sustainable Tourism
1.3. Introduction to Tourism Planning and Development
2. Introduction to tourism planning II
2 2.1. Planning for General and Special Interest Tourism
2.2. Understanding tourism impacts
3. Tourism Planning and Management: Concepts, Issues and Players
3 2.1. Tourism planning and management: concepts and issues
2.2. The key players in tourism planning and management
4. Introduction to tourism destination planning
4 4.1. Attributes of Tourism Destinations
4.2. Importance of Tourism Destination Planning
4.3. Destination Planning Guidelines and Selection Process
5. Destination Planning Process and Analysis I
5 5.1. Levels of Tourism Planning and Development
5.2. Assessment of Tourism Potential
6. Destination Planning Process and Analysis II
6 6.1. Economic, Socio-cultural and Environmental Considerations
6.2. Planning for Demand and Supply Match
7. National and regional tourism planning
7 7.1. National and regional planning process
7.2. National policy framework
7.3. Strategic framework

8 Mid-term exam
9 9. Tools and techniques for destination planning and management I
7.1. Visitor management
7.2. Self-regulation mechanisms

10. Tools and techniques for destination planning and management II

10 8.1. Tourism Policy and Guidelines
8.2. Measuring tourism impacts

11 11. Planning for destination image and branding

11.1. Destination Image
11.2. Destination Branding
11.3. Destination Marketing Mix and Competitiveness

12 12. Partnerships and collaboration in tourism planning

10.1. Stakeholder approach to planning
10.2. Participatory planning
13. Participatory destination planning workshop I

14 14. Participatory destination planning workshop II

15 15. Final individual/group presentations

16 16. Final individual/group presentations
Final Grade Composition

• Mid-term exam = 30%

• Group presentation = 30%

• Final assignment = 30%

• Attendance = 10%

Mid-term exam
- Basics of tourism planning

- Multiple choice questions and open questions

- Questions about concepts -> perfect definition not

required (no memorizing)

- A week prior the exam, a preparatory class will be

- Connected with planning workshops

- Based on a case study

- Students will play a role of tourism planners

- Each group will be assigned a planning approach from one specific

stakeholder's perspective

- Students will ask questions to obtain more information required for

their plan

- Students will present their basic plan (focused on strategies)

Final assignment
- Each student will be assigned a topic related to tourism planning and the
content of the lectures.

- The writing assignment consists of two main parts:

(1) a review of the assigned topic based on peer reviewed papers; and

(2) a case study that clearly shows the real-life application of the assigned area.

- Certain level of flexibility in choosing the topic

- Students who decide to propose a specific topic will consult their idea with the

- 5 to 8 pages (Font: Arial 11, 1.15 spacing)

- Students who commit plagiarism will be

11 penalized.
Final assignment
- Examples of the topics:

- Socio-cultural impacts

- Application of Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle Model

- Assessment of Tourism Potential

- Identification of tourism supply and demand

- Self-regulating in tourism: Implementing Tourism certification schemes

- Participatory planning

- Planning for community-based tourism

- Planning for a specific market [cultural tourism / city tourism / beach tourism /
nature-based tourism / convention tourism / agritourism / culinary tourism / wine
tourism / etc.]
Language of Instruction
• Class in taught entirely in English.

• All assignments and assessments must be completed in


• All communication between students and the instructor

must be done in English.

• This is not an English class, free to ask about words you are
unsure of. I will not be judging your grammar as long as it is
• Attendance is compulsory (10% of your grade)
• Allowed six absents (3 weeks) without any effect on your
• Three (3) tardiness (late) = two (2) absent
• Exceptions: see application for excused absence on Blackboard
• Absents more than 33.33% of the class = F

• Arrive 10 minutes before 15:30 – set up and get ready for

• Forgetting to check in is considered late/absent.

Mason, P. (2008 / 2011). Tourism Impacts,
Planning and Management (2nd/3rd ed.).
UNWTO (2005). Making tourism more
sustainable – A guide for policy makers.
Government of Queensland (2017). Next
Generation Tourism Planning: A guideline for
planners in Queensland. State of Queensland.

Various peer reviewed journal papers

Pdf Reader will be provided

*Book is not required, but it is recommended


• Questions asked personally before or after the class

that are relevant to all students will be noted and
answered at the beginning of the following class or
by email to everyone

About yourself
• Name
• Your undergraduate major
• Interested in pursuing Masters and a Ph.D.?
• Future plan:
- hospitality industry (hotel/restaurant)
- tourism (government / NGO / international org.)
- development (gov. / NGO / int. org.)
- Other (non-tourism related)


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