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Second Quarter Ma’am Chelle
• Identify types of listening strategies
• Differentiate types of listening
• Use appropriate listening strategy
based on purpose

While listening is a usual skill that we
often use as individuals, there are times
when we need to use techniques or
activities that will help us listen more
effectively and focus on the main
objective of a specific listening task.
These techniques which contribute
directly to the comprehension and
recall of a listening input are
called listening strategies.
Listening Strategies

There are numerous

listening strategies one
may use or apply. They
may depend on factors
like the topic, type of
listening material to be
used and the purpose of
listening, among others.
When listening based on
purpose, familiarity with the
topic and levels of difficulty,
one may employ strategies
which can be classified by the
way the listener processes the
input. Experts categorize these
strategies as either top-down or
bottom-up listening strategies.
Top-down listening
strategies are considered
listener-based strategies. In
these strategies, the listener
uses background knowledge
of the topic, the situation or
context, the type of the text
and the language to make
sense of what he/she is
listening to.
This means that he/she
already knows a fair
amount of information
about the topic and
he/she is able to relate a
story or information into
a previously established
schema or prior
Bottom-up listening strategies,
on the other hand, are considered
text-based strategies. When
using these strategies, the
listener attempts to make sense
of the language sound by sound
or word by word, with less use
of background knowledge.
The listener relies on
the language in the
message (e.g. sounds,
words and grammar)
that creates the
While having your recess, your classmate tells you a story
about his/her recent vacation, which was an exciting one.
You attentively listen and give reactions at appropriate
moments, perhaps to show that you can relate to what is
being told. That same day, a friend calls to invite you to a
celebration at his/her house the following weekend. As you
have never been to his/her house before, he/she gives you
directions. You listen carefully and pay attention to these
specific details.
Thank You!

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