2.1 Prelims MDGs

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Health Care

Delivery System (HCDS)

Millennium Development Goals
Health Care Delivery
:The Philippine Health Care Delivery
• Health care system is an organized plan of health services.
• The rendering of health care services to the people.
• Thus, health care delivery system is the network of health
facilities and personnel which carries out the task of rendering
health care to the people.
• In the Philippines health care system is complex set of
organizations interacting to provide an array of health services.

I. World Health Organization

= ✓ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - are the world’s time
bound and quantified targets in addressing the following:
• Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. • Achieve universal primary
education. • Promote gender equality and empower women. •
Reduce child mortality • Improve maternal health. • Combat
HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. • Ensure environmental
sustainability. • Develop a global partnership for development.

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