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3 Sections
Globalization and international negotiation: basic
tools for a successful negotiation

Ethic and relationship in the negotiation: conflict,

trust and preparation

International negotiation: geographical areas and,

leadership and negotiation dynamics

Globalization and international

negotiation: basic tools for a
successful negotiation
I.1 Introduction to the course
To make students aware of the theoretical framework
and the various approaches for developing negotiation
strategies and tactics in complexes situations and
different cultural environments, from both the public
and private sectors.
I.2 Globalization and international
I.2.1 Globalization vs internationalism
Þ Refers to any activity that brings people, cultures and
economies of different countries closer together.

Þ In business, it refers to practices by which organizations

become better connected to their customers around the

=> Includes any aspect of operating in different national

markets, from product design to marketing.
• restaurant chains (McDonald’s) operate in dozens of
• Netflix operates in more than 190 countries and
customizes content offerings for individual markets
with subtitles and programming in local languages.
• Online marketplaces ( eBay and Amazon) make it
easy to buy products from business or individuals on
the other side of the world.
ÞIs a corporate strategy that involves making products
and services as adaptable as possible, so they can easily
enter different national markets.

ÞProducts intended for use by speakers of multiple

• Hardware support: software designers must consider
that certain hardware devices may not be available in
all countries.

• Facebook
I.2.2 Challenges in the international negotiation
Overcoming preconceptions

Understanding cultural differences

Embracing language barriers

Managing different laws

I.3 Basic tools for a successful negotiation
I.3.1 Motivation



Extrinsic Motivation:
ÞMotivations based on influences like increased
financial gain ( commission or bonuses) or promotion,
or good work because of fear of negative

Þ Ideal for employees in a competitive environment.

Intrinsic motivation:
ÞMotivations by internal desire to succeed or desire
self-actualization or self-exploration.

ÞEmployees are more likely to place high value on their

boss saying “ good job” rather than being given a
bonus at the end of the year.
Introjected motivation:
ÞMore common and not good for employee morale or

ÞIt is perceived as a negative internalized motivation,

similar to negative reinforcement.

ÞMany forms: internalized guilt around a previous negative

interaction with the boss or colleague or consistent
negative feedback without positive action items.
Identified motivation:
ÞAlso called “self-determined motivation” is the most
complex of the motivation forms.

ÞIt builds up over time and isn’t something that can be

created or instilled on a person with snap of a finger.

ÞPresents itself as feeling the need to perform or

accomplish a task but not acting on the need until the
desire to do so actualizes.
• I.3.2 Communication


Resolve disputes
ÞTo do whatever it takes to reach desired agreement –
even when it comes at the expense of another person
or entity. “I win, you lose”

ÞResult-oriented and focused on achieving short-term

goals quickly.

ÞDesire for success motivates, though the process of

negotiation can blind to potentially harmful impacts.
ÞFocus more on winning than reaching a mutually
beneficial agreement with the other party.

ÞMake sure to blend style with a bit of accommodation

or collaboration, in order not to break the business

ÞNegotiation is as much about building strong

relationships as it is about closing deals.
ÞInvolves a minimum of two people working together
and being able to actively and respectfully listen to the
views of others.

ÞRespect the contributions of other participants. Team

members may not necessarily agree with the
viewpoints of all their colleagues, but they must at
least be respectful of the skill, experience and
creativity as well as their ideas and contributions.
ÞBest collaborators know the importance of being open to
new ideas. Team members will inevitably have different
ideas and approaches. Having a willingness to consider
different approaches is an essential skill for effective
workplace collaboration.

ÞThe achievements of the group are more important than

any individual goals.

ÞBeing able to see the bigger picture and being willing to

accept that their personal goals are secondary.
I.3.3 Negotation

Negotiation Discussion

Agreement goals

ÞRequires taking the time to consider the outcome you want, what
the other party values and the alternatives available to you.

ÞPlan your objectives and establish ranges and alernative solutions.

ÞControl the emotional environment, time, place, questions to

ask, answers to give, careful listening and body language.

ÞUnderstand the subject matter, negotiation context, history,

parties, relationships, commitement and common purpose.
ÞAn effective communication is directly proportional to an effective
negotiation. (The better the communication is the better the negotiation
would be.)

ÞIt is the exchange of one’s ideas, thoughts and opinions with each other.

ÞThe terms and conditions must be mentioned clearly for better

transparency and don’t try to hide anything from the second paty. (Always
better to depend on written modes of communication for beter reliability.)

ÞUse corporate terminologies, professional jargons and never use irrelevant

statements in your speech, it is considered highly unprofessional.
ÞNon verbal communication also plays an important
role in an effective negotiation: facial expressions,
hand movements, posture matter a lot and must never
be ignored.

ÞBe very polite in your speech, involve everyone in the

discussion and decide in the favor of all the
Clarifying goals
ÞList three factors in order of priority

ÞIdentify or establish some common ground.

Þ It is essential to have a clear understanding of what the other side is

seeking to achieve. This is not always what they initially state as
their aims.

ÞLooking at interests often allow for an understanding of the real

goals. Similarly, it is worthwhile clearly stating what your own goals
are so that both parties can work together to seek mutual benefit.
ÞHelp you not only achieve a negotiated agreement with a
difficult counterpart but also help a negotiator find ways to
create value and expand the pie resources.

ÞHelp you build better relationships.

ÞDeliver lasting, quality solutions- rather than poor short-

term solutions that do not satisfy the needs of either party.

ÞHelp you avoid future problems and conflicts.

ÞNegotiators should support the design of an agreement
only when the conflict parties have agreed about the
options that they want to pursue collaboratively and have
received approval for the negotiated solution from their
own constituencies.

ÞThe final agreement usually consists of three parts:

 An introduction and background that introduces the
groups and the central issues that have been negotiated.
 An outline of the resolutions that the groups created
for each of the issues.

 An implementation, monitoring and assessment


Þ The agreement should be checked for honesty,

acceptability and workability.
t ion la bor
a atio
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Adaptability n
Skills s h ip
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Tim De e a
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Int is
Em Cr
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llig on ing Resea
Attention to detail Creativity
ion tive
lut list
reso eni
Tea onflict ng
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Customer service Negotiation

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