Futur Proche

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Le Futur Proche (The nearest future)

The French near future—futur proche—is a verb construction

that is used to express something that is going to happen soon,
an upcoming event that will occur in the near future.
Le futur proche, is used to talk about actions in the nearest
In English, the futur proche is ‘going to and then [the
Eg:-I am going to listen to the
As you can see in English, the first part of the futur proche is the
conjugation of "to go" (I am going) and the second part is
the infinitive of the action verb (to listen).
The futur proche in French has two parts as well:
conjugation of aller according to your subject + infinitive of
the action verb
Aller - to go
Pronom sujet Conjugated verb
Je vais

Tu vas

IL/Elle/On va

Nous allons

Vous allez

ILs/Elles vont
Futur Proche:- Aller(au présent) + L’infinitif
Eg:- Je vais aller au cinéma.
(I'm going to go to the cinema)

Important:- Futur proche is used to talk about an action that

will take place shortly
Eg:- Christine va arriver dans deux minutes

Note:- It is used also to talk about a planned action in the

near future
Eg:- Je vais écouter de la musique
(I am going to listen to music)

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