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 Flowchart is a graphical representation of an

algorithm. Programmers often use it as a program-
planning tool to solve a problem. It makes use of
symbols which are connected among them to indicate the
flow of information and processing.

The process of drawing a flowchart for an algorithm is
known as “flowcharting”.
Symbols used in Flowchart Designs

 Terminal: The oval symbol indicates Start, Stop and Halt in a

program’s logic flow. A pause/halt is generally used in a program
logic under some error conditions. Terminal is the first and last
symbols in the flowchart.
 INPUT/OUTPUT: A parallelogram denotes any function of
input/output type. Program instructions that take input from input
devices and display output on output devices are indicated with
parallelogram in a flowchart.
 Processing : A box represents arithmetic instructions. All arithmetic
processes such as adding, subtracting, multiplication and division
are indicated by action or process symbol.
 Decision :Diamond symbol represents a decision point. Decision
based operations such as yes/no question or true/false are indicated
by diamond in flowchart.
 Connectors :Whenever flowchart becomes complex or it spreads
over more than one page, it is useful to use connectors to avoid any
confusions. It is represented by a circle.
 Flowlines : Flow lines indicate the exact sequence in which
instructions are executed. Arrows represent the direction of flow of
control and relationship among different symbols of flowchart.
Rules for creating a flowchart

 A flowchart is a graphical representation of an should

follow some rules while creating a flowchart
Rule 1: Flowchart opening statement must be ‘start’ keyword.
Rule 2: Flowchart ending statement must be ‘end’ keyword.
Rule 3: All symbols in the flowchart must be connected with an
arrow line.
Draw a flowchart to check largest no among

Algorithm Flowchart
 1. Start
 2. Input 2 variables from user
 3. Now check the condition If a > b, goto step
4, else goto step 5.
 4. Print a is greater, goto step 6
 5. Print b is greater
 6. Stop
Draw a flowchart to check whether the input
number is odd or even

Algorithm Flowchart
 1. Start
 2. Put input a
 3. Now check the condition if a % 2 == 0, goto
step 5. Else goto step 4
 4. Now print(“number is odd”) and goto step 6
 5. Print(“number is even”)
 6. Stop
Draw a flowchart to print the input number 5

Algorithm Flowchart
 1. Start
 2. Input number a
 3. Now initialize c = 1
 4. Now we check the condition if c <= 5, goto step
5 else, goto step 7.
 5. Print a
 6. c = c + 1 and goto step 4
 7. Stop
Sequential flowchart

 The term sequential flowchart chart (SFC) is used for a pictorial

representation of a system's operation to show the sequence of events
involved in its operation.
 The operation is described by a number of separate sequentially connected
states or steps that are represented by rectangular boxes, each
representing a particular state of the system being controlled.
 If we wanted to describe a traffic lamp sequence, one way we could do
this would be to represent it as a sequence of functions or states such as
red light state and green light state and the inputs and outputs to each
 State 0 has an input that is triggered after the green light has been on
for 1 minute and an output of red light on. State 1 has an input that is
triggered after the red light has been on for 1 minute and an output of
green light on.
 Each connecting line between states has a horizontal bar representing the transition
condition that has to be realized before the system can move from one state to
the next. Two steps can never be directly connected; they must always be
separated by a transition. Two transitions can never directly follow from one to
another; they must always be separated by a step.

When the transfer conditions to the next state are realized, the next state or
step in the program occurs.
 The process thus continues from one state to the next until the complete machine
cycle is completed.
 Outputs/actions at any state are represented by horizontally linked boxes and occur
when that state has been realized.
Show the sequence of states of this…

 The washing cycle of a domestic washing machine where the drum is to be

filled with water, and then when the drum is full, a heater has to be switched
on and remain on until the temperature reaches the required level. Then the
drum is to be rotated for a specified time.
Conditional flowchart

 A conditional flowchart is used when a condition is imposed on a problem. The

condition will either be true or false. The course of the problem depends on
the answer to the condition.
 The condition will be specified within the following shape:
Check if the number is the multiple of 3 or

1. Input the number 'n'.

2. Divide 'n' be 3.

3. If reminder equals 0, print 'n' is a multiple of 3'.

4. If reminder does not equal to 0, print 'n' is not a multiple of 3'.


Input the no

Divide no N by 3

=0? Print N is not
multiple of 3

 Print N is a multiple of 3

Iterative flowchart

 When designing algorithms, there may be some steps

that need repeating. This is known as iteration.
 There are two ways of representing algorithms:
• pseudocode
• a flowchart
 Writing in pseudocode is rather like writing in
a programming language. Each step of the algorithm is
written on a line of its own, in sequence.
Consider this simple six-step algorithm
for cleaning your teeth:

1. set number_of_teeth_cleaned to 0
2. put toothpaste on toothbrush
3. use toothbrush to clean a tooth
4. increase number_of_teeth_cleaned by 1
5. if number_of_teeth_cleaned < 32 then go back to step 3
6. rinse toothbrush
In pseudocode, the algorithm would
look like this:

 number_of_teeth_cleaned = 0
 put toothpaste on toothbrush
 procedure clean_tooth
 number_of_teeth_cleaned = number_of_teeth_cleaned + 1
 UNTIL number_of_teeth_cleaned = 32
 rinse toothbrush
Thank You

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