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Arguable Assertions:

The Foundations of
IEC 326 SPR 2023 DR. TED
What is an assertion?
 An assertion is a claim that you make

 An assertion is the foundation of any argument

 Any proposition can be affirmed or denied, but only a legitimate assertion

can be argued

 An assertion is the basis of your thesis

 Itusually appears within your thesis at the beginning of your essay or
Characteristics of an Arguable Assertion

1. An expression of judgment or opinion

2. The concept of should or ought is stated or implied

3. Requires evidence for support

Concrete evidence or examples to back it up
Expressions that Cannot be Argued

 A priori assumptions
 Ie, beliefs that have the force of fact (eg, “people are basically good”)
 Expressions of taste
 Eg, “I like chocolate ice cream better than strawberry ice cream”
 Matters of fact
 Eg, The population of Chiang Mai is 125, 237
 Statements involving unverifiable facts
 “There is life after death”
 Statements involving insufficient facts
Begin your argument with a legitimate
 Additional considerations:
 Assertions are the framework of rhetoric
 Examine your assumptions
 Consider your audience
 Best to avoid overly general assertions
Avoid superlatives: “always,” “never,” etc.
Qualify your assertion, to make it manageable

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