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A counter-argument is a contrasting or opposing
argument. The counter-argument is the opposite
argument of the one you are writing about.
Model essay (page 116)- The School Uniform Questions
Sample sentences of introducing opposing points (counter-argument)
• Many people believe/argue/feel/think/suppose that… {state the
• Supporters of … might claim that …{state the counter-argument}
• However, opponents might argue that … {state the counter-
• Some people, on the other hand, believe that … {state the

[+ try to explain the opposing view in 1 sentence]

Sample sentences of acknowledging opposing points (concession)

• These arguments seem to make sense.

• These arguments have some validity.
• It may/might be true that …
• There is some truth to this argument.
Sample sentences of refutation
(explain why the Counter-argument is not as strong as the
original argument)
• What this argument overlooks/fails to consider/does not take
into account is …
• This view seems/sounds convincing at first, but…
• This argument is true to some degree/ extent; however, this
justification does not take into account/ not supported by the
facts that …
Nowadays, animal experiments are widely used to develop
new medicines and to test the safety of other products.
Some people argue that these experiments should be banned
because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while
others are in favour of them because of their benefits to

What is your opinion?

 Argument (thesis statement): Agree- should be banned

Some people argue that using animals as test subjects for health
products is justifiable. Animal testing has been used in the past to aid
the development of several vaccines, such as smallpox and rabies.
However, animal testing for beauty products causes unneeded pain to
animals. There are alternatives to animal testing. Instead of using
animals, it is possible to use human volunteers. Additionally, experts
suggest that alternative methods to animal research are being
developed; for example, researchers are able to use skin constructed
from cells to test cosmetics. If alternatives to animal testing exist, the
practice causes unnecessary animal suffering and should not be used.
Some people believe that school children should be given
homework by their teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

 Argument (thesis statement): Agree- should be given homework

Some opponents might argue that homework is an unnecessary burden
on children as it does nothing to improve educational outcomes.
However, they should take into account that homework requires
students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in the
classroom. Therefore, they have many chances to consolidate their
understanding of the concepts taught by their teacher at school, which
will help them improve their academic performance.
Practice writing counter-argument paragraphs

Argument (thesis statement):

Social networking sites have made the relationship between
family members not as close as before.

 Counter-argument (opposing view):...

Practice writing counter-argument paragraphs

Argument (thesis statement):

Cell-phones are an important tool that students should use in

 Counter-argument (opposing view): …

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