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The impact of newer technologies in future

opportunities in education and workplace


Joud Alalawi
● Most popular technologies in our era
● The usage of technology in modern
● The usage of technology in workplace
● What make technology interesting
● Final opinion
● Reference
Most popular technologies in our era
Data Science
One of the most popular technologies of the twenty-first century is data science. Important information from data is extracted using advanced

analytics techniques and scientific concepts for company decisions, strategic planning, and other applications. Data science uses advanced machine

learning techniques to build prediction models. It makes use of a range of statistical methods. Data modeling, statistical operations, data

transformations, and machine learning modeling are some of these techniques.

Artificial Intelligence
After witnessing the success of technology like self-driving cars, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant. There is a lot of

buzz surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). One of the newest developments that has been dominating the IT sector for the

past five years is artificial intelligence. Image and speech recognition, Google Maps, ride-sharing services like Uber, and

many other applications employ artificial intelligence.

Virtual Reality
Virtual reality has so far been extensively utilized in video games, and augmented reality-based apps did have some initial

success before losing it a few years ago. However, integrating virtual reality into people's daily life is the greatest approach to

ensure that it becomes a major technology trend in the future.

Virtual reality has started to be used in training programs in recent years as well. Giving museum visitors an experience is

another area where virtual reality has been helpful. Virtual reality's ascent is following a path remarkably similar to that of 3D

technology; it may just only one application, such as 3D movies, for the technology to become widely used.


Following the covid pandemic , remote working became more popular. But because anybody may access the business infrastructure with no regard for

data or network security, the likelihood of cyber risks has greatly grown as a result. Therefore, to combat the wide range of cybercriminals in this age of

digitalization, cybersecurity has emerged as the most important factor for enterprises operating online. Businesses are always looking for specialists in

cyber security.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a technology that is automating occupations, much like AI and Machine Learning. RPA
refers to the use of software to automate business operations, including application interpretation, transaction processing, data
handling, and even email answering. RPA automates routine processes that formerly required human labor.
The usage of technology in modern education
1.Virtual Field Trips
In theory, field trips and tours are a good time and a great learning experience. Yet, planning them out and executing them can be a different story. Digital
options now give students the same benefit of a field trip or tour without any of the hassle!

Better yet, digital field trips allow students to “visit” places that they wouldn’t have been able to before. It’s a great opportunity for them to “travel” globally.
It also opens up a wide variety of possibilities for teachers to plan a fun and informative “trip”. Students could also use it to explore organizations they are
interested in and interview professionals in their field of choice.

2. Create Student Websites

Not too long ago, having your own website wasn’t possible unless you had experience with coding or knew someone who did. Now, thanks to sites like
Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly, it’s easier than ever for someone to create their own website.

Now that technology has improved, you could have your students create their own website for class! They can use the page to submit work, organize
their files and information, and they can even personalize it to promote their creativity and give them a sense of pride. It’s a new take on notebooks and it
can help your students start or add to their digital portfolio.

3/ Online Discussion
Have you found it challenging to create a collaborative environment for your students? If so, then online discussions may be a great technological
solution for you to try. Using a video app like Zoom, you can hold weekly discussion tables or office hours to make face-to-face contact easier.

An online discussion forum gives your students a place to get their questions answered — either from you, the teacher, or from the other students in the
classroom. With this resource available to them, students can complete each lesson more and hear the insights from other students to make deeper
connections with the material and their peers.
The usage of technology in workplace
Keeping It Fully Organized

Technology aids in maintaining a completely structured firm. Project management software, for example, aids in creating, assigning,
reviewing, and evaluating a task. Managers and employers may quickly monitor workplace actions that keep everything on track.

Making Business Operations More Productive

Today's businesses rely on business productivity software, which offers a variety of solutions to help them handle the daily problems of
implementing their strategies. It makes it easier for managers to monitor progress throughout each stage of goal fulfillment and to provide
prompt encouragement or coaching to maintain performance and deadlines.

Enabling Remote Working

Modern workplaces have undergone a complete transformation as a result of remote working, teleconferencing, and co-working spaces
made possible by new technologies. Instant and remote access is now possible because to mobile and cloud technology, enabling internet-
based service models. As a result, there are now several, connected workplaces rather than just one. They are joined by total connectivity,
mobility, and virtual conferencing.
What makes technology interesting?
Modernizing industries depends heavily on emerging technology. Enterprises are being transformed into
a digital environment with the aid of new technology. This technology primarily benefits the
manufacturing, energy, and transportation sectors. Every time the phrase "technology" is used, something
new is always being developed or put into use that might benefit organizations. the desire to learn more
about technology and how it will affect how people live their lives on a daily basis.

Before a few years ago, no one had ever heard of social, mobile, cloud, etc., or that technology will soon
take over our life. The business ecosystem has been impacted by the users' quick development in wants
and expectations for real-time interaction on these applications. These technical advancements have a
significant impact on how we respond to global concerns. These new technologies have the potential to
improve people's lives, alter the course of the international economy, and improve the quality of life for
present and future generations.
I firmly believe that technology will significantly improve life in the future,
particularly in terms of learning and employment.
We may now access items in a matter of seconds, and we can ask AI any queries
and receive a response.
But I also think that too much of anything is harmful, so we should learn to
adapt to emerging technologies while still relying on ourselves and others
around us.
Does anyone have any questions ?
Thank you for listening !

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