Waste Track

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Team details


Prasad Rath Sankalp
(Team Kumar
Leader) College:
Stream: Year of
Year of graduati
graduati on:

All fields are mandatory
Describe the problem statement (200 words)

Rapid urbanization has led to a surge in waste generation, straining existing infrastructures. Inefficient collection routes
and outdated systems often result in wasted resources and increased carbon emissions. Moreover, the lack of real-time
data on bin fill levels leads to overflowing bins, unsightly streets, and public health hazards.

Urban areas around the world grapple with a pressing issue: inefficient and unsustainable waste management.
Overflowing garbage bins, irregular collection schedules, and environmental repercussions have become daily challenges.
The goal is to create a comprehensive and smart waste management system that leverages cutting-edge technology,
including IoT sensors, data analytics, and user engagement. Such a system can optimize collection routes, predict fill
levels, and promote responsible waste disposal practices among residents.
Proposed solution / your big Idea (200 words)

The proposed solution, "WasteTrack," seeks to transform urban waste management into an efficient, eco-friendly, and
user-centric process. WasteTrack is a comprehensive smart waste management system designed to address the
challenges of urban waste management. It leverages the power of IoT (Internet of Things), data analytics, and user
engagement to create a more sustainable and efficient waste collection process.

1. Installation: IoT sensors are installed in waste bins across the city.
2. Data Collection: The sensors monitor fill levels and transmit data to a cloud-based platform.
3. Data Analysis: Machine learning algorithms process the data to predict fill levels, optimize collection routes, and
calculate environmental metrics.
4. User Engagement: Residents receive notifications and information through the app, promoting responsible waste

Describe TECHNOLOGY USED : Example - Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, any other…
How does your innovation accelerate change with the power of Technology?
(200 words)

1. Efficiency and Resource Optimization: By using IoT sensors to monitor waste levels and employing data analytics for
route optimization, the solution maximizes the efficiency of waste collection. This not only reduces operational costs but
also minimizes fuel consumption and carbon emissions, showcasing how technology can make processes more

2. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Machine learning algorithms enable predictive analytics, allowing cities to make
data-driven decisions. This highlights the transformative power of technology in converting vast amounts of data into
actionable insights for smarter, more effective waste management.

3. User Engagement and Behavior Change: The user-friendly app engages residents in the waste management process,
promoting responsible disposal practices. This demonstrates how technology can empower individuals and influence
behavior change, fostering a sense of civic responsibility.

4. Environmental Impact Measurement: The solution includes an environmental impact dashboard that quantifies the
reduction in CO2 emissions and waste diversion rates. This showcases how technology can quantify and communicate
the positive environmental impact of sustainable practices.
How is your solution different/unique from other solutions in market
(150 words)

Real-time Fill Level Monitoring: Many existing waste management solutions rely on scheduled pickups or manual
inspections. "WasteTrack" stands out by using IoT sensors for real-time fill level monitoring in each bin. This ensures
that bins are only emptied when necessary, reducing unnecessary collections and associated costs.

Route Optimization: While some waste management systems use historical data for route planning, "WasteTrack"
employs predictive analytics to optimize routes based on real-time fill levels. This dynamic approach minimizes travel
distances, reduces fuel consumption, and lowers carbon emissions, making it more cost-effective and environmentally

User Engagement: The inclusion of a user-friendly app is unique as it actively engages residents in the waste
management process. Users can access information on nearby bins, report issues, and receive notifications, fostering a
sense of responsibility and community involvement.

Do you have a working model/prototype: No

If not, will you be able to show working prototype during finale. Yes
Any testimonials received?

Share the links/photos of the testimonials you’ve received

Thank you!

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