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What Wis this? It’s a pencil.

What Wis that? It’s a schoolbag.
What are
W these? They areWpens.
What are
W those? They areWbooks.
What is this? What is that?
SINGULAR It’s a pencil. It’s a shcoolbag.

PLURAL What are these? What are those?

They are pens. They are books.
Is this a pencil
W case? Yes, it is.W
No, it isn’t. It’s a
Is this aWbook? W
Is that a blackboard?
W Yes, itW is.
No, it isn’t. It´s a
Is that a pencil
W case? W
pencil sharpener.
Are theseWrulers? Yes, they
W are.
No, they aren’t.
Are theseW books? W
They are notebooks.
Yes, they
W are.
Are thoseW chairs ?
No, they aren’t.
Are theseW doors? W
They are windows.
Is this a pencil case? Is that a blackboard?
SINGULAR Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

Are these rulers? Are those chairs?

PLURAL Yes, they are./ Yes, they are./
No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t.

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