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What Employers Look For In

Future Leaders
Expectations for future leaders have changed in the last decade.

Before, a CEO with a grand vision and effective people

management skills was sufficient. Now, leaders need to present
bold ideas, motivate employees, and network with other leaders.


The Struggle In Finding And Choosing Future Leaders

According to Deloitte's 2016 Global Human Capital Trends report, 86% of 3,300
business and HR leaders cited leadership as a "very important" or "important"
issue in their organization. But there’s a huge gap in many organization's capacity
to fill leadership roles. Only 6% are confident their leadership pipeline is "very
ready," while 51% either have a weak succession plan or nothing at all.


根据德勤 2016 年全球人力资本趋势报告,在 3,300 名企业和人力资源领

导者中, 86% 的人认为领导力是其组织中“非常重要”或“重要”的问题。
但许多组织在担任领导职务方面存在巨大差距。只有 6% 的人相信他们的领
导层管道“非常准备就绪”,而 51% 的人要么没有薄弱的继任计划,要么
The Struggle In Finding And Choosing Future Leaders

As organizations move from rigid hierarchy to a flatter network of teams,

companies are now forced to look at leadership skills in a new light.


What Companies Look For In 公司在未来的领导者中寻找什
Future Leaders 么

1. Potential Over Performance 1. 潜在的超额表现

2. Commitment To The Company
2. 对公司的承诺
3. Initiative And Self-Direction
4. Ability To Learn 3. 主动性和自我导向
5. Fearless Decision Makers 4. 学习能力
6. Excels In Uncomfortable 5. 无所畏惧的决策者
Environments And Stretch Goals 6. 在不舒适的环境和扩展目标
7. Collaborative And Feedback Seeking
8. Team Builders
7. 协作和反馈寻求
8. 团队建设者
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
1. Potential Over Performance
• Focus on high-potential employees. Its definition depends on your corporate
culture and priorities.
1. 潜在的超额表现
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
1. Potential Over Performance
• “High potentials consistently and significantly outperform their peer groups in
a variety of settings and circumstances. While achieving these superior levels
of performance, they exhibit behaviors that reflect their companies’ culture
and values in an exemplary manner. Moreover, they show a strong capacity to
grow and succeed throughout their careers within an organization—more
quickly and effectively than their peer groups do.”
1. 潜在的超额表现
• “ 在各种环境和环境中,高潜力人才的表现始终显着优于同龄人。在实
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
1. Potential Over Performance
• How can you tell if an employee has high potential? Dig deep through their
career and personal lives. Conduct in-depth behavioral interviews and
reference checks to discover if your chosen candidates have these qualities.
1. 潜在的超额表现
• 如何判断员工是否具有高潜力? 深入挖掘他们的职业和个
人生活。 进行深入的行为面试和背景调查,以了解您选择
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
2. Master new types of expertise.
3. Recognize that behavior counts.
4. 令人信服地交付强大的结果。
5. 掌握新型专业知识。
6. 认识到行为很重要。
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
You’ll never get on a high-potential list if you don’t perform with distinction or if
your results come at the expense of someone else. Competence is the baseline
quality for high performance. But you also need to prove your credibility. That
means building trust and confidence among your colleagues and, thereby,
influencing a wide array of stakeholders.
1. 可靠地交付强劲成果。
不会进入高潜力名单。 能力是高绩效的基础素质。 但你还需要证明你的可
信度。 这意味着在同事之间建立信任和信心,从而影响广泛的利益相关者。
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
Look at Jackie Goodwin, a bank executive cited by her HR department as a high potential.
Jackie started out in the insurance division but wanted to switch to banking, which she
perceived as a career path with more room for growth. Her general management skills
were highly regarded, and she had a proven track record in financial services within
insurance. The banking side’s desire for new blood and a lack of succession planning in
the region positioned her well as an outsider. Indeed, her record was as strong—if not
stronger—than that of the insiders.
1. 可靠地交付强劲成果。
看看杰基 · 古德温 (Jackie Goodwin) ,她是一位银行高管,被她的人力资源部门列
为极具潜力的人。 Jackie 最初在保险部门工作,但后来想转向银行业,她认为这
是一条有更大发展空间的职业道路。 她的一般管理技能受到高度评价,她在保险
业的金融服务方面有着良好的业绩记录。 银行方面对新鲜血液的渴望以及该地区
缺乏继任计划使她很适合局外人。 事实上,她的记录与内部人士的记录一样好—
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
When Jackie was offered a stretch assignment in the banking division—a promotion to
vice president and regional operating officer in Germany, the bank’s second largest
European operation—she accepted it, even though the odds were against her. Nobody
there had heard of her, and she knew little about banking. What’s more, she’d been
forced on the regional president, who wanted someone with experience. Her biggest
challenge was to gain credibility. The German staff was accustomed to running its own
show, so Jackie figured she’d fail if she couldn’t get the team on her side.
1. 可靠地交付强劲成果。
副总裁兼区域运营官——她接受了,尽管可能性对她不利。 那里没有人听说过她,
而且她对银行业知之甚少。 更重要的是,她被强行推给了地区总裁,后者想要一
个有经验的人。 她最大的挑战是获得信誉。 德国员工习惯于自行其是,所以杰基
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
Jackie resolved to make helping her new colleagues a priority. In her first three weeks,
she met with dozens of managers and openly acknowledged that she faced a steep
learning curve. She also focused on achieving small wins on issues that had long been
thorns in their sides. For example, she went out of her way to streamline the process for
opening new accounts.
1. 可靠地交付强劲成果。
杰基决心把帮助她的新同事作为首要任务。 在上任的前三周,
她还致力于在长期困扰双方的问题上取得小胜利。 例如,她
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
1. Deliver strong results—credibly.
s for her skeptical boss, she aimed to take as much off his plate as possible. She would
ask, “What time-consuming tasks would you like to see addressed within 90 days?” Then
she’d get right to work. For instance, he disliked confrontation, so Jackie tackled issues
with potential for conflict, such as redesigning planning processes and resolving decision
rights. She gained a reputation as a problem solver, and her influence grew steadily.
Today, Jackie is the head of all commercial lending for the bank and is still considered a
rising star.
1. 可靠地交付强劲成果。
对于她多疑的老板,她的目标是尽可能多地从他的盘子里拿走。 她会问,“你希
望在 90 天内解决哪些耗时的任务?” 然后她就可以开始工作了。 例如,他不喜
权。 她赢得了解决问题的名声,她的影响力也在稳步增长。 今天,杰基是银行所
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
2. Master new types of expertise.
Early in your career, getting noticed is all about mastering the technical expertise that the
job requires. As you progress, you need to broaden that expertise. You start by managing
an employee or a small group, and then move on to larger teams and positions (for
instance, at corporate headquarters) that require you to exercise influence despite having
limited formal authority.
2. 掌握新型专业知识。
识。 随着您的进步,您需要扩大专业知识。 您首先管理一名员工或一
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
2. Master new types of expertise.
For example, in senior roles technical excellence might fade in value relative to strategic-
thinking and motivational skills. At a certain point, you will face the challenge of letting go
as much as the challenge of adding on. Don’t aspire, for example, to be the best engineer
and the best design team leader at the same time.
2. 掌握新型专业知识。
能会逐渐减弱。 在某个时刻,你将面临放手的挑战和添加的挑战。 例
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
2. Master new types of expertise.
For some, such lessons are learned the hard way. One exceptionally talented software
engineer, whom we’ll call Luke, had won many accolades during a relatively short career.
Confident in his potential, Luke’s managers put him in charge of a team that was creating
a product extension expected to attract a whole new category of users. Luke was well
liked and happily took on the challenge, but he failed to recognize that technical skill
alone wouldn’t suffice.
2. 掌握新型专业知识。
对于一些人来说,这样的教训是通过艰难的方式学到的。 一位非常有
许多赞誉。 Luke 的经理对他的潜力充满信心,让他负责一个团队,该
团队正在创建一个有望吸引全新类别用户的产品扩展。 卢克很受欢迎
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
2. Master new types of expertise.
After several missed deadlines, company executives created a face-saving, senior-level
“expert” post for him. Meanwhile, they put another technically skilled employee, who
also had project-management expertise, in charge. Luke, no longer a high potential, went
on to have a fairly distinguished career as a technical expert, but not in an enterprise
leadership role.
2. 掌握新型专业知识。
家”职位。 与此同时,他们安排了另一名技术娴熟且具有项目管理专
业知识的员工负责。 Luke 不再具有高潜力,继续作为技术专家拥有相
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
3. Recognize that behavior counts.
Although your performance gets you noticed and promoted early in your career, your
behavior is what keeps you on the radar as a high potential. Outstanding skills never
really diminish in importance, but they become a given as you are expected to excel in
roles with broader reach. Prospective candidates for that coveted high-potential label
must demonstrate a behavioral shift from “fit and affiliation” to “role model and teacher.”
3. 认识到行为很重要。
是让你成为高潜力人才的原因。 杰出技能的重要性永远不会真正减弱,
现出色。 这个令人垂涎的高潜力标签的潜在候选人必须表现出从“适
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
3. Recognize that behavior counts.
The rise of general manager Phil Nolan to the executive ranks of his company, a market
leader in laundry products, was due in large part to his role-model qualities. Phil was
placed in charge of the firm’s troubled core product, a liquid detergent whose sales were
in a multiyear downward slide. Two high-visibility marketing managers had each been
given a chance to reinvigorate product sales. Both had tried price-reduction tactics, to no
avail. Then it was Phil’s turn. But, with a background in product development rather than
marketing, he was the dark horse candidate.”
3. 认识到行为很重要。
总经理菲尔 · 诺兰 (Phil Nolan) 晋升为洗衣产品市场领导者公司的高管,很大程度
上归功于他的榜样品质。 菲尔负责公司陷入困境的核心产品,一种液体洗涤剂,
其销售额多年来一直下滑。 两位知名度很高的营销经理各自获得了重振产品销售
的机会。 双方都尝试过降价策略,但都无济于事。 然后轮到菲尔了。 但是,凭
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
3. Recognize that behavior counts.
Fortunately, corporate executives saw more in Phil, who had engineered a turnaround at
a troubled product-development group by fostering cooperative relationships and
teamwork. Highly trustworthy, he could engage people in very candid conversations
about business challenges. As a result, he was able to get to the core of a problem quickly
and find viable solutions. Phil not only was superb at motivating people, but also had a
keen eye for patterns and an impressive strategic vision. He applied all those skills to the
new assignment.
3. 认识到行为很重要。
陷入困境的产品开发团队实现了扭亏为盈。 他非常值得信赖,可以让人们就业务
挑战进行非常坦诚的对话。 因此,他能够快速切入问题的核心并找到可行的解决
方案。 Phil 不仅善于激励人,而且对模式有着敏锐的眼光和令人印象深刻的战略
眼光。 他将所有这些技能应用到新任务中。
The Basic Anatomy of High Potentials: Three Essential Elements
3. Recognize that behavior counts.
Within the first year in his new role, Phil led his team to grow product sales by 30%. In
our interview with the company’s HR executive, she emphasized Phil’s ability to win
people over: “There is humility to him despite the fact that he is now the public face of
the brand. Phil helps his peers succeed rather than threatening them. He is a role model
for the organization.”
3. 认识到行为很重要。
在担任新职位的第一年内, Phil 带领他的团队将产品销售额增长了
30% 。 在我们对公司人力资源主管的采访中,她强调了菲尔赢得人们
Phil 帮助他的同事取得成功,而不是威胁他们。 他是该组织的榜
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
2. Commitment To The Company
• While some employees just mind their own tasks and deadlines, committed
employees go above and beyond — not just to look good, but out of genuine
interest for the company’s future.
• Center for Creative Leadership surveyed 199 high-potential employees and
found that 95% of participants were committed to their organization and 96%
were motivated by their jobs.
2 、对公司的承诺
• 虽然有些员工只关心自己的任务和截止日期,但忠诚的员工会超越
• 创意领导力中心对 199 名高潜力员工进行了调查,发现 95% 的参
与者对其组织忠诚, 96% 的参与者受到工作的激励。
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
2. Commitment To The Company
• Pay attention to employees who care about your organization. They could be
the future leaders of your company. Invest in their career and training, so they
don’t leave in search of better opportunities. The more you invest in their
future, the more you bind them to the company — whether out of gratitude,
career satisfaction, or an intrinsic feeling of belonging or connection.
2. 对公司的承诺
• 关注关心您组织的员工。 他们可能是贵公司未来的领导者。 投资
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
3. Initiative And Self-Direction
• Do senior managers lounge around doing nothing? No. The same goes for
aspiring leaders. They can do their job without too much hand-holding.
• Matt Moog, CEO of PowerReviews adds, “High potential employees go beyond
what’s asked of them. They solve problems, create opportunities, and improve
the efficiency of their own functional area.”
3. 主动性和自我导向
• 高级管理人员是否无所事事? 不会。对于有抱负的领导者来说也是
如此。 他们不需要太多的帮助就可以完成自己的工作。
• PowerReviews 首席执行官马特 · 穆格 (Matt Moog) 补充道:“高潜
力员工的表现超出了他们的要求。 他们解决问题、创造机会并提高
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
4. Ability To Learn
• CEB’s Global 2014 Talent Report for High Potential notes "ability" as one of the prime
indicators of high-potential employees. However, their description is too broad.
• Joey Price, CEO of Jumpstart:HR, narrows it down to the ability to learn. “The ability to learn
and interpret information at a fast pace is the number one trait for next-level leaders,” he
• Many of the jobs today didn’t exist a decade ago. Organizations need leaders that can adapt
to new technology and other external forces.
4. 学习能力
• CEB 的《 2014 年全球高潜力人才报告》指出,“能力”是高潜力员
工的主要指标之一。 然而,他们的描述过于宽泛。
• Jumpstart:HR 的首席执行官 Joey Price 将其范围缩小到学习能力。
• 今天的许多工作十年前并不存在。 组织需要能够适应新技术和其他
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
5. Fearless Decision Makers
• Jill Larsen, SVP of Strategic Talent Acquisition, People Planning and HR Services at Cisco, says
her company “looks for leaders who aren’t afraid of taking risks.”
• But there’s a catch. For Cisco, the right leader is also agile in correcting course in case their
decision led to the wrong path. Integrity is a big factor, as it’s dangerous to have a leader who
hides his mistakes to the organization.
5. 无所畏惧的决策者
• 思科负责战略人才招聘、人才规划和人力资源服务的高级副总裁吉
尔 · 拉森 (Jill Larsen) 表示,她的公司“寻找不怕冒险的领导者”。
• 但有一个问题。 对于 Cisco 而言,正确的领导者还可以灵活地纠正
路线,以防他们的决定导致错误的路径。 诚信是一个重要因素,因
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
6. Excels In Uncomfortable Environments And Stretch Goals
• Pushing talented employees up the corporate ladder will help them grow. But it won’t prepare
them for the rigors of a leadership position. New environments and stretch goals will.
• Todd Thibodeaux, President and CEO of CompTIA, says, “We like seeing how rising stars operate out
of their comfort zone. Given the task of organizing a cross-organizational initiative, can they build a
team, define objectives, deal with adversity, and still deliver?” He continues, “Observe how and
from whom they seek help when challenged. What kinds of questions do they ask? How do they
make adjustments, build consensus, and stretch themselves.”
6. 在不舒适的环境和扩展目标中表现出色
将有才华的员工推上公司阶梯将帮助他们成长。 但这不会让他们为担任领导职位的严
酷条件做好准备。 新的环境和延伸的目标将会。
CompTIA 总裁兼首席执行官 Todd Thibodeaux 说:“我们喜欢看到冉冉升起的新星如
何走出他们的舒适区。 考虑到组织跨组织计划的任务,他们能否组建团队、定义目标、
应对逆境并仍然交付成果?” 他继续说道,“观察他们在受到挑战时如何以及向谁寻
求帮助。 他们会问什么类型的问题? 他们如何进行调整、建立共识并扩展自己。”
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
6. Excels In Uncomfortable Environments And Stretch Goals
• The outcome isn’t as important as the process. Of course, meeting the metrics increases the
employee’s appeal as a future leader, but attempts to game the system is a bad sign.
• Eric Kaufmann, President of Sagatica, shared this example of a stretch goal. “A VP of HR was
asked to create a process to help the CEO shift its company culture from engineering to a
customer-centric culture,” he says.
6. 在不舒适的环境和扩展目标中表现出色
结果并不像过程那么重要。 当然,满足这些指标会增加员工作为未来
Sagatica 总裁埃里克 · 考夫曼 (Eric Kaufmann) 分享了这个延伸目标的例
子。 “人力资源副总裁被要求创建一个流程,帮助首席执行官将公司
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
6. Excels In Uncomfortable Environments And Stretch Goals
• The VP had to build political trust with other teams, create programs explaining the pros and
cons of the change, and get the buy-in of several VPS and C-suite members. The stretch goal
forced him to leave the processes he knew, and exercise his influence, while building
relationships and inspiring others.
6. 在不舒适的环境和扩展目标中表现出色
获得几位 VPS 和最高管理层成员的支持。 延伸目标迫使他离开他所
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
7. Collaborative And Feedback Seeking
• Moog says, “Our leaders need to excel at collaboration. They must value diverse points of
view.” Look for employees who respect negative opinions, and are always ready to address
criticisms co-workers throw at them.
7. 协作和反馈寻求
穆格表示:“我们的领导者需要擅长协作。 他们必须重视不同的观
点。” 寻找尊重负面意见并随时准备应对同事提出的批评的员工。
What Companies Look For In Future Leaders
8. Team Builders
• A team’s diverse opinions, skill sets and backgrounds don’t hinder a true leader. It’s an asset
that lends agility to the group. As a result, employees love working with them.
How do you know if a high-potential can lead a team? “One gauge is the number of former
employees that worked for that person many times,” says Larsen. Conduct reference checks to
see how many of their former co-workers and subordinates would love to work for them again.

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