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Department of Health


Operational Manual
for Sanitation Inspectors
Part I Part II
Technical Mandate
of Sanitation

Prepared by:
Environmental and Occupational Health Unit
Part II
Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspector

Food Sanitation

Department of Health
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation

Section II – Food Sanitation

To prevent food borne diseases and spoilage
of food and food materials, proper food
surveillance and control are among the major
activities in the field of sanitation.
Department of Health

Effective measures for the prevention of

food-borne diseases and the provision of safe
and wholesome food to the community may
be achieved through proper control of food
establishments, food handlers, food and food
materials and provision of environmental
sanitary facilities.
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation

Section 2.1– Control or monitoring and surveillance of Food

Food establishments include eating and drinking places where food and drinks are
processed, manufactured, served or stored. These can be classified as follows:

1. Food Eating and Drinking Establishments

2. Food Processing
Department of Health

3. Food Retailing
4. Street Food Trade
5. Market and Slaughterhouse
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation

The food eating and drinking establishments can be classified into three
categories based on the sanitation standard rating.

A 90% - 100% (EXCELLENT)
C 50% - 69% (SATISFACTORY)
Department of Health
Sanitary Permit
a) New Food Establishment
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Any person or entity who wishes to
operate a food establishment must apply
for a sanitary permit prior to obtaining a
business license.
The following requirement shall be
attached to the application for Sanitary
1. Floor Plan of the establishment
2. Health Certificates of all the food
handlers with corresponding
laboratory results
3. Copy of recent water
bacteriological analysis
Department of Health

b) Existing Food Establishment

All existing food establishments shall
be required to renew their Sanitary
Permit starting January of every year.
You are required to carry out routine
inspection of all existing food
establishments. The food establishments
have to maintain the 50% and above

rating. If the rate is still below 50%

after a follow-up inspection, issue a
sanitary order.
Department of Health
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors
Flow Chart of Inspection for New Establishment
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors


Assessment / Evaluation No

(meets the standard sanitation requirement?)

Department of Health

Recommend for
Approval of the

Issuance of Sanitary
Permit and Posting of
Sanitary Order
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors You should recommend to the
MHO/CHO the issuance of sanitary
order to the food establishments that
failed to institute measures within the
grace period. Use the Sanitary Order
Form (EHS Form No. 107).

◦ Grave Condition
Whenever the sanitary condition is
grave (e.q. sale of adulterated or
spoiled food), and may endanger public
health, recommend the immediate
suspension of Sanitary Permit and issue
a Sanitary Order for the correction of
Department of Health

deficiencies and defects.

◦ Lifting of Suspension
Recommend lifting of suspension of
permit when the food operator /
Manager has satisfactorily corrected
the defects.

◦ Second Sanitary Order

Issue a second sanitary order if the
grace period has elapsed and the food
operator still fails to comply.
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors

Compliance to Sanitary Order


Conduct re-inspection on the food

establishment after the grace period has
elapsed. Issue Compliance to Sanitary
Order if deficiencies are corrected.
Department of Health
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors

Notice of Hearing

Give a Notice of Hearing to the operator

of the food establishment that fails to
comply with the sanitation orders
Department of Health
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation
Revocation of Sanitary Permit
a) In case of non-compliance with the 1st Sanitary Order issued, the
City/Municipal Health Officer shall conduct a preliminary hearing
with the presence of the respondent and Sanitation Inspector.
b) If the food operator/manager is amenable to comply with the given Order , and
needs time, the CHO/MHO may grant an extension on the grace period in
consultation with you.
c) If the food operator/manager refuses or fail to comply, the CHO/MHO takes
action on the revocation without delay.
Department of Health

d) The CHO/MHO informs other related agencies of the City/Municipality regarding

the revocation.
e) The Local Health Authority files court proceedings against any establishment,
which continuously operates after the revocation of its permit.
f) The establishment owner may appeal the case in court if he/she is not satisfied

with the action taken by the Local Health Authority.

g) With your assistance, the CHO/MHO must appear in court. Court decision is
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors
Control of Food and Food Materials

Effective control of food and food materials

may be achieved by safeguarding them for
possible contamination at source, transport,
storage, handling and serving.

This may be realized through training of food

workers and enforcement of existing laws or
local ordinances.
1. Source
Surveillance of food sources:
i. Food source in the assignment area
Department of Health

ii. Food and food materials coming from other

2. Transport
3. Handling and Serving
2. Preparation
3. Storage
4. Serving
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation
Control of Food Handlers
Here are the steps to be done to control food handlers

a) Conduct of food handlers and training.

All food establishment owners/operators and food
handlers must be trained in food sanitation and
personal hygiene.
b) Issuance of Health Certificates
Department of Health

All food handlers and operators must have health certificate prior to employment
and must be renewed yearly after passing the physical and medical examinations.
c) Provision of environmental sanitary facilities
All food establishments must comply with the provisions of sanitary facilities
and structural requirements stated in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of

Chapter III (Food Establishments). As SI always be familiar with it and utilized it in

the conduct of inspection and other food sanitation activities.
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation

Regulation of other Food Establishments

a) Market and Slaughterhouse

Provisions of sanitation requirement of these food
establishments based from IRRs on Chapters III and
IV of PD 856 shall be applied.

b) Street Food Trade (SFT)

Department of Health

Regulation of this SFT is under the discretion of LCE with consideration of the
following conditions.
 Issuance of Street Food Trade Permit
 Issuance of Health Certificate
 Coordination with the local officials in the designation of Street Food Vending Areas
 Actual inspection
Department of Health
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors
Department of Health
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors
Department of Health
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors
Part II – Technical Mandate of Sanitation Inspectors
Operational Manual for Sanitation Inspectors Section II – Food Sanitation

Points to Remember:
Under the Food Sanitation Provision, you are expected to conduct the following
 Regular inspection of food establishments to assess:
 Periodic inspection to enforces the maintenance of adequate sanitation as
stipulated in the IRR of the Code.
Department of Health

 Periodic sampling of food and drinks for determination of wholesomeness and

 Report findings of inspection and laboratory tests to local health officer for
appropriate action, whenever necessary and for related.

In relation to food quality and the Act Promoting Salt Iodization Nationwide and for
Related Purposes, you are also expected to check and monitor the quality of food-
grade salt being sold in markets in order to ascertain that such salt is properly
Thank You….

Department of Health

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