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Creation of DFDs

What is a Data Flow Diagram

 Data flow diagrams model the flow of data into,

through, and out of an information system:
 show the processes that change or transform data
 show the movement of data between processes
 represent a system as a network of processes which
transform data flowing between them
Why dataflow diagrams
 The sponsor of a project and the end users will need to be briefed and consulted
throughout all stages of a system's evolution.
 With a data flow diagram, users are able to visualize how the system will operate,
what the system will accomplish, and how the system will be implemented.
 The old system's dataflow diagrams can be drawn up and compared with the new
system's data flow diagrams to draw comparisons to implement a more efficient
 Data flow diagrams can be used to provide the end user with a physical idea of where
the data they input ultimately has an effect upon the structure of the whole system
from order to dispatch to report.
Types of DFDs
Logical DFD
 A logical DFD captures the high level processes and data flows that are necessary for
a system to operate.
 It describes the processes that are undertaken, the data required and produced by
each process, and the stores needed to hold the data.
Physical DFD
Depicting that physical implementation of devices, software, files and people to enable
the business processes. In this sense, the physical DFD becomes the method of giving the
business what it needs. It’s the “how” fueling the “what.”
Physical DFD Example – course registration
Benefits of DFDs
 By starting with a current logical DFD, you map the flow of business data as they exist, which can
highlight any shortcomings or inefficiencies. Or, you may already know the type of functionality you’re
seeking to add, and the current logical DFD will help to reveal process steps that may need to be
dropped or changed.
 Another benefit of logical DFDs is that they tend to be more easily understandable to non-technical
people. They will likely make sense to the people working in the business activities. They will serve as a
good tool for collaborating and communicating about better information and functioning, without
concern for the “how” yet. They will serve as a bridge from business needs to technical requirements.
 The discipline of mapping out the current logical flow will help everyone involved to gain a deeper
understanding and reveal mistaken assumptions, misunderstandings or shortcomings. Doing logical
models reduces the risk of missing business requirements that otherwise would arise belatedly in the
process, causing delays and rework.
Differences between the flowcharting and
 DFDs differ from flowcharts, which show the steps to complete a process, usually with
simple boxes and arrows.
 Flowcharts don’t show inputs or outputs from external sources, and they don’t show the
path of data that will complete the process.
DFD Naming Guidelines
 External Entity  Noun
 Data Flow  Names of data
 Process  verb phrase
 a system name
 a subsystem name

 Data Store  Noun

Context Diagram
 The first DFD in every business process is the context diagram.
 It is a conceptual diagram
 It defines the system boundaries.
 It would not contain any data store
 The context diagram shows the overall business process as just one process
(shown in the form of bubble) and shows the data flows to and from external
Level 0 Diagram
 The level 0 diagram (or level 0 DFD) shows all the major high-level processes of the
system and how they are interrelated.
 it "expands" the single process on the context diagram to show the major, high-level
processes (or functions) within the system (the data stores, external entities, and data
flows among them.)
 The number of each process ends in .0 which corresponds to the level of the diagram: e.g.
1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc
 A key concept: Balancing

- Ensuring that all information presented in a DFD at one level is accurately represented
in the next-level DFD.
 A process model has one and only one level 0 DFD.
Level 1 Diagrams
 Each process on the level 0 DFD can be decomposed into
a more explicit DFD called level 1 diagram (or level 1
 It is important to ensure that level 0 and level 1 DFDs
are balanced.
 All process models have as many level 1 diagrams as
there are processes on the level 0 diagram.
 The parent process and the children processes are
numbered consistently.
Elements of DFDs
 External Entities
 People, organizations or systems that the system being modelled
communicates with
 Rather like actors, except an external entity is not necessarily a direct
user of the system
 Typically trigger processes

Elements of DFDs
 Processes
 Processes that transform data in some way
 Named and numbered
 Normally require at least one input and produce at least one output
 Inputs / outputs (I/O) may flow to or from other processes, data stores or
external entities

Elements of DFDs
 Data Stores
 Data flows are always labelled with nouns – not verbs
 Represent the places where data is stored
 Typically files or database tables
 In a manual system can represent physical data stores, like card indexes
or filing systems

Eligibility DB
Elements of DFDs
 Data Flows
 Flows of data between:
 external entities and processes
 processes and other processes
 processes and data stores
 Can be simple data elements or complex data structures

Sales plan
Data Dictionaries
 DFDs are supported by data dictionary entries
 Each element is defined in a data dictionary
 Data elements - name and data type
 Data flows - name and content
 Data stores - name and data structures contained
 Processes - name and specification of the process, for
example in Structured English
Creating Data Flow Diagrams
1. Identify the external and internal entities
2. Create a list of activities performed by each entity (How is the system being used?)
3. Information processing (changes in the states of information or adding value to the
information – for eg - verification)
4. Non information processing – transmission (receiving/sending of information)
5. Divide the list of activities in to logical parts
• (basis : same time-same place / performed by one role /conceptually related)
6. Construct Context Level DFD
(identifies external entities and processes)
7. Construct Level 0 DFD
(identifies manageable sub process )
8. Construct Level 1- n DFD
(identifies actual data flows and data stores )
9. Check against rules of DFD
Rules for creating the DFDs

Look at the DFD rules document

Definition of Source and Sink
 Source means “ a data source” – A source represents any data source that is identified the
outside of the boundary of the process the DFD is modelling.
 Similarly A Sink means – it is any destination for data but that is outside the boundary of
the process the DFD is modelling.
Context diagram for Sales expenses approval

Sales expenses
approval System

Transfer money to
emp account

Eligibility details

Level 0 DFD Claim proposal

DFD Level 0 Diagram

claim Eligibility
Eligibility DB
1.0 DB
Sales expenses Claim Validated claim
Executive Validated claim
Claim Sales
Sales Plan
Plan DB
HR Exectutive eligibility
check Eligibility approval
Sales Plan
Sales 3.0
manager validation

Account 4.0
clerk payment Cliam
payment DB
verifica 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

0.0 OD 2.0
Check 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Interest 3.1
Level 0 diagram

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